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(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
(* Generic mapred over Heptagon AST *)
(* The basic idea is to provide a top-down pass over an Heptagon AST. If you
call [program_it hept_funs_default acc p], with [p] an heptagon program and
[acc] the accumulator of your choice, it will go through the whole AST,
passing the accumulator without touching it, and applying the identity
function on the AST. It'll return [p, acc].
To customize your pass, you need to redefine some functions of the
[hept_funs_default] record. Each field in the record handles one node type,
and the function held in the field will be called when the iterator
encounters the corresponding node type.
You can imitate the default functions defined here, and named corresponding
to the [hep_it_funs] field (corresponding to the Heptagon AST type). There
are two types of functions, the ones handling record types, and the more
special ones handling sum types. If you don't want to deal with every
constructor, you can simply finish your matching with [| _ -> raise
Misc.Fallback]: it will then fall back to the generic handling for these
construtors, defined in this file.
Note that the iterator is a top-down one. If you want to use it in a
bottom-up manner (e.g. visiting expressions before visiting an equation), you
need to manually call the proper recursive function (defined here) in the
beginning of your handler. For example:
let eq funs acc eq =
let (eq, acc) = Hept_mapfold.eq funs acc eq in
(eq, acc)
The record provided here and the functions to iterate over any type
([type_it]) enable lots of different ways to deal with the AST.
Discover it by yourself !*)
(* /!\ Do not EVER put in your funs record one of the generic iterator function
[type_it]. You should always put a custom version or the default version
provided in this file. Trespassers will loop infinitely! /!\ *)
open Misc
open Errors
open Global_mapfold
open Heptagon
type 'a hept_it_funs = {
app : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> app -> app * 'a;
block : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> block -> block * 'a;
edesc : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> desc -> desc * 'a;
eq : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> eq -> eq * 'a;
eqdesc : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> eqdesc -> eqdesc * 'a;
escape_unless : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> escape -> escape * 'a;
escape_until : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> escape -> escape * 'a;
exp : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> exp -> exp * 'a;
pat : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> pat -> pat * 'a;
present_handler: 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> present_handler -> present_handler * 'a;
state_handler : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> state_handler -> state_handler * 'a;
switch_handler : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> switch_handler -> switch_handler * 'a;
var_dec : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> var_dec -> var_dec * 'a;
last : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> last -> last * 'a;
contract : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> contract -> contract * 'a;
node_dec : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> node_dec -> node_dec * 'a;
const_dec : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> const_dec -> const_dec * 'a;
program : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> program -> program * 'a;
program_desc : 'a hept_it_funs -> 'a -> program_desc -> program_desc * 'a;
global_funs : 'a Global_mapfold.global_it_funs }
let rec exp_it funs acc e = funs.exp funs acc e
and exp funs acc e =
let e_desc, acc = edesc_it funs acc e.e_desc in
let e_ty, acc = ty_it funs.global_funs acc e.e_ty in
let e_ct_annot, acc = optional_wacc (ct_it funs.global_funs) acc e.e_ct_annot in
let e_level_ck, acc = ck_it funs.global_funs acc e.e_level_ck in
{ e with e_desc = e_desc; e_ty = e_ty; e_ct_annot = e_ct_annot; e_level_ck = e_level_ck }, acc
and edesc_it funs acc ed =
try funs.edesc funs acc ed
with Fallback -> edesc funs acc ed
and edesc funs acc ed = match ed with
| Econst se ->
let se, acc = static_exp_it funs.global_funs acc se in
Econst se, acc
| Evar v ->
let v, acc = var_ident_it funs.global_funs acc v in
Evar v, acc
| Elast v ->
let v, acc = var_ident_it funs.global_funs acc v in
Elast v, acc
| Epre (se, e) ->
let se, acc = optional_wacc (static_exp_it funs.global_funs) acc se in
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
Epre (se, e), acc
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
let e1, acc = exp_it funs acc e1 in
let e2, acc = exp_it funs acc e2 in
Efby (e1,e2), acc
| Estruct n_e_list ->
let aux acc (n,e) =
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
(n,e), acc in
let n_e_list, acc = mapfold aux acc n_e_list in
Estruct n_e_list, acc
| Eapp (app, args, reset) ->
let app, acc = app_it funs acc app in
let args, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc args in
let reset, acc = optional_wacc (exp_it funs) acc reset in
Eapp (app, args, reset), acc
| Eiterator (i, app, params, pargs, args, reset) ->
let app, acc = app_it funs acc app in
let params, acc = mapfold (static_exp_it funs.global_funs) acc params in
let pargs, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc pargs in
let args, acc = mapfold (exp_it funs) acc args in
let reset, acc = optional_wacc (exp_it funs) acc reset in
Eiterator (i, app, params, pargs, args, reset), acc
| Ewhen (e, c, n) ->
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
let n, acc = var_ident_it funs.global_funs acc n in
Ewhen (e, c, n), acc
| Emerge (n, c_e_list) ->
let n, acc = var_ident_it funs.global_funs acc n in
let aux acc (c,e) =
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
(c,e), acc
let c_e_list, acc = mapfold aux acc c_e_list in
Emerge (n, c_e_list), acc
| Esplit (e1, e2) ->
let e1, acc = exp_it funs acc e1 in
let e2, acc = exp_it funs acc e2 in
Esplit(e1, e2), acc
and app_it funs acc a = funs acc a
and app funs acc a =
let p, acc = mapfold (static_exp_it funs.global_funs) acc a.a_params in
{ a with a_params = p }, acc
and pat_it funs acc p =
try funs.pat funs acc p
with Fallback -> pat funs acc p
and pat funs acc p = match p with
| Etuplepat pl ->
let pl, acc = mapfold (pat_it funs) acc pl in
Etuplepat pl, acc
| Evarpat v ->
let v, acc = var_ident_it funs.global_funs acc v in
Evarpat v, acc
and eq_it funs acc eq = funs.eq funs acc eq
and eq funs acc eq =
let eqdesc, acc = eqdesc_it funs acc eq.eq_desc in
{ eq with eq_desc = eqdesc }, acc
and eqdesc_it funs acc eqd =
try funs.eqdesc funs acc eqd
with Fallback -> eqdesc funs acc eqd
and eqdesc funs acc eqd = match eqd with
| Eautomaton st_h_l ->
let st_h_l, acc = mapfold (state_handler_it funs) acc st_h_l in
Eautomaton st_h_l, acc
| Eswitch (e, sw_h_l) ->
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
let sw_h_l, acc = mapfold (switch_handler_it funs) acc sw_h_l in
Eswitch (e, sw_h_l), acc
| Epresent (p_h_l, b) ->
let p_h_l, acc = mapfold (present_handler_it funs) acc p_h_l in
let b, acc = block_it funs acc b in
Epresent (p_h_l, b), acc
| Ereset (b, e) ->
let b, acc = block_it funs acc b in
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
Ereset (b, e), acc
| Eblock b ->
let b, acc = block_it funs acc b in
Eblock b, acc
| Eeq (p, e) ->
let p, acc = pat_it funs acc p in
let e, acc = exp_it funs acc e in
Eeq (p, e), acc
and block_it funs acc b = funs.block funs acc b
and block funs acc b =
let b_local, acc = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) acc b.b_local in
let b_equs, acc = mapfold (eq_it funs) acc b.b_equs in
let b_defnames, acc =
(fun v v_dec (env,acc) ->
let v, acc = var_ident_it funs.global_funs acc v in
let v_dec, acc = var_dec_it funs acc v_dec in
let env = Idents.Env.add v v_dec env in
env, acc)
(Idents.Env.empty, acc) in
{ b with b_local = b_local; b_equs = b_equs; b_defnames = b_defnames }, acc
and state_handler_it funs acc s = funs.state_handler funs acc s
and state_handler funs acc s =
let s_unless, acc = mapfold (escape_unless_it funs) acc s.s_unless in
let s_block, acc = block_it funs acc s.s_block in
let s_until, acc = mapfold (escape_until_it funs) acc s.s_until in
{ s with s_block = s_block; s_until = s_until; s_unless = s_unless }, acc
(** escape is a generic function to deal with the automaton state escapes,
still the iterator function record differentiate until and unless
with escape_until_it and escape_unless_it *)
and escape_unless_it funs acc esc = funs.escape_unless funs acc esc
and escape_until_it funs acc esc = funs.escape_until funs acc esc
and escape funs acc esc =
let e_cond, acc = exp_it funs acc esc.e_cond in
{ esc with e_cond = e_cond }, acc
and switch_handler_it funs acc sw = funs.switch_handler funs acc sw
and switch_handler funs acc sw =
let w_block, acc = block_it funs acc sw.w_block in
{ sw with w_block = w_block }, acc
and present_handler_it funs acc ph = funs.present_handler funs acc ph
and present_handler funs acc ph =
let p_cond, acc = exp_it funs acc ph.p_cond in
let p_block, acc = block_it funs acc ph.p_block in
{ p_cond = p_cond; p_block = p_block }, acc
and var_dec_it funs acc vd = funs.var_dec funs acc vd
and var_dec funs acc vd =
let v_type, acc = ty_it funs.global_funs acc vd.v_type in
let v, acc = var_ident_it funs.global_funs acc vd.v_ident in
let v_clock, acc = ck_it funs.global_funs acc vd.v_clock in
let v_last, acc = last_it funs acc vd.v_last in
{ vd with v_last = v_last; v_type = v_type; v_clock = v_clock; v_ident = v }, acc
and last_it funs acc l =
try funs.last funs acc l
with Fallback -> last funs acc l
and last funs acc l = match l with
| Var -> l, acc
| Last sto ->
let sto, acc = optional_wacc (static_exp_it funs.global_funs) acc sto in
Last sto, acc
and contract_it funs acc c = funs.contract funs acc c
and contract funs acc c =
let c_assume, acc = exp_it funs acc c.c_assume in
let c_enforce, acc = exp_it funs acc c.c_enforce in
let c_assume_loc, acc = exp_it funs acc c.c_assume_loc in
let c_enforce_loc, acc = exp_it funs acc c.c_enforce_loc in
let c_block, acc = block_it funs acc c.c_block in
let c_controllables, acc = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) acc c.c_controllables in
{ c_assume = c_assume;
c_enforce = c_enforce;
c_assume_loc = c_assume_loc;
c_enforce_loc = c_enforce_loc;
c_block = c_block;
c_controllables = c_controllables },
and param_it funs acc vd = funs.param funs acc vd
and param funs acc vd =
let v_last, acc = last_it funs acc vd.v_last in
{ vd with v_last = v_last }, acc
and node_dec_it funs acc nd =
Idents.enter_node nd.n_name;
funs.node_dec funs acc nd
and node_dec funs acc nd =
let n_input, acc = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) acc nd.n_input in
let n_output, acc = mapfold (var_dec_it funs) acc nd.n_output in
let n_params, acc = mapfold (param_it funs.global_funs) acc nd.n_params in
let n_contract, acc = optional_wacc (contract_it funs) acc nd.n_contract in
let n_block, acc = block_it funs acc nd.n_block in
{ nd with
n_input = n_input;
n_output = n_output;
n_block = n_block;
n_params = n_params;
n_contract = n_contract }
, acc
and const_dec_it funs acc c = funs.const_dec funs acc c
and const_dec funs acc c =
let c_type, acc = ty_it funs.global_funs acc c.c_type in
let c_value, acc = static_exp_it funs.global_funs acc c.c_value in
{ c with c_value = c_value; c_type = c_type }, acc
and program_it funs acc p = funs.program funs acc p
and program funs acc p =
let p_desc, acc = mapfold (program_desc_it funs) acc p.p_desc in
{ p with p_desc = p_desc }, acc
and program_desc_it funs acc pd =
try funs.program_desc funs acc pd
with Fallback -> program_desc funs acc pd
and program_desc funs acc pd = match pd with
| Pconst cd -> let cd, acc = const_dec_it funs acc cd in Pconst cd, acc
| Ptype _td -> pd, acc (* TODO types *)
| Pnode n -> let n, acc = node_dec_it funs acc n in Pnode n, acc
let defaults = {
app = app;
block = block;
edesc = edesc;
eq = eq;
eqdesc = eqdesc;
escape_unless = escape;
escape_until = escape;
exp = exp;
pat = pat;
present_handler = present_handler;
state_handler = state_handler;
switch_handler = switch_handler;
var_dec = var_dec;
last = last;
contract = contract;
node_dec = node_dec;
const_dec = const_dec;
program = program;
program_desc = program_desc;
global_funs = Global_mapfold.defaults }
let defaults_stop = {
app = stop;
block = stop;
edesc = stop;
eq = stop;
eqdesc = stop;
escape_unless = stop;
escape_until = stop;
exp = stop;
pat = stop;
present_handler = stop;
state_handler = stop;
switch_handler = stop;
var_dec = stop;
last = stop;
contract = stop;
node_dec = stop;
const_dec = stop;
program = stop;
program_desc = stop;
global_funs = Global_mapfold.defaults_stop }