2017-02-23 02:45:04 +01:00

727 lines
27 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Nicolas Berthier, SUMO, INRIA *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> *)
(* *)
(** Translation from the source language to Controllable-Nbac
@author Nicolas Berthier *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Compiler_utils
open Ctrln_utils
open Signature
open Types
open Names
open Idents
open Minils
open CtrlNbac
open AST
let (&) f g = f g
exception Untranslatable of string (* XXX not catched yet! *)
(* --- *)
let tt = mk_bcst' true
let ff = mk_bcst' false
(* --- *)
(** Private record gathering temporary generation data *)
type 'f gen_data =
typdefs: 'f typdefs;
decls: 'f node_decls;
base: (var_ident * ty) SMap.t;
local: (var_ident * ty) SMap.t;
contrs: (var_ident * ty) SMap.t;
output: IdentSet.t;
init_cond: 'f bexp;
init_state: 'f bexp;
assertion: 'f bexp;
invariant: 'f bexp;
reachable: 'f bexp option;
attractive: 'f bexp option;
remaining_contrs: SSet.t; (* All controllable inputs that has not yet
been assigned to a U/C group. *)
local_contr_deps: SSet.t SMap.t; (* All variables that depend on a
controllable. *)
extra_inputs: SSet.t;
uc_groups: (SSet.t * SSet.t) list;
(* --- *)
let mk_gen_data typdefs decls input local output init_cond =
base = input;
contrs = SMap.empty;
remaining_contrs = SSet.empty;
local_contr_deps = SMap.empty;
extra_inputs = SSet.empty;
uc_groups = [];
init_state = tt;
assertion = tt;
invariant = tt;
reachable = None;
attractive = None;
(* --- *)
let translate_constr { name } = mk_label & mk_symb name (* XXX use qual name? *)
let translate_constrs cl = mk_etyp (List.map translate_constr cl)
(* --- *)
let rec translate_typ typ = match Modules.unalias_type typ with
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" }) -> `Bool
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "int" }) -> `Int
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "float" }) -> `Real
| Tid ({ name = tn } as t) -> (match Modules.find_type t with
| Tenum _ -> `Enum (mk_typname (mk_symb tn))
| Talias t -> translate_typ t (* XXX? *)
| _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("type "^ fullname t))
| Tprod _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("product type")
| Tarray _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("array type")
| Tinvalid -> failwith "Encountered an invalid type!"
let rec fintypp typ = match Modules.unalias_type typ with
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" }) -> true
| Tid t -> (match Modules.find_type t with
| Tenum _ -> true
| Talias t -> fintypp t (* XXX? *)
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let ref_of_ty ty = match translate_typ ty with
| `Bool -> mk_bref
| `Enum _ -> mk_eref
| `Int | `Real -> mk_nref
(* --- *)
let simplify_static_exp se = (Static.simplify QualEnv.empty se).se_desc
let translate_static_bexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sbool true | Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "true" } -> tt
| Sbool false | Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "false" } -> ff
| _ -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Boolean static expression expected! (found@ \
`%a')" Global_printer.print_static_exp se)
let translate_static_eexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "true" as n }
| Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "false" as n } ->
failwith ("Enum static expression expected! (found `"^n^"')")
| Sconstructor c -> `Enum (translate_constr c)
| _ -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Enum static expression expected! (found@ \
`%a')" Global_printer.print_static_exp se)
let translate_static_nexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sint v -> `Int v
| Sfloat v -> `Real v
| Sop ({ qual = Pervasives; name="~-" },[{ se_desc = Sint v }]) -> `Int (-v)
| Sop ({ qual = Pervasives; name="~-." },[{ se_desc=Sfloat v }]) -> `Real (-.v)
| _ -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Numerical static expression expected! (found\
@ `%a')" Global_printer.print_static_exp se)
(* --- *)
let rec translate_ext_bexp ~pref : _ -> 'f bexp = function
| Wconst se -> translate_static_bexp se
| Wvar id -> mk_bref' (pref & mk_symb & name id)
| Wfield _ -> failwith "TODO Unsupported Boolean `field' expression!"
| Wwhen (ev, _, _) -> translate_ext_bexp ~pref ev.w_desc
| Wreinit _ -> failwith "TODO Unsupported Boolean `reinit' expression!"
and translate_ext_eexp ~pref : _ -> 'f eexp = function
| Wconst se -> translate_static_eexp se
| Wvar id -> mk_eref' (pref & mk_symb & name id)
| Wwhen (ev, _, _) -> translate_ext_eexp ~pref ev.w_desc
| _ -> failwith "TODO Unsupported Enum expression!"
and translate_ext_nexp ~pref : _ -> 'f nexp = function
| Wconst se -> translate_static_nexp se
| Wvar id -> mk_nref' (pref & mk_symb & name id)
| Wwhen (ev, _, _) -> translate_ext_nexp ~pref ev.w_desc
| _ -> failwith "TODO Unsupported Numerical expression!"
let translate_ext ~pref ext = match translate_typ ext.w_ty with
| `Bool -> `Bexp (translate_ext_bexp ~pref ext.w_desc)
| `Enum _ -> `Eexp (translate_ext_eexp ~pref ext.w_desc)
| `Int | `Real -> `Nexp (translate_ext_nexp ~pref ext.w_desc)
(* --- *)
let translate_app ~pref op el =
let pervasives = function
| "not", [e] -> mk_neg e
|("~-" | "~-."), [e] -> mk_opp e
| "or", e::l -> mk_disj e l
| "&", e::l -> mk_conj e l
| "xor", [e;f] -> mk_xor e f
| "=>", [e;f] -> mk_disj (mk_neg e) [f]
| "=", [e;f] -> mk_eq e f
| "<>", [e;f] -> mk_ne e f
|("<" | "<."), [e;f] -> mk_lt e f
|("<=" | "<=."), [e;f] -> mk_le e f
|(">" | ">."), [e;f] -> mk_gt e f
|(">=" | ">=."), [e;f] -> mk_ge e f
|("+" | "+."), e::f::l -> mk_sum e f l
|("-" | "-."), e::f::l -> mk_sub e f l
|("*" | "*."), e::f::l -> mk_mul e f l
|("/" | "/."), e::f::l -> mk_div e f l
| name, _ -> raise (Untranslatable name)
match op, List.map (translate_ext ~pref) el with
| Eequal, [e;f] -> mk_eq e f
| Efun { qual = Pervasives; name }, el -> pervasives (name, el)
| Eifthenelse, [c;t;e] -> mk_cond c t e
| _ -> failwith "Unsupported application!"
(** [translate_exp gd e] translates the {e memoryless} expression [e] into its
Controllable Nbac representation. *)
let rec translate_exp ~pref ({ e_desc = desc }) = (* XXX clock? *)
match desc with
| Eextvalue ext -> translate_ext ~pref ext
| Eapp ({ a_op }, el, _) -> translate_app ~pref a_op el
| Emerge (v, (_c, e) :: l) ->
let v = pref & mk_symb & name v in
(fun x (c, e) -> mk_cond
(mk_eq (mk_eref v) (mk_ecst (translate_constr c)))
(translate_ext ~pref e) x)
(translate_ext ~pref e)
| Ewhen (exp, _, _) -> translate_exp ~pref exp
| Efby _ -> failwith "TODO: translate_exp (fby)"
| Estruct _ -> failwith "TODO: translate_exp (struct)"
| _ -> failwith "TODO: translate_exp"
(* --- *)
let rec translate_clk ~pref on off = function
| Clocks.Cbase | Clocks.Cvar { contents = Clocks.Cindex _ } -> on
| Clocks.Cvar { contents = Clocks.Clink ck } -> translate_clk ~pref on off ck
| Clocks.Con (ck, {name = cstr}, v) ->
let v = pref & mk_symb & name v in
let c = mk_eq (mk_eref v) (mk_ecst (mk_label (mk_symb cstr))) in
translate_clk ~pref (mk_cond c on off) off ck
(* --- *)
let acc_dependencies_on vars deps_on_vars i e = fold_exp_dependencies
(fun v s ->
if SSet.mem v vars then SSet.add v s
else try SSet.union s (SMap.find v deps_on_vars) with
| Not_found -> s)
e i
(* --- *)
let add_state_var' ~pref gd id ty exp init =
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
let typ = translate_typ ty in
let mk_init = match typ, init with
| _, None -> (fun b -> b)
| `Bool, Some i -> mk_and' (mk_beq' (mk_bref' v) (translate_static_bexp i))
| `Enum _, Some i -> mk_and' (mk_eeq' (mk_eref' v) (translate_static_eexp i))
| #ntyp, Some i -> mk_and' (mk_neq' (mk_nref' v) (translate_static_nexp i))
{ gd with
decls = SMap.add v (typ, `State (exp, None), None) gd.decls;
init_state = mk_init gd.init_state; }, v
let add_state_var ~pref gd id ty exp init =
let gd, v = add_state_var' ~pref gd id ty exp init in
{ gd with base = SMap.add v (id, ty) gd.base; }
(* TODO : add_local_var instead ? (NB : state var used for simulation) *)
let add_output_var ~pref gd id ty exp =
add_state_var' ~pref gd id ty exp None |> fst
let add_local_var ~pref gd id ty exp =
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
let typ = translate_typ ty in
let ldeps = fold_exp_dependencies (fun v acc ->
if SSet.mem v gd.remaining_contrs then SSet.add v acc
else try SSet.union acc (SMap.find v gd.local_contr_deps) with
| Not_found -> acc)
let local_contr_deps = SMap.add v ldeps gd.local_contr_deps in
{ gd with
decls = SMap.add v (typ, `Local (exp, None), None) gd.decls;
local_contr_deps; }
(* TODO : merge with definition above ? *)
let add_output_var ~pref gd id ty exp =
add_local_var ~pref gd id ty exp
let declare_additional_input ~pref gd id =
let l = mk_symb & name id in
let v = pref l in
let t = SMap.find l gd.local |> snd |> translate_typ in
{ gd with
decls = SMap.add v (t, `Input one, None) gd.decls;
extra_inputs = SSet.add v gd.extra_inputs; }
| Not_found -> (* output of the main node. *)
assert (IdentSet.mem id gd.output);
(* --- *)
let close_uc_group gd defined_contrs =
let rem = SSet.diff gd.remaining_contrs defined_contrs in
let lcd = SMap.map (SSet.inter rem) gd.local_contr_deps in
let lcd = SMap.filter (fun _ d -> not (SSet.is_empty d)) lcd in
{ gd with
remaining_contrs = rem;
extra_inputs = SSet.empty;
local_contr_deps = lcd;
uc_groups = (gd.extra_inputs, defined_contrs) :: gd.uc_groups; }
(* --- *)
let pat_ids pat =
let rec acc_pat acc = function
| Evarpat id -> ((* pref & *)(* mk_symb & name *)id) :: acc
| Etuplepat pats -> List.fold_left acc_pat acc pats
acc_pat [] pat |> List.rev
let translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat _f args =
let results = pat_ids (* ~pref *) pat in
let args = List.map (translate_ext ~pref) args in
let gd =
(* in case of dependencies on remainging controllable variables, switch to
next U/C group. *)
let depc = List.fold_left
(acc_dependencies_on gd.remaining_contrs gd.local_contr_deps)
SSet.empty args
if SSet.is_empty depc then gd else close_uc_group gd depc
(* declare extra inputs. *)
List.fold_left (declare_additional_input ~pref) gd results
(* --- *)
let translate_eq ~pref (gd, equs)
({ eq_lhs = pat;
eq_rhs = { e_desc = exp; e_ty = ty } as rhs;
eq_base_ck = clk } as eq)
let abstract_infinite_state = !Compiler_options.abstract_infinite in
match pat with
| Evarpat id ->
begin match exp with
| Efby _ when (abstract_infinite_state && not (fintypp ty)) ->
warn ~cond:(!Compiler_options.warn_abstractions)
"Abstracting@ %a@ state@ variable@ %s@ as@ non-controllable@ \
input." Global_printer.print_type ty (name id);
(declare_additional_input ~pref gd id, eq :: equs)
| Efby (init, ev) ->
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
let ev = translate_ext ~pref ev in
let ev = translate_clk ~pref ev (ref_of_ty ty v) clk in
(add_state_var ~pref gd id ty ev init, eq :: equs)
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode f | Efun f) }, args, None) (* TODO : handle resets *)
when f.qual <> Pervasives ->
(translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat f args, eq :: equs)
| _ when IdentSet.mem id gd.output ->
let exp = translate_exp ~pref rhs in
(add_output_var ~pref gd id ty exp, eq :: equs)
| _ ->
let exp = translate_exp ~pref rhs in
(add_local_var ~pref gd id ty exp, eq :: equs)
| Etuplepat _ ->
begin match exp with
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode f | Efun f) }, args, None) (* TODO : handle resets *)
when f.qual <> Pervasives ->
(translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat f args, eq :: equs)
| _ -> failwith "TODO: Minils.Etuplepat construct!"
let translate_eqs ~pref acc equs =
let gd, equs = List.fold_left (translate_eq ~pref) acc equs in
gd, List.rev equs
(* --- *)
let prefix_vars ~pref vars : symb -> symb =
let vars = List.fold_left begin fun acc { v_ident = id } ->
let v = mk_symb & name id in
SMap.add v (mk_symb (Symb.to_string v)) acc
end (SMap.empty) vars in
fun p -> pref (try SMap.find p vars with Not_found -> p)
let declare_contr (decls, contrs, vds)
({ v_ident = id; v_type = ty } as vd) rank =
let v = mk_symb & name id in
SMap.add v (translate_typ ty, `Contr (one, rank, None), None) decls,
SMap.add v (id, ty) contrs,
vd :: vds
let declare_contrs acc cl =
fst & List.fold_left
(fun (acc, rank) c -> (declare_contr acc c rank, AST.succ rank))
(acc, one) cl
(** Contract translation *)
let translate_contract ~pref gd
({ c_local; c_eq = equs;
c_assume = a; c_objectives = objs;
c_assume_loc = a'; c_enforce_loc = g';
c_controllables = cl } as contract)
let pref = prefix_vars ~pref c_local in
let decls, contrs, locals = declare_contrs (gd.decls, SMap.empty, []) cl in
let c = SMap.fold (fun v _ -> SSet.add v) contrs SSet.empty in
let gd = { gd with decls; contrs; remaining_contrs = c; } in
let gd, equs' = translate_eqs ~pref (gd, []) equs in
let ak = as_bexp & mk_and (translate_ext ~pref a) (translate_ext ~pref a')
and ok = as_bexp & translate_ext ~pref g' in
let gd = { gd with
assertion = mk_and' gd.assertion ak;
invariant = mk_and' gd.invariant ok; } in
let opt_and opt_e e' =
match opt_e with
None -> Some e'
| Some e -> Some (mk_and' e e') in
let add_objective gd o =
let e = as_bexp & translate_ext ~pref o.o_exp in
match o.o_kind with
| Obj_enforce -> { gd with invariant = mk_and' gd.invariant e; }
| Obj_reachable -> { gd with reachable = opt_and gd.reachable e; }
| Obj_attractive -> { gd with attractive = opt_and gd.attractive e; } in
let gd = List.fold_left add_objective gd objs in
(gd, { contract with c_eq = equs'; }, locals)
(* --- *)
let declare_output s { v_ident = id } =
IdentSet.add id s
let declare_input m { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } =
SMap.add (mk_symb & name id) (translate_typ typ, `Input one, None) m
let register_var_typ m { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } =
SMap.add (mk_symb & name id) (id, typ) m
(* --- *)
let finalize_uc_groups gd =
let gd = if SSet.is_empty gd.remaining_contrs then gd else
(* switch to last U/C group here, and declare controller call. *)
close_uc_group gd gd.remaining_contrs
if SSet.is_empty gd.extra_inputs then gd else
{ gd with
extra_inputs = SSet.empty;
uc_groups = (gd.extra_inputs, SSet.empty) :: gd.uc_groups; }
(* Note uc_groups are reversed in gd BEFORE the call to this function. *)
let assign_uc_groups gd =
let gd = finalize_uc_groups gd in
let uc_groups = List.rev gd.uc_groups in (* start from the first group *)
let decls, _ =
if uc_groups = [] then
gd.decls, one (* no group to change *)
List.fold_left begin fun (decls, group) (u, c) ->
let decls = SSet.fold (fun u decls -> match SMap.find u decls with
| (t, `Input _, l) ->
SMap.add u (t, `Input group, l) decls
| _ -> decls) u decls
let decls = SSet.fold (fun c decls -> match SMap.find c decls with
| (t, `Contr (_, r, l'), l) ->
SMap.add c (t, `Contr (group, r, l'), l) decls
| _ -> decls) c decls
decls, AST.succ group
end (gd.decls, AST.succ one) (List.tl uc_groups)
{ gd with decls; uc_groups }
(* --- *)
let scmp a b = String.compare (Symb.to_string a) (Symb.to_string b)
let var_exp v ty =
mk_extvalue ~ty ~clock:Clocks.Cbase ~linearity:Linearity.Ltop (Wvar v)
let decl_arg (v, t) =
mk_arg (Some (name v)) t Linearity.Ltop Signature.Cbase
let gen_ctrlf_calls ~requal_types gd node_name equs =
let equs, _, _ = List.fold_left begin fun (equs, ubase, num) (u, c) ->
(* Controllable inputs of the current U/C group *)
let c = SSet.elements c in
let c = List.sort scmp c in (* XXX now optional (x) *)
let o = List.map (fun v -> SMap.find v gd.contrs) c in
let os = List.map decl_arg o in
let ov, ot = List.split o in
let ov = Etuplepat (List.map (fun v -> Evarpat v) ov) in
(* Accumulate state variables and all non-controllable inputs from the
beginning, plus all controllables from previous U/C groups *)
let u = SSet.fold (fun v -> SMap.add v (SMap.find v gd.local)) u ubase in
let i = SMap.bindings u in
let i = List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> scmp b a) i in (* rev. i + ibid (x) *)
let is = List.rev_map (fun (_, p) -> decl_arg p) i in
let i = List.rev_map (fun (_, (v, t)) -> var_exp v t) i in
(* Build controller call *)
let func_name = controller_node ~num node_name in
let app = Eapp (mk_app (Efun func_name), i, None) in
let exp = mk_exp ~linearity:Linearity.Ltop Clocks.Cbase (Tprod ot) app in
let equ = mk_equation false ov exp in
let is, os = if requal_types then
(* Optional requalification of types declared in the exported module: *)
let requal_arg = function
| { a_type = Tid { qual; name } } as arg when qual = node_name.qual ->
{ arg with a_type = Tid { qual = func_name.qual; name } }
| a -> a
List.map requal_arg is, List.map requal_arg os
is, os
(* Declare new node *)
let node_sig = Signature.mk_node Location.no_location ~extern:false is os
false false [] in
Modules.add_value func_name node_sig;
(* Augment base non-controllble inputs with current controllables *)
let u = List.fold_left (fun u v -> SMap.add v (SMap.find v gd.contrs) u) u c in
(equ :: equs, u, num + 1)
end (equs, gd.base, 0) gd.uc_groups in
(* --- *)
(** Node translation. Note the given node is not expored if it does not comprize a
contract. *)
let translate_node ~requal_types typdefs = function
| ({ n_contract = None } as node) -> node, None
| ({ n_name; n_params } as node) when n_params <> [] ->
warn ~cond:(!Compiler_options.warn_untranslatable)
"Unsupported@ translation@ of@ parametric@ node@ `%s'@ with@ \
contract@ into@ Controllable-Nbac!" (Names.fullname n_name);
node, None
| ({ n_name; n_input; n_output; n_local; n_equs;
n_contract = Some contr } as node) ->
enter_node n_name; (* for optional sink symbol generation. *)
let pref p = p in
let local = List.fold_left register_var_typ SMap.empty n_local in
let input = List.fold_left register_var_typ SMap.empty n_input in
let output = List.fold_left declare_output IdentSet.empty n_output in
let decls = List.fold_left declare_input SMap.empty n_input in
let init_cond_var = mk_symb init_cond_str in
let init_cond = mk_bref' init_cond_var in (* XXX what about gd.base? *)
let init_cond_spec = (`Bool, `State (`Bexp ff, None), None) in
let decls = SMap.add init_cond_var init_cond_spec decls in
let gd = mk_gen_data typdefs decls input local output init_cond in
let gd, contract, locals' = translate_contract ~pref gd contr in
let gd, equs' = translate_eqs ~pref (gd, []) n_equs in
let gd = assign_uc_groups gd in
let equs' = gen_ctrlf_calls ~requal_types gd n_name equs' in
(* Sink state *)
let sink_state_var = mk_symb sink_state_str in
let sink_state = mk_bref' sink_state_var in
let sink_state_spec = (`Bool, `State (`Bexp gd.invariant, None), None) in
let gd = {gd with decls = SMap.add sink_state_var sink_state_spec gd.decls } in
let ctrln_node_desc =
{ cn_typs = typdefs;
cn_decls = gd.decls;
cn_init = mk_and' (mk_and' gd.init_state init_cond) sink_state;
cn_assertion = (* mk_or' init_cond *)gd.assertion;
cn_invariant = Some (mk_or' init_cond sink_state);
cn_reachable = gd.reachable;
cn_attractive = gd.attractive; }
and node =
{ node with
n_equs = equs';
n_local = List.rev_append locals' n_local;
n_contract = Some contract; }
(node, Some (n_name, (`Desc ctrln_node_desc : 'f AST.node)))
(* --- *)
(** Moves all type declarations into the given module, declare aliases for them
(in cases). Also requalifies constructor names in the program, as well as
types of expressions to avoid some errors in code generation later on. *)
let requal_declared_types prog =
let cmodul = types_modul prog.p_modname in
let requal m = m = prog.p_modname in
let requal_constr ({ qual; name } as cstr) =
if requal qual then { qual = cmodul; name } else cstr in
let requal_type = function (* requalify enum and alias types. *)
| Tid ({ qual; name } as ty) as t when requal qual ->
(match Modules.find_type ty with
| Tenum _ | Talias _ -> Tid { qual = cmodul; name }
| _ -> t)
| t -> t
let requal_type_dec = function
| { t_name = tn; t_desc } as t when requal tn.qual ->
let new_type = match t_desc with
| Type_enum cl -> Signature.Tenum (List.map requal_constr cl)
| Type_alias t -> Signature.Talias (requal_type t)
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let tn' = { tn with qual = cmodul } in
let t = { t with t_name = tn; t_desc = Type_alias (Tid tn') } in
Modules.replace_type tn (Signature.Talias (Tid tn'));
Modules.add_type tn' new_type;
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let open Mls_mapfold in
let open Global_mapfold in
let funcs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
type_dec = (fun _ () td -> requal_type_dec td, ());
edesc = (fun funs () -> function
| Ewhen (e, c, x) ->
Ewhen (exp_it funs () e |> fst, requal_constr c,
var_ident_it funs.global_funs () x |> fst), ()
| Emerge (i, l) ->
Emerge (var_ident_it funs.global_funs () i |> fst,
List.map (fun (c, x) -> requal_constr c,
extvalue_it funs () x |> fst) l), ()
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback);
extvalue_desc = (fun funs () -> function
| Wwhen (w, c, v) ->
Wwhen (extvalue_it funs () w |> fst, requal_constr c,
var_ident_it funs.global_funs () v |> fst), ()
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback);
global_funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with
ty = (fun _ () ty -> requal_type ty, ());
ck = (fun funs () -> function
| Clocks.Con (ck, c, i) ->
Clocks.Con (ck_it funs () ck |> fst, requal_constr c,
var_ident_it funs () i |> fst), ()
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback);
static_exp_desc = (fun _ () -> function
| Sconstructor c -> Sconstructor (requal_constr c), ()
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback);
} in
program funcs () prog |> fst
(* --- *)
(** [gen p] translates all type definitions, plus the nodes comprizing a
contract, into Controllable-Nbac.
@return a Controllable-Nbac program comprizing one process for each node
necessitating controller synthesis), and a new Minils program, in which
those nodes have been transformed so that they "call" their respective
XXX The [requalify_declared_types] argument is here to avoid cyclic
dependencies between modules due to type declarations. Yet, a better idea
might be to integrate the generated controllers into the original program
later on. *)
let gen ?(requalify_declared_types = false) ({ p_desc } as p) =
let requal_types = requalify_declared_types in
let _cnp_typs, nodes, descs =
List.fold_left begin fun (typdefs, nodes, descs) -> function
| Pnode n ->
begin match translate_node ~requal_types typdefs n with
| node, Some n -> (typdefs, n :: nodes, Pnode node :: descs)
| node, None -> (typdefs, nodes, Pnode node :: descs)
| Ptype { t_name = ({ name }); t_desc = Type_enum cl } as ty ->
let tn = mk_typname & mk_symb name and typ = translate_constrs cl in
let typdefs = declare_typ tn typ typdefs in
(typdefs, nodes, ty :: descs)
| p -> (typdefs, nodes, p :: descs)
end (empty_typdefs, [], []) p_desc
let cnp_nodes = List.rev nodes
and p_desc = List.rev descs in
let prog = { p with p_desc } in
let prog =
if requalify_declared_types
then requal_declared_types prog
else prog
cnp_nodes, prog