2010-07-23 19:45:19 +02:00

278 lines
10 KiB

open Names
open Types
open Misc
open Location
open Signature
open Modules
open Static
open Global_mapfold
open Mls_mapfold
open Minils
module Error =
type error =
| Enode_unbound of longname
| Evar_unbound of name
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Enode_unbound ln ->
Printf.eprintf "%aUnknown node '%s'\n"
output_location loc
(fullname ln)
| Evar_unbound n ->
Printf.eprintf "%aUnbound static var '%s'\n"
output_location loc
raise Misc.Error
type info =
{ mutable opened : program NamesEnv.t;
mutable called_nodes : ((longname * static_exp list) list) LongNameEnv.t;
mutable nodes_instances : (static_exp list list) LongNameEnv.t;
mutable nodes_names : (longname * static_exp list, longname) Hashtbl.t }
let info =
{ (** opened programs*)
opened = NamesEnv.empty;
(** Maps a node to the list of (node name, params) it calls *)
called_nodes = LongNameEnv.empty;
(** Maps a node to its list of instances *)
nodes_instances = LongNameEnv.empty;
(** Maps a couple (node name, params) to the name of the instantiated node*)
nodes_names = Hashtbl.create 100 }
(** Loads the modname.epo file. *)
let load_object_file modname =
Modules.open_module modname;
let name = String.uncapitalize modname in
let filename = Modules.findfile (name ^ ".epo") in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let p:program = input_value ic in
if p.p_format_version <> minils_format_version then (
Printf.eprintf "The file %s was compiled with \
an older version of the compiler.\n \
Please recompile %s.ept first.\n" filename name;
raise Error
close_in ic;
info.opened <- NamesEnv.add p.p_modname p info.opened
| End_of_file | Failure _ ->
close_in ic;
Printf.eprintf "Corrupted object file %s.\n\
Please recompile %s.ept first.\n" filename name;
raise Error
| Modules.Cannot_find_file(filename) ->
Printf.eprintf "Cannot find the object file '%s'.\n"
raise Error
(** @return the node with name [ln], loading the corresponding
object file if necessary. *)
let node_by_longname ln =
match ln with
| Modname { qual = q; id = id } ->
if not (NamesEnv.mem q info.opened) then
load_object_file q;
let p = NamesEnv.find q info.opened in
List.find (fun n -> n.n_name = id) p.p_nodes
Not_found -> Error.message no_location (Error.Enode_unbound ln))
| _ -> assert false
(** @return the list of nodes called by the node named [ln], with the
corresponding params (static parameters appear as free variables). *)
let collect_node_calls ln =
let add_called_node ln params acc =
match params with
| [] -> acc
| _ ->
(match ln with
| Modname { qual = "Pervasives" } -> acc
| _ -> (ln, params)::acc)
let edesc funs acc ed = match ed with
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode ln | Efun ln); a_params = params }, _, _) ->
ed, add_called_node ln params acc
| Eiterator(_, { a_op = (Enode ln | Efun ln); a_params = params },
_, _, _) ->
ed, add_called_node ln params acc
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
edesc = edesc } in
let n = node_by_longname ln in
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs [] n in
(** @return the list of nodes called by the node named [ln]. This list is
computed lazily the first time it is needed. *)
let called_nodes ln =
if not (LongNameEnv.mem ln info.called_nodes) then (
let called = collect_node_calls ln in
info.called_nodes <- LongNameEnv.add ln called info.called_nodes;
) else
LongNameEnv.find ln info.called_nodes
(** Adds a new instance of a node. [params] should not contain
any static variable. *)
let add_node_instance ln params =
if LongNameEnv.mem ln info.nodes_instances then
info.nodes_instances <- LongNameEnv.add ln
(params::(LongNameEnv.find ln info.nodes_instances)) info.nodes_instances
info.nodes_instances <- LongNameEnv.add ln [params] info.nodes_instances
(** @return the list of instances of a node. *)
let get_node_instances ln =
LongNameEnv.find ln info.nodes_instances
Not_found -> []
(** @return the name of the node corresponding to the instance of
[ln] with the static parameters [params]. The parameters should
be normalized using [Static.simplify] before calling this function. *)
let node_for_params_call ln params =
match params with
| [] -> ln
| _ -> Hashtbl.find info.nodes_names (ln,params)
let build env params_names params_values =
List.fold_left2 (fun m { p_name = n } v -> NamesEnv.add n v m)
env params_names params_values
(** Generates a fresh name for the the instance of
[ln] with the static parameters [params] and stores it. *)
let generate_new_name ln params =
match params with
| [] -> Hashtbl.add info.nodes_names (ln, params) ln
| _ ->
(match ln with
| Modname { qual = q; id = id } ->
let new_ln =
Modname { qual = q;
id = id ^ (Idents.name (Idents.fresh "")) } in
Hashtbl.add info.nodes_names (ln, params) new_ln
| _ -> assert false)
(** This module creates an instance of a node with a given
list of static parameters. *)
module Instantiate =
(** Replaces static parameters with their value in the instance. *)
let static_exp funs m se = match se.se_desc with
| Svar ln ->
let se = (match ln with
| Name n ->
(try NamesEnv.find n m
with Not_found ->
Error.message se.se_loc (Error.Evar_unbound n))
| Modname _ -> se) in
se, m
| _ -> Global_mapfold.static_exp funs m se
(** Replaces nodes call with the call to the correct instance. *)
let edesc funs m ed =
let ed, _ = Mls_mapfold.edesc funs m ed in
let ed = match ed with
| Eapp ({ a_op = Efun ln; a_params = params } as app, e_list, r) ->
let params = List.map (simplify m) params in
Eapp ({ app with a_op = Efun (node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, e_list, r)
| Eapp ({ a_op = Enode ln; a_params = params } as app, e_list, r) ->
let params = List.map (simplify m) params in
Eapp ({ app with a_op = Enode (node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, e_list, r)
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Efun ln; a_params = params } as app),
n, e_list, r) ->
let params = List.map (simplify m) params in
{ app with a_op = Efun
(node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, n, e_list, r)
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Enode ln; a_params = params } as app),
n, e_list, r) ->
let params = List.map (simplify m) params in
{ app with a_op = Enode
(node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, n, e_list, r)
| _ -> ed
in ed, m
let node_dec_instance modname n params =
let global_funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with
static_exp = static_exp } in
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
edesc = edesc;
global_funs = global_funs } in
let m = build NamesEnv.empty n.n_params params in
let n, _ = Mls_mapfold.node_dec_it funs m n in
(* Add to the global environment the signature of the new instance *)
let ln = Modname { qual = modname; id = n.n_name } in
let { info = node_sig } = find_value ln in
let node_sig, _ = Global_mapfold.node_it global_funs m node_sig in
let node_sig = { node_sig with node_params = [];
node_params_constraints = [] } in
(* Find the name that was associated to this instance *)
let ln = node_for_params_call ln params in
Modules.add_value_by_longname ln node_sig;
{ n with n_name = shortname ln;
n_params = []; n_params_constraints = []; }
let node_dec modname n =
let ln = Modname { qual = modname; id = n.n_name } in
List.map (node_dec_instance modname n) (get_node_instances ln)
let program p =
{ p
with p_nodes = List.flatten (List.map (node_dec p.p_modname) p.p_nodes) }
(** Checks that a static expression does not contain any static parameter. *)
let check_no_static_var se =
let static_exp_desc funs acc sed = match sed with
| Svar (Name n) -> Error.message se.se_loc (Error.Evar_unbound n)
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with
static_exp_desc = static_exp_desc } in
ignore (Global_mapfold.static_exp_it funs false se)
(** Generates the list of instances of nodes needed to call
[ln] with static parameters [params]. *)
let rec call_node (ln, params) =
(* First, add the instance for this node *)
let n = node_by_longname ln in
let m = build NamesEnv.empty n.n_params params in
List.iter check_no_static_var params;
add_node_instance ln params;
generate_new_name ln params;
(* Recursively generate instances for called nodes. *)
let call_list = called_nodes ln in
let call_list = List.map
(fun (ln, p) -> ln, List.map (simplify m) p) call_list in
List.iter call_node call_list
let program p =
(* Find the nodes without static parameters *)
let main_nodes = List.filter (fun n -> is_empty n.n_params) p.p_nodes in
let main_nodes = List.map (fun n -> (longname n.n_name, [])) main_nodes in
info.opened <- NamesEnv.add p.p_modname p NamesEnv.empty;
(* Creates the list of instances starting from these nodes *)
List.iter call_node main_nodes;
let p_list = NamesEnv.fold (fun _ p l -> p::l) info.opened [] in
(* Generate all the needed instances *)
List.map Instantiate.program p_list