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(* pour debugger
set arguments -v test/good/t8.ept *)
type t1 = {x: int; y: int}
type t2 = {z: t1; u: int}
node g(x: t1) returns (o: t1)
let o = x tel
node h(x: t1) returns (o: t1)
let o = g(x) tel
node f(x: t1; z1:t2) returns (o:t2)
var last z: t1;
m: t2;
r: int;
o = z1;
m = { z = { y = 2; x = 1 }; u = 3 };
z = { x = 4; y = 2 };
r = (m.z).x;
node main() returns (o1:t1;o2:t2)
o1 = h({ x = 1; y = 2 });
o2 = f(o1, { z = o1; u = 3 });