(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Author : Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Format open List open Misc open Names open Ident open Obc open Modules open Signature open C open Location open Printf module Error = struct type error = | Evar of string | Enode of string | Eno_unnamed_output | Ederef_not_pointer let message loc kind = begin match kind with | Evar name -> eprintf "%aCode generation : The variable name '%s' is unbound.\n" output_location loc name | Enode name -> eprintf "%aCode generation : The node name '%s' is unbound.\n" output_location loc name | Eno_unnamed_output -> eprintf "%aCode generation : Unnamed outputs are not supported. \n" output_location loc | Ederef_not_pointer -> eprintf "%aCode generation : Trying to deference a non pointer type. \n" output_location loc end; raise Misc.Error end let rec struct_name ty = match ty with | Cty_id n -> n | _ -> assert false let cname_of_name' name = match name with | Name n -> Name (cname_of_name n) | _ -> name (* Functions to deal with opened modules set. *) type world = { mutable opened_modules : S.t } let world = { opened_modules = S.empty } let add_opened_module (m:string) = world.opened_modules <- S.add (String.uncapitalize (cname_of_name m)) world.opened_modules let get_opened_modules () = S.elements world.opened_modules let remove_opened_module (m:string) = world.opened_modules <- S.remove m world.opened_modules let reset_opened_modules () = world.opened_modules <- S.empty let shortname = function | Name(n) -> n | Modname(q) -> if q.qual <> "Pervasives" then add_opened_module q.qual; q.id (** Returns the information concerning a node given by name. *) let node_info classln = match classln with | Modname {qual = modname; id = modname_name } -> begin try modname, find_value (Modname({qual = modname; id = modname_name })) with Not_found -> (* name might be of the form Module.name, remove the module name*) let ind_name = (String.length modname) + 1 in let name = String.sub modname_name ind_name ((String.length modname_name)-ind_name) in begin try modname, find_value (Modname({qual = modname; id = name })) with Not_found -> Error.message no_location (Error.Enode name) end end | Name n -> Error.message no_location (Error.Enode n) let output_names_list sig_info = let remove_option ad = match ad.a_name with | Some n -> n | None -> Error.message no_location Error.Eno_unnamed_output in List.map remove_option sig_info.info.node_outputs let is_scalar_type ty = match ty with | Types.Tid name_int when name_int = Initial.pint -> true | Types.Tid name_float when name_float = Initial.pfloat -> true | Types.Tid name_bool when name_bool = Initial.pbool -> true | _ -> false (******************************) (** {2 Translation from Obc to C using our AST.} *) (** [fold_stm_list] is an utility function that transforms a list of statements into one statements using Cseq constructors. *) (** [ctype_of_type mods oty] translates the Obc type [oty] to a C type. We assume that identified types have already been defined before use. [mods] is an accumulator for modules to be opened for each function (i.e., not opened by an "open" declaration). We have to make a difference between function args and local vars because of arrays (when used as args, we use a pointer). *) let rec ctype_of_otype oty = match oty with | Tint -> Cty_int | Tfloat -> Cty_float | Tbool -> Cty_int | Tid id -> begin match shortname id with (* standard C practice: use int as boolean type. *) | "bool" -> Cty_int | "int" -> Cty_int | "float" -> Cty_float | id -> Cty_id id end | Tarray(ty, n) -> Cty_arr(n, ctype_of_otype ty) let ctype_of_heptty ty = let ty = Mls2obc.translate_type NamesEnv.empty ty in ctype_of_otype ty let cvarlist_of_ovarlist vl = let cvar_of_ovar vd = let ty = ctype_of_otype vd.v_type in name vd.v_name, ty in List.map cvar_of_ovar vl let copname = function | "=" -> "==" | "<>" -> "!=" | "&" -> "&&" | "or" -> "||" | "+" -> "+" | "-" -> "-" | "*" -> "*" | "/" -> "/" | "*." -> "*" | "/." -> "/" | "+." -> "+" | "-." -> "-" | "<" -> "<" | ">" -> ">" | "<=" -> "<=" | ">=" -> ">=" | "~-" -> "-" | "not" -> "!" | op -> op (** Translates an Obc var_dec to a tuple (name, cty). *) let cvar_of_vd vd = name vd.v_name, ctype_of_otype vd.v_type (** If idx_list = [e1;..;ep], returns the lhs e[e1]...[ep] *) let rec csubscript_of_e_list e idx_list = match idx_list with | [] -> e | idx::idx_list -> Carray (csubscript_of_e_list e idx_list, idx) (** If idx_list = [i1;..;ip], returns the lhs e[i1]...[ip] *) let csubscript_of_idx_list e idx_list = csubscript_of_e_list e (List.map (fun i -> Cconst (Ccint i)) idx_list) (** Generate the expression to copy [src] into [dest], where bounds represents the bounds of these two arrays. *) let rec copy_array src dest bounds = match bounds with | [] -> [Caffect (dest, Clhs src)] | n::bounds -> let x = gen_symbol () in [Cfor(x, 0, n, copy_array (Carray (src, Clhs (Cvar x))) (Carray (dest, Clhs (Cvar x))) bounds)] (** Returns the type associated with the name [n] in the environnement [var_env] (which is an association list mapping strings to cty). *) let rec assoc_type n var_env = match var_env with | [] -> (*Error.message no_location (Error.Evar n)*)assert false | (vn,ty)::var_env -> if vn = n then ty else assoc_type n var_env (** Returns the type associated with the lhs [lhs] in the environnement [var_env] (which is an association list mapping strings to cty).*) let rec assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env = match lhs with | Cvar x -> assoc_type x var_env | Carray (lhs, _) -> let ty = assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env in array_base_ctype ty [1] | Cderef lhs -> (match assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env with | Cty_ptr ty -> ty | _ -> Error.message no_location Error.Ederef_not_pointer ) | Cfield(Cderef (Cvar "self"), x) -> assoc_type x var_env | Cfield(x, f) -> let ty = assoc_type_lhs x var_env in let n = struct_name ty in let { info = fields } = find_struct (longname n) in ctype_of_heptty (field_assoc (Name f) fields) (** Creates the statement a = [e_1, e_2, ..], which gives a list a[i] = e_i.*) let rec create_affect_lit dest l ty = let rec _create_affect_lit dest i = function | [] -> [] | v::l -> let stm = create_affect_stm (Carray (dest, Cconst (Ccint i))) v ty in stm@(_create_affect_lit dest (i+1) l) in _create_affect_lit dest 0 l (** Creates the expression dest <- src (copying arrays if necessary). *) and create_affect_stm dest src ty = match ty with | Cty_arr (n, bty) -> (match src with | Carraylit l -> create_affect_lit dest l bty | Clhs src -> let x = gen_symbol () in [Cfor(x, 0, n, create_affect_stm (Carray (dest, Clhs (Cvar x))) (Clhs (Carray (src, Clhs (Cvar x)))) bty)] ) | _ -> [Caffect (dest, src)] (** Returns the expression to use e as an argument of a function expecting a pointer as argument. *) let address_of e = try let lhs = lhs_of_exp e in match lhs with | Carray _ -> Clhs lhs | Cderef lhs -> Clhs lhs | _ -> Caddrof lhs with _ -> e (** [cexpr_of_exp exp] translates the Obj action [exp] to a C expression. *) let rec cexpr_of_exp var_env exp = match exp with (** Obj expressions that form valid C lhs are translated via clhs_of_exp. *) | Lhs _ -> Clhs (clhs_of_exp var_env exp) (** Constants, the easiest translation. *) | Const lit -> (match lit with | Cint i -> Cconst (Ccint i) | Cfloat f -> Cconst (Ccfloat f) | Cconstr c -> Cconst (Ctag (shortname c)) | Obc.Carray(n,c) -> let cc = cexpr_of_exp var_env (Const c) in Carraylit (repeat_list cc n) ) (** Operators *) | Op(op, exps) -> cop_of_op var_env op exps (** Structure literals. *) | Struct_lit (tyn, fl) -> let cexps = List.map (fun (_,e) -> cexpr_of_exp var_env e) fl in let ctyn = shortname tyn in Cstructlit (ctyn, cexps) | Array_lit e_list -> Carraylit (cexprs_of_exps var_env e_list) and cexprs_of_exps var_env exps = List.map (cexpr_of_exp var_env) exps and cop_of_op_aux var_env op_name cexps = match op_name with | Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = op } -> begin match op,cexps with | "~-", [e] -> Cuop ("-", e) | "not", [e] -> Cuop ("!", e) | ( "=" | "<>" | "&" | "or" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "*." | "/." | "+." | "-." | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="), [el;er] -> Cbop (copname op, el, er) | _ -> Cfun_call(op, cexps) end | Modname {qual = m; id = op} -> add_opened_module m; Cfun_call(op,cexps) | Name(op) -> Cfun_call(op,cexps) and cop_of_op var_env op_name exps = let cexps = cexprs_of_exps var_env exps in cop_of_op_aux var_env op_name cexps and clhs_of_lhs var_env = function (** Each Obc variable corresponds to a real local C variable. *) | Var v -> let n = name v in if List.mem_assoc n var_env then let ty = assoc_type n var_env in (match ty with | Cty_ptr _ -> Cderef (Cvar n) | _ -> Cvar n ) else Cvar n (** Dereference our [self] struct holding the node's memory. *) | Mem v -> Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), name v) (** Field access. /!\ Indexed Obj expression should be a valid lhs! *) | Field (l, fn) -> Cfield(clhs_of_lhs var_env l, shortname fn) | Array (l, idx) -> Carray(clhs_of_lhs var_env l, cexpr_of_exp var_env idx) and clhss_of_lhss var_env lhss = List.map (clhs_of_lhs var_env) lhss and clhs_of_exp var_env exp = match exp with | Lhs l -> clhs_of_lhs var_env l (** We were passed an expression that is not translatable to a valid C lhs?! *) | _ -> invalid_arg "clhs_of_exp: argument not a Var, Mem or Field" let rec assoc_obj instance obj_env = match obj_env with | [] -> raise Not_found | od :: t -> if od.obj = instance then od else assoc_obj instance t let assoc_cn instance obj_env = match instance with | Context obj | Array_context (obj, _) -> (assoc_obj obj obj_env).cls let is_op = function | Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = _ } -> true | _ -> false (** Creates the list of arguments to call a node. [targeting] is the targeting of the called node, [mem] represents the node context and [args] the argument list.*) let step_fun_call sig_info args mem = args@[Caddrof mem] (** Generate the statement to call [objn]. [outvl] is a list of lhs where to put the results. [args] is the list of expressions to use as arguments. [mem] is the lhs where is stored the node's context.*) let generate_function_call var_env obj_env outvl objn args = let mem = (match objn with | Context o -> Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), o) | Array_context (o, l) -> let l = clhs_of_lhs var_env l in Carray (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), o), Clhs l) ) in (** Class name for the object to step. *) let classln = assoc_cn objn obj_env in let classn = shortname classln in let mod_classn, sig_info = node_info classln in let fun_call = if is_op classln then cop_of_op_aux var_env classln args else (** The step function takes scalar arguments and its own internal memory holding structure. *) let args = step_fun_call sig_info.info args mem in (** Our C expression for the function call. *) Cfun_call (classn ^ "_step", args) in (** Act according to the length of our list. Step functions with multiple return values will return a structure, and we care of assigning each field to the corresponding local variable. *) match outvl with | [] -> [Csexpr fun_call] | [vr] when is_scalar_type (List.hd sig_info.info.node_outputs).a_type -> [Caffect (vr, fun_call)] | _ -> (* Remove options *) let out_sig = output_names_list sig_info in let create_affect outv out_name = let ty = match outv with | Cvar x -> assoc_type x var_env | Carray(Cvar x, _) -> array_base_ctype (assoc_type x var_env) [1] | Carray(Cfield(Cderef (Cvar "self"), x), _) -> array_base_ctype (assoc_type x var_env) [1] | _ -> Cty_void (*we don't care about the type*) in create_affect_stm outv (Clhs (Cfield (mem, out_name))) ty in (Csexpr fun_call)::(List.flatten (map2 create_affect outvl out_sig)) (** Create the statement dest = c where c = v^n^m... *) let rec create_affect_const var_env dest c = match c with | Obc.Carray(n,c) -> let x = gen_symbol () in [ Cfor(x, 0, n, create_affect_const var_env (Carray (dest, Clhs (Cvar x))) c) ] | _ -> [Caffect (dest, cexpr_of_exp var_env (Const c))] (** [cstm_of_act obj_env mods act] translates the Obj action [act] to a list of C statements, using the association list [obj_env] to map object names to class names. *) let rec cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act = match act with (** Case on boolean values are converted to if instead of switch! *) | Case (c, [(Name "true", te); (Name "false", fe)]) | Case (c, [(Name "false", fe); (Name "true", te)]) -> let cc = cexpr_of_exp var_env c in let cte = cstm_of_act var_env obj_env te in let cfe = cstm_of_act var_env obj_env fe in [Cif (cc, cte, cfe)] (** Translation of case into a C switch statement is simple enough: we just recursively translate obj expressions and statements to corresponding C constructs, and cautiously "shortnamize" constructor names. *) | Case (e, cl) -> (** [ccl_of_obccl] translates an Obc clause to a C clause. *) let ccl = List.map (fun (c,act) -> shortname c, cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act) cl in [Cswitch (cexpr_of_exp var_env e, ccl)] (** For composition of statements, just recursively apply our translation function on sub-statements. *) | For (x, i1, i2, act) -> [Cfor(name x, i1, i2, cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act)] | Comp (s1, s2) -> let cstm1 = cstm_of_act var_env obj_env s1 in let cstm2 = cstm_of_act var_env obj_env s2 in cstm1@cstm2 (** Reinitialization of an object variable, extracting the reset function's name from our environment [obj_env]. *) | Reinit on -> let obj = assoc_obj on obj_env in let classn = shortname obj.cls in if obj.size = 1 then [Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), on))]))] else let x = gen_symbol () in let field = Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), on) in let elt = [Caddrof( Carray(field, Clhs (Cvar x)) )] in [Cfor(x, 0, obj.size, [Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset", elt ))] )] (** Special case for x = 0^n^n...*) | Assgn (vn, Const c) -> let vn = clhs_of_lhs var_env vn in create_affect_const var_env vn c (** Purely syntactic translation from an Obc local variable to a C local one, with recursive translation of the rhs expression. *) | Assgn (vn, e) -> let vn = clhs_of_lhs var_env vn in let ty = assoc_type_lhs vn var_env in let ce = cexpr_of_exp var_env e in create_affect_stm vn ce ty (** Step functions applications can return multiple values, so we use a local structure to hold the results, before allocating to our variables. *) | Step_ap (outvl, objn, el) -> let args = cexprs_of_exps var_env el in let outvl = clhss_of_lhss var_env outvl in generate_function_call var_env obj_env outvl objn args (** Well, Nothing translates to no instruction. *) | Nothing -> [] (* TODO needed only because of renaming phase *) let global_name = ref "";; (** [main_def_of_class_def cd] generated a main() function that repeatedly reads data from standard input and then outputs result of [cd.step]. *) (* TODO: refactor into something more readable. *) let main_def_of_class_def cd = let format_for_type ty = match ty with | Tarray _ -> assert false | Tint | Tbool -> "%d" | Tfloat -> "%f" | Tid ((Name sid) | Modname { id = sid }) -> "%s" in (** Does reading type [ty] need a buffer? When it is the case, [need_buf_for_ty] also returns the type's name. *) let need_buf_for_ty ty = match ty with | Tarray _ -> assert false | Tint | Tfloat | Tbool -> None | Tid (Name sid | Modname { id = sid; }) -> Some sid in let rec read_lhs_of_ty lhs ty = match ty with | Tarray (ty, n) -> let iter_var = Ident.name (Ident.fresh "i") in let lhs = Carray (lhs, Clhs (Cvar iter_var)) in let (reads, bufs) = read_lhs_of_ty lhs ty in ([Cfor (iter_var, 0, n, reads)], bufs) | _ -> let rec mk_prompt lhs = match lhs with | Cvar vn -> (vn, []) | Carray (lhs, cvn) -> let (vn, args) = mk_prompt lhs in (vn ^ "[%d]", cvn :: args) in let (prompt, args_format_s) = mk_prompt lhs in let scan_exp = let printf_s = Printf.sprintf "%s ? " prompt in let format_s = format_for_type ty in Csblock { var_decls = []; block_body = [ Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf", Cconst (Cstrlit printf_s) :: args_format_s)); Csexpr (Cfun_call ("scanf", [Cconst (Cstrlit format_s); Caddrof lhs])); ]; } in match need_buf_for_ty ty with | None -> ([scan_exp], []) | Some tyn -> let varn = Ident.name (Ident.fresh "buf") in ([scan_exp; Csexpr (Cfun_call (tyn ^ "_of_string", [Clhs (Cvar varn)]))], [(varn, Cty_arr (20, Cty_char))]) in (** Generates printf statements and buffer declarations needed for printing resulting values of enum types. *) let rec write_lhs_of_ty lhs ty = match ty with | Tarray (ty, n) -> let iter_var = Ident.name (Ident.fresh "i") in let lhs = Carray (lhs, Clhs (Cvar iter_var)) in let (reads, bufs) = write_lhs_of_ty lhs ty in (Cfor (iter_var, 0, n, [reads]), bufs) | _ -> let varn = Ident.name (Ident.fresh "buf") in let format_s = format_for_type ty in let nbuf_opt = need_buf_for_ty ty in let ep = match nbuf_opt with | None -> [Clhs lhs] | Some sid -> [Cfun_call ("string_of_" ^ sid, [Clhs lhs; Clhs (Cvar varn)])] in (Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf", Cconst (Cstrlit ("=> " ^format_s ^ "\\t")) :: ep)), match nbuf_opt with | None -> [] | Some id -> [(varn, Cty_arr (20, Cty_char))]) in let (scanf_calls, scanf_decls) = let read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd vd = read_lhs_of_ty (Cvar (Ident.name vd.v_name)) vd.v_type in split (map read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd cd.step.inp) in let (printf_calls, printf_decls) = let write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd vd = match cd.step.out with | [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] -> write_lhs_of_ty (Cfield (Cvar "mem", name vd.v_name)) vd.v_type | [_] -> write_lhs_of_ty (Cvar "res") vd.v_type | _ -> write_lhs_of_ty (Cfield (Cvar "mem", name vd.v_name)) vd.v_type in split (map write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd cd.step.out) in let cinp = cvarlist_of_ovarlist cd.step.inp in let cout = match cd.step.out with | [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] -> [] | [vd] -> let vty = ctype_of_otype vd.v_type in [("res", vty)] | _ -> [] in let varlist = ("mem", Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_mem")) :: cinp @ cout @ concat scanf_decls @ concat printf_decls in (** The main function loops (while (1) { ... }) reading arguments for our node and prints the results. *) let body = let funcall = let args = map (fun vd -> Clhs (Cvar (name vd.v_name))) cd.step.inp @ [Caddrof (Cvar "mem")] in Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_step", args) in concat scanf_calls (* Our function returns something only when the node has exactly one non-array output. *) @ ([match cd.step.out with | [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] -> Csexpr funcall | [_] -> Caffect (Cvar "res", funcall) | _ -> Csexpr funcall]) @ printf_calls @ [Csexpr (Cfun_call ("puts", [Cconst (Cstrlit "")])); Csexpr (Cfun_call ("fflush", [Clhs (Cvar "stdout")]))] in (** Do not forget to initialize memory via reset. *) let init_mem = Csexpr (Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cvar "mem")])) in Cfundef { f_name = "main"; f_retty = Cty_int; f_args = [("argc", Cty_int); ("argv", Cty_ptr (Cty_ptr Cty_char))]; f_body = { var_decls = varlist; block_body = [init_mem; Cwhile (Cconst (Ccint 1), body)]; } } (** Builds the argument list of step function*) let step_fun_args n sf = let args = cvarlist_of_ovarlist sf.inp in args @ [("self", Cty_ptr (Cty_id (n ^ "_mem")))] (** [fun_def_of_step_fun name obj_env mods sf] returns a C function definition [name ^ "_out"] corresponding to the Obc step function [sf]. The object name <-> class name mapping [obj_env] is needed to translate internal steps and reset calls. A step function can have multiple return values, whereas C does not allow such functions. When it is the case, we declare a structure with a field by return value. A scalar result is directly returned. *) let fun_def_of_step_fun name obj_env mem sf = let fun_name = name ^ "_step" in (** Its arguments, translating Obc types to C types and adding our internal memory structure. *) let args = step_fun_args name sf in (** Its normal local variables. *) let local_vars = List.map cvar_of_vd sf.local in (** Local variables containing return values. *) let ret_vars = if List.length sf.out = 1 && Obc.is_scalar_type (List.hd sf.out) then List.map cvar_of_vd sf.out else [] in (** Return type, depending on the number of return values of our function. *) let retty = match sf.out with | [] -> Cty_void | [v] -> if Obc.is_scalar_type v then ctype_of_otype v.v_type else Cty_void | _ -> Cty_void in (** Controllable variables valuations *) let use_ctrlr, ctrlr_calls = match sf.controllables with | [] -> false, [] | c_list -> let args_inputs_state = List.map (fun (arg_name,_) -> Clhs(Cvar(arg_name))) args in let addr_controllables = let addrof { v_name = c_name } = Caddrof (Cvar (Ident.name c_name)) in List.map addrof c_list in let args_ctrlr = args_inputs_state @ addr_controllables in let funname = name ^ "_controller" in let funcall = Cfun_call(funname,args_ctrlr) in true, [Csexpr(funcall)] in (** The body *) let mems = List.map cvar_of_vd (mem@sf.out) in let var_env = args @ mems @ local_vars in let body = cstm_of_act var_env obj_env sf.bd in (** Our epilogue: affect each local variable holding a return value to the correct structure field. *) let epilogue = match sf.out with | [] -> [] | [vd] when Obc.is_scalar_type (List.hd sf.out) -> [Creturn (Clhs (Cvar (Ident.name vd.v_name)))] | out -> [] in (** Substitute the return value variables with the corresponding context field*) let map = Csubst.assoc_map_for_fun sf in let body = List.map (Csubst.subst_stm map) (body@epilogue) in use_ctrlr, Cfundef { f_name = fun_name; f_retty = retty; f_args = args; f_body = { var_decls = ret_vars @ local_vars; block_body = ctrlr_calls @ body } } (** [mem_decl_of_class_def cd] returns a declaration for a C structure holding internal variables and objects of the Obc class definition [cd]. *) let mem_decl_of_class_def cd = (** This one just translates the class name to a struct name following the convention we described above. *) let struct_field_of_obj_dec l od = if is_op od.cls then l else let clsname = shortname od.cls in let ty = Cty_id ((cname_of_name clsname) ^ "_mem") in let ty = if od.size <> 1 then Cty_arr (od.size, ty) else ty in (od.obj, ty)::l in (** Fields corresponding to normal memory variables. *) let mem_fields = List.map cvar_of_vd cd.mem in (** Fields corresponding to object variables. *) let obj_fields = List.fold_left struct_field_of_obj_dec [] cd.objs in (** Fields corresponding to output variables. *) let out_fields = if (List.length cd.step.out) <> 1 or not (Obc.is_scalar_type (List.hd cd.step.out)) then List.map cvar_of_vd cd.step.out else [] in Cdecl_struct (cd.cl_id ^ "_mem", mem_fields @ obj_fields @ out_fields) (** [reset_fun_def_of_class_def cd] returns the defintion of the C function tasked to reset the class [cd]. *) let reset_fun_def_of_class_def cd = let var_env = List.map cvar_of_vd cd.mem in let body = cstm_of_act var_env cd.objs cd.reset in Cfundef { f_name = (cd.cl_id ^ "_reset"); f_retty = Cty_void; f_args = [("self", Cty_ptr (Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_mem")))]; f_body = { var_decls = []; block_body = body; } } (** [cdecl_and_cfun_of_class_def cd] translates the class definition [cd] to a C program. *) let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_class_def cd = (** We keep the state of our class in a structure, holding both internal variables and the state of other nodes. For a class named ["cname"], the structure will be called ["cname_mem"]. *) let memory_struct_decl = mem_decl_of_class_def cd in (** Our main() function will be generated only if the current class definition corresponds to the simulation_node. *) let main_def = match !simulation_node with | Some nn when nn = cd.cl_id -> [main_def_of_class_def cd] | _ -> [] in let obj_env = List.map (fun od -> { od with cls = cname_of_name' od.cls }) cd.objs in let use_ctrlr,step_fun_def = fun_def_of_step_fun cd.cl_id obj_env cd.mem cd.step in (** C function for resetting our memory structure. *) let reset_fun_def = reset_fun_def_of_class_def cd in let res_fun_decl = cdecl_of_cfundef reset_fun_def in let step_fun_decl = cdecl_of_cfundef step_fun_def in memory_struct_decl, use_ctrlr, ([res_fun_decl;step_fun_decl], reset_fun_def :: step_fun_def :: main_def) let decls_of_type_decl otd = let name = otd.t_name in match otd.t_desc with | Type_abs -> [] (*assert false*) | Type_enum nl -> let name = !global_name ^ "_" ^ name in [Cdecl_enum (otd.t_name, nl); Cdecl_function (name ^ "_of_string", Cty_id name, [("s", Cty_ptr Cty_char)]); Cdecl_function ("string_of_" ^ name, Cty_ptr Cty_char, [("x", Cty_id name); ("buf", Cty_ptr Cty_char)])] | Type_struct fl -> let decls = List.map (fun (n,ty) -> n, ctype_of_otype ty) fl in [Cdecl_struct (otd.t_name, decls)];; (** Translates an Obc type declaration to its C counterpart. *) let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl otd = let name = otd.t_name in match otd.t_desc with | Type_abs -> [], [] (*assert false*) | Type_enum nl -> let of_string_fun = Cfundef { f_name = name ^ "_of_string"; f_retty = Cty_id name; f_args = [("s", Cty_ptr Cty_char)]; f_body = { var_decls = []; block_body = let gen_if t = let funcall = Cfun_call ("strcmp", [Clhs (Cvar "s"); Cconst (Cstrlit t)]) in let cond = Cbop ("==", funcall, Cconst (Ccint 0)) in Cif (cond, [Creturn (Cconst (Ctag t))], []) in map gen_if nl; } } and to_string_fun = Cfundef { f_name = "string_of_" ^ name; f_retty = Cty_ptr Cty_char; f_args = [("x", Cty_id name); ("buf", Cty_ptr Cty_char)]; f_body = { var_decls = []; block_body = let gen_clause t = let fun_call = Cfun_call ("strcpy", [Clhs (Cvar "buf"); Cconst (Cstrlit t)]) in (t, [Csexpr fun_call]) in [Cswitch (Clhs (Cvar "x"), map gen_clause nl); Creturn (Clhs (Cvar "buf"))]; } } in ([of_string_fun; to_string_fun], [Cdecl_enum (otd.t_name, nl); cdecl_of_cfundef of_string_fun; cdecl_of_cfundef to_string_fun]) | Type_struct fl -> let decls = List.map (fun (n,ty) -> n, ctype_of_otype ty) fl in let decl = Cdecl_struct (otd.t_name, decls) in ([], [decl]) (** [cfile_list_of_oprog oprog] translates the Obc program [oprog] to a list of C source and header files. *) let cfile_list_of_oprog name oprog = let opened_modules = oprog.o_opened in let header_and_source_of_class_def (deps,acc_cfiles) cd = reset_opened_modules (); List.iter add_opened_module opened_modules; List.iter add_opened_module deps; let cfile_name = String.uncapitalize cd.cl_id in let mem_cdecl,use_ctrlr,(cdecls, cdefs) = cdefs_and_cdecls_of_class_def cd in let cfile_mem = cfile_name ^ "_mem" in add_opened_module cfile_mem; if use_ctrlr then add_opened_module (cfile_name ^ "_controller"); remove_opened_module name; let acc_cfiles = acc_cfiles @ [ (cfile_mem ^ ".h", Cheader (get_opened_modules (),[mem_cdecl])); (cfile_name ^ ".h", Cheader (get_opened_modules (), cdecls)); (cfile_name ^ ".c", Csource cdefs)] in deps@[cfile_name],acc_cfiles in reset_opened_modules (); List.iter add_opened_module opened_modules; let cdefs_and_cdecls = List.map cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl oprog.o_types in remove_opened_module name; let (cty_defs, cty_decls) = List.split (List.rev cdefs_and_cdecls) in let filename_types = name ^ "_types" in let types_h = (filename_types ^ ".h", Cheader (get_opened_modules (), concat cty_decls)) in let types_c = (filename_types ^ ".c", Csource (concat cty_defs)) in let _,cfiles = List.fold_left header_and_source_of_class_def ([filename_types],[types_h;types_c]) oprog.o_defs in cfiles let global_file_header name prog = let step_fun_decl cd = let _,s = fun_def_of_step_fun cd.cl_id cd.objs cd.mem cd.step in cdecl_of_cfundef s in reset_opened_modules (); List.iter add_opened_module prog.o_opened; let ty_decls = List.map decls_of_type_decl prog.o_types in let ty_decls = List.concat ty_decls in let mem_step_fun_decls = List.map mem_decl_of_class_def prog.o_defs in let reset_fun_decls = List.map (fun cd -> cdecl_of_cfundef (reset_fun_def_of_class_def cd)) prog.o_defs in let step_fun_decls = List.map step_fun_decl prog.o_defs in (name ^ ".h", Cheader (get_opened_modules (), ty_decls @ mem_step_fun_decls @ reset_fun_decls @ step_fun_decls)) (******************************) let translate name prog = let modname = (Filename.basename name) in global_name := String.capitalize modname; (match !simulation_node with | None -> () | Some s -> simulation_node := Some (String.capitalize name ^ "_" ^ s) ); (global_file_header modname prog) :: (cfile_list_of_oprog modname prog)