(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Author : Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Format open List open Modules let rec print_list ff print sep l = match l with | [] -> () | [x] -> print ff x | x :: l -> print ff x; fprintf ff "%s@ " sep; print_list ff print sep l (******************************) (** {2 C abstract syntax tree } *) (** Here is the C abstract syntax tree used by MiniLS for its C backend. It does not try to completly model the C language, only the relatively small part that were are interested in (e.g. no function pointers or local variable initialization). *) (** C types relevant for Obc. Note the absence of function pointers. *) type cty = | Cty_int (** C machine-dependent integer type. *) | Cty_float (** C machine-dependent single-precision floating-point type. *) | Cty_char (** C character type. *) | Cty_id of string (** Previously defined C type, such as an enum or struct. *) | Cty_ptr of cty (** C points-to-other-type type. *) | Cty_arr of int * cty (** A static array of the specified size. *) | Cty_void (** Well, [void] is not really a C type. *) (** A C block: declarations and statements. In source code form, it begins with variable declarations before a list of semicolon-separated statements, the whole thing being enclosed in curly braces. *) type cblock = { (** Variable declarations, where each declaration consists of a variable name and the associated C type. *) var_decls : (string * cty) list; (** The actual statement forming our block. *) block_body : cstm list; } (* TODO: The following types for C expressions would be better using polymorphic variants to define LHS expressions as a proper superset of general expressions. *) (** C expressions. *) and cexpr = | Cuop of string * cexpr (** Unary operator with its name. *) | Cbop of string * cexpr * cexpr (** Binary operator. *) | Cfun_call of string * cexpr list (** Function call with its parameters. *) | Cconst of cconst (** Constants. *) | Clhs of clhs (** Left-hand-side expressions are obviously expressions! *) | Caddrof of clhs (** Take the address of a left-hand-side expression. *) | Cstructlit of string * cexpr list (** Structure literal "{ f1, f2, ... }". *) | Carraylit of cexpr list (** Array literal [e1, e2, ...]. *) and cconst = | Ccint of int (** Integer constant. *) | Ccfloat of float (** Floating-point number constant. *) | Ctag of string (** Tag, member of a previously declared enumeration. *) | Cstrlit of string (** String literal, enclosed in double-quotes. *) (** C left-hand-side (ie. affectable) expressions. *) and clhs = | Cvar of string (** A local variable. *) | Cderef of clhs (** Pointer dereference, *ptr. *) | Cfield of clhs * string (** Field access to left-hand-side. *) | Carray of clhs * cexpr (** Array access clhs[cexpr] *) (** C statements. *) and cstm = | Csexpr of cexpr (** Expression evaluation, may cause side-effects! *) | Csblock of cblock (** A local sub-block, can have its own private decls. **) | Cskip (** A dummy instruction that does nothing and will not be printed. *) | Caffect of clhs * cexpr (** Affect the result of an expression to a lhs. *) | Cif of cexpr * cstm list * cstm list (** Alternative *) | Cswitch of cexpr * (string * cstm list) list (** Case/switch over an enum. *) | Cwhile of cexpr * cstm list (** While loop. *) | Cfor of string * int * int * cstm list (** For loop. int <= string < int *) | Creturn of cexpr (** Ends a procedure/function by returning an expression.*) (** C type declarations ; will {b always} correspond to a typedef in emitted source code. *) type cdecl = (** C enum declaration, with associated value tags. *) | Cdecl_enum of string * string list (** C structure declaration, with each field's name and type. *) | Cdecl_struct of string * (string * cty) list (** C function declaration. *) | Cdecl_function of string * cty * (string * cty) list (** C function definitions *) type cfundef = { f_name : string; (** The function's name. *) f_retty : cty; (** The function's return type. *) f_args : (string * cty) list; (** Each parameter's name and type. *) f_body : cblock; (** Actual instructions, in the form of a block. *) } (** C top-level definitions. *) type cdef = | Cfundef of cfundef (** Function definition, see [cfundef]. *) | Cvardef of string * cty (** A variable definition, with its name and type. *) (** [cdecl_of_cfundef cfd] returns a declaration for the function def. [cfd]. *) let cdecl_of_cfundef cfd = match cfd with | Cfundef cfd -> Cdecl_function (cfd.f_name, cfd.f_retty, cfd.f_args) | _ -> invalid_arg "cdecl_of_cfundef" (** A C file can be a source file, containing definitions, or a header file, containing declarations. *) type cfile = string * cfile_desc and cfile_desc = | Cheader of string list * cdecl list (** Header dependencies * declaration list *) | Csource of cdef list (******************************) (** {3 Pretty-printing of the C ast.} *) (** [pp_list1 f sep fmt l] pretty-prints into the Format.formatter [fmt] elements of the list [l] via the function [f], separated by [sep] strings and breakable spaces. *) let rec pp_list1 f sep fmt l = match l with | [] -> fprintf fmt "" | [x] -> fprintf fmt "%a" f x | h :: t -> fprintf fmt "%a%s@ %a" f h sep (pp_list1 f sep) t let rec pp_list f sep fmt l = match l with | [] -> fprintf fmt "" | h :: t -> fprintf fmt "@ %a%s%a" f h sep (pp_list f sep) t let pp_string fmt s = fprintf fmt "%s" s let rec pp_cty fmt cty = match cty with | Cty_int -> fprintf fmt "int" | Cty_float -> fprintf fmt "float" | Cty_char -> fprintf fmt "char" | Cty_id s -> fprintf fmt "%s" s | Cty_ptr cty' -> fprintf fmt "%a*" pp_cty cty' | Cty_arr (n, cty') -> fprintf fmt "%a[%d]" pp_cty cty' n | Cty_void -> fprintf fmt "void" (** [pp_array_decl cty] returns the base type of a (multidimensionnal) array and the string of indices. *) let rec pp_array_decl cty = match cty with | Cty_arr(n, cty') -> let ty, s = pp_array_decl cty' in ty, sprintf "%s[%d]" s n | _ -> cty, "" (* pp_vardecl, featuring an ugly hack coping with C's inconsistent concrete syntax! *) let rec pp_vardecl fmt (s, cty) = match cty with | Cty_arr (n, cty') -> let base_ty, indices = pp_array_decl cty in fprintf fmt "%a %s%s" pp_cty base_ty s indices | _ -> fprintf fmt "%a %s" pp_cty cty s and pp_paramdecl fmt (s, cty) = match cty with | Cty_arr (n, cty') -> fprintf fmt "%a* %s" pp_cty cty' s | _ -> pp_vardecl fmt (s, cty) and pp_param_list fmt l = pp_list1 pp_paramdecl "," fmt l and pp_var_list fmt l = pp_list pp_vardecl ";" fmt l let rec pp_cblock fmt cb = let pp_varlist = pp_list pp_vardecl ";" in fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_varlist cb.var_decls pp_cstm_list cb.block_body and pp_cstm_list fmt stml = pp_list pp_cstm ";" fmt stml and pp_cstm fmt stm = match stm with | Csexpr e -> fprintf fmt "%a" pp_cexpr e | Cswitch (e, cl) -> let pp_clause fmt (tag, stml) = fprintf fmt "@[case %a:%a@ break;@]" pp_cexpr (Cconst (Ctag tag)) pp_cstm_list stml in fprintf fmt "@[@[switch (%a) {%a@]@ }@]" pp_cexpr e (pp_list pp_clause "") cl | Caffect (lhs, e) -> fprintf fmt "%a = %a" pp_clhs lhs pp_cexpr e | Cif (c, t, []) -> fprintf fmt "@[@[if (%a) {%a@]@ }@]" pp_cexpr c pp_cstm_list t | Cif (c, t, e) -> fprintf fmt "@[@[if (%a) {%a@]@ @[} else {%a@]@ }@]" pp_cexpr c pp_cstm_list t pp_cstm_list e | Cfor(x, lower, upper, e) -> fprintf fmt "@[@[for (int %s = %d; %s < %d; ++%s) {%a@]@ }@]" x lower x upper x pp_cstm_list e | Cwhile (e, b) -> fprintf fmt "@[@[while (%a) {%a@]@ }@]" pp_cexpr e pp_cstm_list b | Csblock cb -> pp_cblock fmt cb | Cskip -> fprintf fmt "" | Creturn e -> fprintf fmt "return %a" pp_cexpr e and pp_cexpr fmt ce = match ce with | Cuop (s, e) -> fprintf fmt "%s(%a)" s pp_cexpr e | Cbop (s, l, r) -> fprintf fmt "(%a%s%a)" pp_cexpr l s pp_cexpr r | Cfun_call (s, el) -> fprintf fmt "%s(@[%a@])" s (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el | Cconst (Ccint i) -> fprintf fmt "%d" i | Cconst (Ccfloat f) -> fprintf fmt "%f" f | Cconst (Ctag "true") -> fprintf fmt "TRUE" | Cconst (Ctag "false") -> fprintf fmt "FALSE" | Cconst (Ctag t) -> fprintf fmt "%s" t | Cconst (Cstrlit t) -> fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" t | Clhs lhs -> fprintf fmt "%a" pp_clhs lhs | Caddrof lhs -> fprintf fmt "&%a" pp_clhs lhs | Cstructlit (s, el) -> fprintf fmt "(%s){@[%a@]}" s (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el | Carraylit el -> fprintf fmt "[@[%a@]]" (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el and pp_clhs fmt lhs = match lhs with | Cvar s -> fprintf fmt "%s" s | Cderef lhs' -> fprintf fmt "*%a" pp_clhs lhs' | Cfield (Cderef lhs, f) -> fprintf fmt "%a->%s" pp_clhs lhs f | Cfield (lhs, f) -> fprintf fmt "%a.%s" pp_clhs lhs f | Carray (lhs, e) -> fprintf fmt "%a[%a]" pp_clhs lhs pp_cexpr e let pp_cdecl fmt cdecl = match cdecl with | Cdecl_enum (s, sl) -> fprintf fmt "@[@[typedef enum {@ %a@]@ } %s;@ @]@\n" (pp_list1 pp_string ",") sl s | Cdecl_struct (s, fl) -> let pp_field fmt (s, cty) = fprintf fmt "@ %a;" pp_vardecl (s,cty) in fprintf fmt "@[@[typedef struct %s {" s; List.iter (pp_field fmt) fl; fprintf fmt "@]@ } %s;@ @]@\n" s | Cdecl_function (n, retty, args) -> fprintf fmt "@[%a %s(@[%a@]);@ @]@\n" pp_cty retty n pp_param_list args let pp_cdef fmt cdef = match cdef with | Cfundef cfd -> fprintf fmt "@[@[%a %s(@[%a@]) {%a@]@ }@ @]@\n" pp_cty cfd.f_retty cfd.f_name pp_param_list cfd.f_args pp_cblock cfd.f_body | Cvardef (s, cty) -> fprintf fmt "%a %s;@\n" pp_cty cty s let pp_cfile_desc fmt filen cfile = (** [filen_wo_ext] is the file's name without the extension. *) let filen_wo_ext = String.sub filen 0 (String.length filen - 2) in match cfile with | Cheader (deps, cdecls) -> let headern_macro = String.uppercase filen_wo_ext in Misc.print_header_info fmt "/*" "*/"; fprintf fmt "#ifndef %s_H@\n" headern_macro; fprintf fmt "#define %s_H@\n@\n" headern_macro; (* fprintf fmt "#include \"types.h\"\n"; *) iter (fun d -> fprintf fmt "#include \"%s.h\"@\n" d) deps; iter (pp_cdecl fmt) cdecls; fprintf fmt "#endif // %s_H@\n" headern_macro | Csource cdefs -> let headern = filen_wo_ext ^ ".h" in Misc.print_header_info fmt "/*" "*/"; fprintf fmt "#include @\n"; fprintf fmt "#include @\n"; fprintf fmt "#include \"%s\"@\n@\n" headern; fprintf fmt "#define FALSE 0@\n#define TRUE 1@\n@\n"; iter (pp_cdef fmt) cdefs (******************************) (** [output_cfile dir cfile] pretty-prints the content of [cfile] to the corresponding file in the [dir] directory. *) let output_cfile dir (filen, cfile_desc) = if !Misc.verbose then Printf.printf "C-NG generating %s/%s\n" dir filen; let buf = Buffer.create 20000 in let oc = open_out (Filename.concat dir filen) in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in pp_cfile_desc fmt filen cfile_desc; Buffer.output_buffer oc buf; close_out oc let output dir cprog = List.iter (output_cfile dir) cprog (** { Lexical conversions to C's syntax } *) (** [cname_of_name name] translates the string [name] to a valid C identifier. Copied verbatim from the old C backend. *) let cname_of_name name = let buf = Buffer.create (String.length name) in let rec convert c = match c with | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '_' -> Buffer.add_char buf c | '\'' -> Buffer.add_string buf "_prime" | _ -> Buffer.add_string buf "lex"; Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_int (Char.code c)); Buffer.add_string buf "_" in String.iter convert name; Buffer.contents buf (** Converts an expression to a lhs. *) let lhs_of_exp e = match e with | Clhs e -> e | _ -> assert false (** Returns the type of a pointer to a type, except for types which are already pointers. *) let pointer_to ty = match ty with | Cty_arr _ | Cty_ptr _ -> ty | _ -> Cty_ptr ty (** Returns whether a type is a pointer. *) let is_pointer_type = function | Cty_arr _ | Cty_ptr _ -> true | _ -> false (** [array_base_ctype ty idx_list] returns the base type of an array type. If idx_list = [i1; ..; ip] and a is a variable of type ty, then it returns a[i1]..[ip]. *) let rec array_base_ctype ty idx_list = match ty, idx_list with | Cty_arr (n, ty), [i] -> ty | Cty_arr (n, ty), i::idx_list -> array_base_ctype ty idx_list | _ -> assert false