(* Printing a location in the source program *) (* taken from the source of the Caml Light 0.73 compiler *) (* $Id$ *) open Lexing open Parsing (* two important global variables: [input_name] and [input_chan] *) type location = Loc of int (* Position of the first character *) * int (* Position of the next character following the last one *) let input_name = ref "" (* Input file name. *) let input_chan = ref stdin (* The channel opened on the input. *) let initialize iname ic = input_name := iname; input_chan := ic let no_location = Loc(0,0) let error_prompt = ">" let get_current_location () = Loc(symbol_start(), symbol_end()) let output_lines oc char1 char2 charline1 line1 line2 = let n1 = char1 - charline1 and n2 = char2 - charline1 in if line2 > line1 then Printf.fprintf oc ", line %d-%d, characters %d-%d:\n" line1 line2 n1 n2 else Printf.fprintf oc ", line %d, characters %d-%d:\n" line1 n1 n2; () let output_loc oc input seek line_flag (Loc(pos1, pos2)) = let pr_chars n c = for i = 1 to n do output_char oc c done in let skip_line () = try while input() != '\n' do () done with End_of_file -> () in let copy_line () = let c = ref ' ' in begin try while c := input(); !c != '\n' do output_char oc !c done with End_of_file -> output_string oc "" end; output_char oc '\n' in let pr_line first len ch = let c = ref ' ' and f = ref first and l = ref len in try while c := input (); !c != '\n' do if !f > 0 then begin f := !f - 1; output_char oc (if !c == '\t' then !c else ' ') end else if !l > 0 then begin l := !l - 1; output_char oc (if !c == '\t' then !c else ch) end else () done with End_of_file -> if !f = 0 && !l > 0 then pr_chars 5 ch in let pos = ref 0 and line1 = ref 1 and line1_pos = ref 0 and line2 = ref 1 and line2_pos = ref 0 in seek 0; begin try while !pos < pos1 do incr pos; if input() == '\n' then begin incr line1; line1_pos := !pos; () end done with End_of_file -> () end; line2 := !line1; line2_pos := !line1_pos; begin try while !pos < pos2 do incr pos; if input() == '\n' then begin incr line2; line2_pos := !pos; () end done with End_of_file -> () end; if line_flag then output_lines oc pos1 pos2 !line1_pos !line1 !line2; if !line1 == !line2 then begin seek !line1_pos; output_string oc error_prompt; copy_line (); seek !line1_pos; output_string oc error_prompt; pr_line (pos1 - !line1_pos) (pos2 - pos1) '^'; output_char oc '\n' end else begin seek !line1_pos; output_string oc error_prompt; pr_line 0 (pos1 - !line1_pos) '.'; seek pos1; copy_line(); if !line2 - !line1 <= 8 then for i = !line1 + 1 to !line2 - 1 do output_string oc error_prompt; copy_line() done else begin for i = !line1 + 1 to !line1 + 3 do output_string oc error_prompt; copy_line() done; output_string oc error_prompt; output_string oc "..........\n"; for i = !line1 + 4 to !line2 - 4 do skip_line() done; for i = !line2 - 3 to !line2 - 1 do output_string oc error_prompt; copy_line() done end; begin try output_string oc error_prompt; for i = !line2_pos to pos2 - 1 do output_char oc (input()) done; pr_line 0 100 '.' with End_of_file -> output_string oc "" end; output_char oc '\n' end let output_location oc loc = let p = pos_in !input_chan in Printf.fprintf oc "File \"%s\"" !input_name; output_loc oc (fun () -> input_char !input_chan) (seek_in !input_chan) true loc; seek_in !input_chan p let output_input_name oc = Printf.fprintf oc "File \"%s\", line 1:\n" !input_name