(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *) (* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *) (* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *) (* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *) (* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *) (* *) (* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *) (* *) (* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. *) (* *) (* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU General Public License for more details. *) (* *) (* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *) (* along with Heptagon. If not, see *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id: simulator.ml 2418 2011-01-13 20:55:13Z delaval $ *) (* Graphical simulator *) open Compiler_utils open Errors open Modules open Signature open Names open Types open Printf let print_debug s = Printf.printf "%s\n" s; flush stdout let autostep = ref None let running_thread = ref None let running_period = ref 0.5 type simtype = Tbool | Tint | Treal | Tother let simtype_of_type ty = match Modules.unalias_type ty with | Tid{ qual = Pervasives; name = "int" } -> Tint | Tid{ qual = Pervasives; name = "float" } -> Treal | Tid{ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" } -> Tbool | _ -> Tother type output_format = Rif | VCD type chrono_viewer = Sim2chro | GtkWave class type input = object method get_input : string method get_random_input : string method set_input : string -> unit method reset : unit end class boolean_input (table:GPack.table) n : input = let value = ref false in let click_processed = ref false in let but_true = GButton.toggle_button ~label:"true" ~active:false () in let _ = table#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:1 ~right:2 ~top:n but_true#coerce in let but_false = GButton.toggle_button ~label:"false" ~active:true () in let _ = table#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:2 ~right:3 ~top:n but_false#coerce in let toggle new_value = value := new_value; click_processed := true; but_false#set_active (not !value); but_true#set_active !value; click_processed := false; in let click button_clicked () = if not !click_processed then begin click_processed := true; value := not !value; begin match button_clicked with | false -> but_true#set_active !value | true -> but_false#set_active (not !value) end; begin match !autostep with | None -> () | Some f -> f () end; click_processed := false end in let _ = (but_true#connect#clicked ~callback:(click true)) in let _ = (but_false#connect#clicked ~callback:(click false)) in object method get_input = if !value then "1" else "0" method get_random_input = let v = Random.bool () in toggle v; if v then "1" else "0" method set_input s = let v = match s with | "0" | "f" | "false" -> false | _ -> true in toggle v method reset = toggle false end class enum_input mod_name value_list (table:GPack.table) n : input = let mod_name = modul_to_string mod_name in let value = ref ((List.hd value_list).name) in let click_processed = ref false in let nb_values = List.length value_list in let buttons_frame = GPack.table ~columns:nb_values ~rows:1 () in let _ = table#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:1 ~right:3 ~top:n buttons_frame#coerce in let rec create_buttons n first = function [] -> [] | { name = value } :: value_list -> let but = GButton.toggle_button ~label:value ~active:first () in let _ = buttons_frame#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:n ~right:(n+1) ~top:0 but#coerce in (value,but) :: (create_buttons (n+1) false value_list) in let buttons = create_buttons 0 true value_list in let array_buttons = Array.of_list buttons in let active_button = ref (snd (List.hd buttons)) in let _ = List.iter (fun (v,b) -> let prefixed_value = mod_name ^ "_" ^ v in let click () = if not !click_processed then begin click_processed := true; value := prefixed_value; !active_button#set_active false; b#set_active true; active_button := b; begin match !autostep with | None -> () | Some f -> f () end; click_processed := false end in ignore(b#connect#clicked ~callback:click) ) buttons in object method get_input = !value method get_random_input = let i = Random.int (Array.length array_buttons) in let (v,b) = array_buttons.(i) in click_processed := true; value := mod_name ^ "_" ^ v; !active_button#set_active false; b#set_active true; active_button := b; click_processed := false; !value method set_input v = let b = List.assoc v buttons in click_processed := true; value := mod_name ^ "_" ^ v; !active_button#set_active false; b#set_active true; active_button := b; click_processed := false method reset = () end class entry_input default_value (table:GPack.table) n : input = let entry = GEdit.entry ~text:default_value () in let _ = table#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:1 ~right:3 ~top:n entry#coerce in object method get_input = entry#text method get_random_input = entry#text method set_input s = entry#set_text s method reset = () end class scale_input default_value lower upper to_float from_float digits (table:GPack.table) n : input = let adj = GData.adjustment ~value:default_value ~lower:lower ~upper:upper () in let scale = GRange.scale `HORIZONTAL ~adjustment:adj ~digits:digits ~draw_value:true () in let _ = table#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:1 ~right:3 ~top:n scale#coerce in object method get_input = from_float adj#value method get_random_input = begin match (Random.int 4) with | 0 -> adj#set_value (max adj#lower (adj#value -. adj#step_increment)) | 3 -> adj#set_value (min adj#upper (adj#value +. adj#step_increment)) | _ -> () end; from_float adj#value method set_input v = adj#set_value (to_float v) method reset = () end class type output = object method set_output : string -> unit end class label_output (table:GPack.table) n : output = let label = GMisc.label ~text:"" () in let _ = table#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:1 ~right:2 ~top:n label#coerce in object method set_output s = label#set_text s end let sim2chro_type ty = match ty with | Tint -> "int" | Treal -> "real" | Tbool -> "int" | _ -> "string" (* input : 1 label, 1 field or two (bool) or more (enum) buttons *) let create_input v_name v_ty n (table:GPack.table) = let label = GMisc.label ~text:v_name () in table#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:0 ~right:1 ~top:n label#coerce; match v_ty with | Tid{ qual = Pervasives; name = "int" } -> new scale_input 0.0 0. 120.float_of_string (fun v -> string_of_int (int_of_float v)) 0 table n | Tid{ qual = Pervasives; name = "float" } -> new scale_input 0. 0. 100. float_of_string string_of_float 1 table n | Tid{ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" } -> new boolean_input table n | Tid(name) -> begin try let ty = find_type name in begin match ty with | Tenum(clist) -> new enum_input name.qual clist table n | _ -> new entry_input "" table n end with Not_found -> new entry_input "" table n end | _ -> failwith("Arrays and tuples not yet implemented") let create_output v_name _v_ty n (table:GPack.table) = let label = GMisc.label ~text:v_name () in table#attach ~expand:`BOTH ~left:0 ~right:1 ~top:n label#coerce; new label_output table n let find_in_path filename = let rec find path = match path with [] -> raise(Cannot_find_file filename) | a::rest -> let b = Filename.concat a filename in if Sys.file_exists b then b else find rest in if Sys.file_exists filename then filename else if not(Filename.is_implicit filename) then raise(Cannot_find_file filename) else try let path = Sys.getenv "PATH" in Printf.printf "PATH = %s\n" path; let path = Str.split (Str.regexp ":") path in find path with Cannot_find_file _ | Not_found -> Printf.printf "Warning: command %s not found in your path \ (set $PATH variable).\n\ Only a minimal chronogram tool will be provided.\n" filename; raise Not_found let usage_msg = "Usage: " ^ Sys.executable_name ^ " -mod -node -exec [OPTION]...\n" ^ " " ^ Sys.executable_name ^ " -sig .epci -node -exec [OPTION]..." and doc_sig = ".epci\tCompiled interface containing node (for backward compatibility)" and doc_mod = "\tModule containing node " and doc_node = "\tName of simulated node" and doc_exec = "\tSimulation executable" and doc_sim2chro = "\tOutput to the sim2chro chronogram viewer tool (by default)" and doc_gtkwave = "\tOutput to the GtkWave chronogram viewer tool" and doc_noviewer = "\tNo chronogram viewer used: output to stdout" and doc_vcd = "\tOutput in VCD (Value Change Dump) format (Rif format by default)" let main () = let nb_step = ref 0 in let saves = ref [] in let mod_name = ref "" in let node_name = ref "" in let exec_name = ref "" in let format = ref Rif in let viewer = ref (Some Sim2chro) in let mod_name_of_epci epci_name = if Filename.check_suffix epci_name ".epci" then begin let filename = Filename.chop_suffix epci_name ".epci" in mod_name := String.capitalize(Filename.basename filename) end else raise (Arg.Bad("Invalid compiled interface: " ^ epci_name)) in let arg_list = [ "-sig",Arg.String mod_name_of_epci,doc_sig; (* Backward compatibility *) "-mod",Arg.Set_string mod_name,doc_mod; "-node",Arg.Set_string node_name,doc_node; "-exec",Arg.Set_string exec_name,doc_exec; "-sim2chro",Arg.Unit (fun () -> viewer := (Some Sim2chro); format := Rif),doc_sim2chro; "-gtkwave",Arg.Unit (fun () -> viewer := (Some GtkWave); format := VCD),doc_gtkwave; "-noviewer",Arg.Unit (fun () -> viewer := None),doc_noviewer; "-vcd",Arg.Unit (fun () -> format := VCD),doc_vcd ] in Arg.parse arg_list (fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Invalid argument: " ^ s))) usage_msg; if (!mod_name = "") or (!node_name = "") or (!exec_name = "") then begin Arg.usage arg_list usage_msg; raise Error end; open_module (Module !mod_name); let signature = find_value { qual = (Module !mod_name); name = !node_name } in let nb_inputs = List.length signature.node_inputs in let nb_outputs = List.length signature.node_outputs in ignore (GMain.init ()); (* main windows *) let win = GWindow.window ~allow_shrink:true ~title:(!node_name ^ " - commands") () in let box = GPack.vbox ~packing:win#add () in let up_part = GPack.paned `VERTICAL ~packing:(box#pack ~expand:true) () in let mid_part = GPack.hbox ~packing:(box#pack ~expand:false) () in let period_part = GPack.hbox ~packing:(box#pack ~expand:false) () in let low_part = GPack.button_box `HORIZONTAL ~packing:(box#pack ~expand:false) () in (* Input frame *) let in_frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Inputs" ~packing:up_part#add1 () in let scroll_in = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:in_frame#add () in let input_frame = GPack.table ~columns:3 ~rows:nb_inputs ~packing:scroll_in#add_with_viewport () in (* Output frame *) let out_frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Outputs" ~packing:up_part#add2 () in let scroll_out = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:out_frame#add () in (* let output_frame = GPack.table ~row_spacings:0 ~border_width:1 ~columns:2 ~rows:nb_outputs *) (* ~packing:out_frame#add () in *) let output_frame = GPack.table ~columns:2 ~rows:nb_outputs ~packing:scroll_out#add_with_viewport () in (* Step label *) let step_label = GMisc.label ~text:"Step: -" ~packing:mid_part#add () in (* Period scale *) let _period_label = GMisc.label ~text:"Period" ~packing:period_part#add () in let running_period_adj = GData.adjustment ~value:!running_period ~lower:0.001 ~upper:1.0 ~step_incr:0.01 ~page_incr:0.1 ~page_size:0.1 () in ignore(running_period_adj#connect#value_changed ~callback:(fun () -> running_period := running_period_adj#value)); let _period_scale = GRange.scale `HORIZONTAL ~adjustment:running_period_adj ~digits:3 ~draw_value:true ~update_policy:`DISCONTINUOUS ~packing:period_part#add () in (* Step, autostep, random, run, quit buttons *) let bstep = GButton.button ~label:"Step" ~packing:low_part#add () in let bastep = GButton.toggle_button ~label:"Autostep" ~packing:low_part#add () in let brun = GButton.toggle_button ~label:"Run" ~packing:low_part#add () in let brandom = GButton.toggle_button ~label:"Random" ~packing:low_part#add () in let bquit = GButton.button ~label:"Quit" ~packing:low_part#add () in (* chronogram windows *) let chrono = GWindow.window ~title:(!node_name ^ " - chronogram") () in let chrono_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:chrono#add () in let chrono_chronos = GPack.table ~homogeneous:false ~col_spacings:10 ~columns:11 ~rows:(nb_inputs+nb_outputs) ~packing:chrono_box#add () in let packing_chrono = chrono_chronos#attach ~expand:`BOTH in let chrono_buttons = GPack.button_box `HORIZONTAL ~packing:chrono_box#add () in let blatex = GButton.button ~label:"Export in LaTeX" ~packing:chrono_buttons#add () in let btikz = GButton.button ~label:"Export in TikZ" ~packing:chrono_buttons#add () in let bgnuplot = GButton.button ~label:"Export for Gnuplot" ~packing:chrono_buttons#add () in let make_label () = GMisc.label ~text:" " () in (* create sim2chro process *) let oc_simview = match !viewer with None -> stdout | Some Sim2chro -> begin try let file = find_in_path "sim2chro" in let oc = Unix.open_process_out (file ^ " -ecran") in oc with Not_found -> stdout end | Some GtkWave -> begin try let _ = find_in_path "gtkwave" in let _ = find_in_path "shmidcat" in Unix.open_process_out ("shmidcat | gtkwave -v -I " ^ !node_name ^ ".sav") with Not_found -> stdout end in (* Print output headers *) begin match !format with | Rif -> output_string oc_simview ("#program \"" ^ !node_name ^ "\"\n"); output_string oc_simview "#@inputs\n" | VCD -> let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in fprintf oc_simview "$date %d/%d/%d %d:%d $end\n" tm.Unix.tm_mday (tm.Unix.tm_mon+1) (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900) tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min; fprintf oc_simview "$version Heptagon simulator 1.0 $end\n"; fprintf oc_simview "$timescale 1 ms $end\n"; fprintf oc_simview "$scope module top $end\n" end; (* Adding inputs *) let inputs,_ = List.fold_left (fun (acc,n) { a_name = name; a_type = ty } -> let name = match name with | None -> "Input " ^ (string_of_int n) | Some name -> name in let input = create_input name ty n input_frame in let _chrono_label = GMisc.label ~text:name ~packing:(packing_chrono ~left:0 ~top:n) () in let chrono_data = Array.init 10 (fun i -> let lab = make_label () in packing_chrono ~left:(i+1) ~top:n lab#coerce; lab) in let save = ref [] in let ty = simtype_of_type ty in saves := (name, save)::!saves; begin match !format with | Rif -> fprintf oc_simview "\"%s\":%s\n" name (sim2chro_type ty); | VCD -> let vartype, size = begin match ty with Tbool -> "wire", 1 | Tint -> "integer", 32 | Treal -> "real", 32 | Tother -> "event", 1 end in fprintf oc_simview "$var %s %d %s %s $end\n" vartype size name name; end; ((name,ty,input,chrono_data,save)::acc),(n+1)) ([],0) signature.node_inputs in let inputs = List.rev inputs in begin match !format with | Rif -> output_string oc_simview "@#\n"; output_string oc_simview "#@outputs\n"; | _ -> () end; (* Adding outputs *) let outputs,_ = List.fold_left (fun (acc,n) { a_name = name; a_type = ty } -> let name = match name with | None -> "Output " ^ (string_of_int n) | Some name -> name in let output = create_output name ty n output_frame in let n = n + nb_inputs in let _chrono_label = GMisc.label ~text:name ~packing:(packing_chrono ~left:0 ~top:n) () in let chrono_data = Array.init 10 (fun i -> let lab = make_label () in packing_chrono ~left:(i+1) ~top:n lab#coerce; lab) in let save = ref [] in let ty = simtype_of_type ty in begin match !format with | Rif -> fprintf oc_simview "\"%s\":%s\n" name (sim2chro_type ty); | VCD -> let vartype, size = begin match ty with Tbool -> "wire", 1 | Tint -> "integer", 32 | Treal -> "real", 32 | Tother -> "event", 1 end in fprintf oc_simview "$var %s %d %s %s $end\n" vartype size name name; end; saves := (name, save)::!saves; ((name,ty,output,chrono_data,save)::acc),(n+1)) ([],0) signature.node_outputs in let outputs = List.rev outputs in let all_vars = (List.map (fun (name,ty,_,chrono_data,save) -> (name,ty,chrono_data,save)) inputs) @ (List.map (fun (name,ty,_,chrono_data,save) -> (name,ty,chrono_data,save)) outputs) in (* create simulating process *) let (ic_sim,oc_sim) = Unix.open_process !exec_name in (* Exports of traces *) let open_filedlg outf default_filename () = (* File chooser dialog for exports *) let dlg = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`SAVE () in dlg#add_select_button_stock `SAVE `SAVE_EVENT; dlg#add_button_stock `CANCEL `CANCEL_EVENT; let callback evt = match evt with | `DELETE_EVENT -> () | `CANCEL_EVENT -> dlg#misc#hide () | `SAVE_EVENT -> begin match dlg#filename with None -> () | Some f -> outf f end; dlg#misc#hide () in ignore(dlg#connect#response ~callback:callback); ignore(dlg#set_filename default_filename); dlg#show () in let output_latex filename = let oc = open_out filename in output_string oc "\\[\n"; output_string oc "\\begin{array}{l|"; output_string oc (String.make (List.length !((fun (_,_,_,s) -> s) (List.hd all_vars))) 'c'); output_string oc "c}\n"; output_string oc "\\hline\n"; List.iter (fun (name,_,_,save) -> output_string oc ("\\mbox{\\tt " ^ name ^ "}"); List.iter (fun x -> output_string oc (" & " ^ x)) (List.rev !save); output_string oc " & ...\\\\ "; output_string oc "\\hline\n") all_vars; output_string oc "\\end{array}\n\\]\n"; close_out oc in let output_tikz filename = let oc = open_out filename in (* printing with grouped repeated values *) (* [n] is the number of occurrence of [List.hd s] directly preceding [s] *) let print_signal print_value s = let rec print n s = match s,n with [],_ -> () | [x],0 -> print_value oc x | [x],_ -> fprintf oc " %d%a" (n+1) print_value x | x1 :: ((x2 :: _) as l),_ when x1 = x2 -> print (n+1) l | x :: l, 0 -> print_value oc x; print 0 l | x :: l, _ -> fprintf oc " %d%a" (n+1) print_value x; print 0 l in print 0 s in output_string oc "\\begin{tikztimingtable}\n"; List.iter (fun (name,ty,_,save) -> output_string oc (name ^ " & "); print_signal (match ty with Tbool -> (fun oc x -> output_string oc (if x = "0" then "L" else "H")) | _ -> (fun oc x -> output_string oc ("D{" ^ x ^ "}"))) (List.rev !save); output_string oc " \\\\\n") all_vars; output_string oc "\\end{tikztimingtable}\n"; close_out oc in let output_gnuplot () = let dt = 1.0 in List.iter (fun (name,_,_,save) -> let oc = open_out (name ^ ".gnuplot") in let t = ref 0.0 in List.iter (fun x -> output_string oc ((string_of_float !t) ^ "\t" ^ x ^ "\n"); t := !t +. dt) (List.rev !save); close_out oc) all_vars in begin match !format with | Rif -> output_string oc_simview "@#\n"; | VCD -> output_string oc_simview "$upscope $end\n"; output_string oc_simview "$enddefinitions $end\n"; output_string oc_simview "#1\n" end; flush oc_simview; let step_rif (i,o) = output_string oc_simview ("#step " ^ (string_of_int !nb_step) ^ "\n"); let print_value v = output_string oc_simview (v ^ "\t") in List.iter print_value (List.rev i); output_string oc_simview "#outs\t"; List.iter print_value (List.rev o); output_string oc_simview "\n"; flush oc_simview in let step_vcd () = List.iter (fun (name,ty,_,save) -> let print x = begin match ty with | Tbool -> fprintf oc_simview "%s%s\n" x name (* 1/0 value *) | Tint | Treal -> fprintf oc_simview "r%s %s\n" x name (* "real" value *) | Tother -> fprintf oc_simview "x %s\n" name (* "x" -> "unknown" value *) end in match !save with | x1 :: x2 :: _ when x1 <> x2 -> print x1 | [x] -> print x | _ -> () ) all_vars; fprintf oc_simview "#%d\n" (!nb_step + 1); flush oc_simview in let step () = incr nb_step; (* write inputs to simulating process *) let input_strings = List.fold_left (fun acc (_name,_ty,input,chrono,save) -> let s = if brandom#active then input#get_random_input else input#get_input in input#reset; Printf.fprintf oc_sim "%s\n" s; save := s::!save; if !nb_step <= 10 then ignore (List.fold_right (fun x i -> (chrono.(i))#set_text x ; i+1) !save 0) else begin (chrono.(0))#set_text "..."; for i = 1 to 9 do (chrono.(i))#set_text (List.nth !save (9-i)) done end; s::acc) [] inputs in flush oc_sim; (* read outputs *) let output_strings = List.fold_left (fun acc (_name,_ty,output,chrono,save) -> let s = input_line ic_sim in output#set_output s; save := s::!save; if !nb_step <= 10 then ignore (List.fold_right (fun x i -> (chrono.(i))#set_text x ; i+1) !save 0) else begin (chrono.(0))#set_text "..."; for i = 1 to 9 do (chrono.(i))#set_text (List.nth !save (9-i)) done end; s::acc) [] outputs in begin match !format with | Rif -> step_rif (input_strings,output_strings) | VCD -> step_vcd () end; step_label#set_label ("Step: " ^ (string_of_int !nb_step)) in let toggle_autostep () = match !autostep with | None -> autostep := Some step | Some _f -> autostep := None in let rec run () = step(); Thread.delay(!running_period); match !running_thread with | None -> Thread.exit() | Some _ -> run () in let toggle_run () = match !running_thread with | None -> let t = Thread.create run () in running_thread := Some t | Some _t -> running_thread := None in let quit() = begin try ignore(Unix.close_process_out oc_sim); ignore(Unix.close_process_out oc_simview) with _ -> () end; exit 0 in ignore (blatex#connect#clicked ~callback:(open_filedlg output_latex (!node_name ^ ".tex"))); ignore (btikz#connect#clicked ~callback:(open_filedlg output_tikz (!node_name ^ ".tex"))); ignore (bgnuplot#connect#clicked ~callback:output_gnuplot); chrono#show (); ignore (bstep#connect#clicked ~callback:step); ignore (bastep#connect#clicked ~callback:toggle_autostep); ignore (brun#connect#clicked ~callback:toggle_run); ignore (bquit#connect#clicked ~callback:quit); ignore (win#connect#destroy ~callback:quit); win#show (); GtkThread.main () ;; try main () with Error -> exit 2;;