(** A scheduler that tries to minimize interference between variables, in order to have a more efficient memory allocation. *) open Idents open Minils open Mls_utils open Misc open Sgraph let eq_clock eq = eq.eq_rhs.e_base_ck module Cost = struct open Interference_graph open Interference (** Remove from the elements the elements whose value is zero or negative. *) let remove_null m = let check_not_null k d m = if d > 0 then IvarEnv.add k d m else m in IvarEnv.fold check_not_null m IvarEnv.empty (** Returns the list of variables killed by an equation (ie vars used by the equation and with use count equal to 1). *) let killed_vars eq env = let is_killed iv acc = try if IvarEnv.find iv env = 1 then acc + 1 else acc with | Not_found -> Format.printf "Var not found in kill_vars %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); assert false in IvarSet.fold is_killed (all_ivars_set (InterfRead.read eq)) 0 (** Initialize the costs data structure. *) let init_cost uses inputs = let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) !World.memories IvarEnv.empty in let inputs = List.map (fun vd -> Ivar vd.v_ident) inputs in List.fold_left (fun env iv -> add_uses uses iv env) env inputs (** [update_cost eq uses env] updates the costs data structure after eq has been chosen as the next equation to be scheduled. It updates uses and adds the new variables defined by this equation. *) let update_cost eq uses env = let env = IvarSet.fold decr_uses (all_ivars_set (InterfRead.read eq)) env in IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) (InterfRead.def eq) env (** Returns the next equation, chosen from the list of equations rem_eqs *) let next_equation rem_eqs ck env = let bonus eq = match eq.eq_rhs.e_desc with | Eapp ({a_op = (Eupdate _ | Efield_update _) },_,_) -> 1 | _ -> 0 in let cost eq = let nb_killed_vars = killed_vars eq env in let nb_def_vars = IvarSet.cardinal (all_ivars_set (InterfRead.def eq)) in let b = bonus eq in if verbose_mode then Format.eprintf "(%d,%d,%d)%a@." nb_killed_vars nb_def_vars b Mls_printer.print_eq eq; nb_def_vars - nb_killed_vars + b in let eqs_wcost = List.map (fun eq -> (eq, cost eq)) rem_eqs in let compare_eqs_wcost (_,c1) (_,c2) = compare c1 c2 in let sorted_eqs_wcost = List.stable_sort compare_eqs_wcost eqs_wcost in let rec min_same_ck sorted_eqs = match sorted_eqs with | [] -> Misc.internal_error "no next equation to schedule" | [(eq,_)] -> eq | (eq1,c1)::(eq2,c2)::l -> if (c2 > c1) || (Clocks.same_control (eq_clock eq1) ck) then eq1 (* choosen since either the last with min cost or min and right clock *) else min_same_ck ((eq2,c2)::l) in min_same_ck sorted_eqs_wcost end (** Returns the list of 'free' nodes in the dependency graph (nodes without predecessors). *) let free_eqs node_list = let is_free n = (List.length n.g_depends_on) = 0 in List.map (fun n -> n.g_containt) (List.filter is_free node_list) let rec node_for_eq eq nodes_list = match nodes_list with | [] -> raise Not_found | n::nodes_list -> if eq = n.g_containt then n else node_for_eq eq nodes_list (** Remove an equation from the dependency graph. All the edges to other nodes are removed. *) let remove_eq eq node_list = let n = node_for_eq eq node_list in List.iter (remove_depends n) n.g_depends_on; List.iter (fun n2 -> remove_depends n2 n) n.g_depends_by; List.filter (fun n2 -> n.g_tag <> n2.g_tag) node_list (** Main function to schedule a node. *) let schedule eq_list inputs node_list = let uses = Interference.compute_uses eq_list in Interference.print_debug_ivar_env "uses" uses; let rec schedule_aux rem_eqs sched_eqs node_list ck costs = match rem_eqs with | [] -> if List.length node_list <> 0 then Misc.internal_error "Node is unschedulable"; sched_eqs | _ -> (* First choose the next equation to schedule depending on costs*) let eq = Cost.next_equation rem_eqs ck costs in (* remove it from the dependency graph *) let node_list = remove_eq eq node_list in (* update the list of equations ready to be scheduled *) let rem_eqs = free_eqs node_list in (* compute new costs for the next step *) let costs = Cost.update_cost eq uses costs in schedule_aux rem_eqs (eq::sched_eqs) node_list (eq_clock eq) costs in let costs = Cost.init_cost uses inputs in let rem_eqs = free_eqs node_list in List.rev (schedule_aux rem_eqs [] node_list Clocks.Cbase costs) let schedule_contract c = c let node _ () f = Interference.World.init f; let contract = optional schedule_contract f.n_contract in let node_list, _ = DataFlowDep.build f.n_equs in let f = { f with n_equs = schedule f.n_equs f.n_input node_list; n_contract = contract } in f, () let program p = let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.node_dec = node } in let p, () = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs () p in p