(* Ressource allocator for two clients, 0 and 1 *)
(* ri means that client i asks for the resource. *)
(* gi means that client i was granted the resource. *)

(* Security property: not (r0 & r1) *)
(* Liveness property (expressed in LTL): G (ri => F gi) *)

node alloc(r0 : bool; r1 : bool) returns (g0 : bool; g1 : bool)

    state IDLE0
      do g0 = false;
         g1 = false;
      unless r0 then ALLOC0 | (r1 & not r0) then ALLOC1

    state IDLE1
      do g0 = false;
         g1 = false;
      unless r1 then ALLOC1 | (r0 & not r1) then ALLOC0

    state ALLOC0
      do g0 = true;
         g1 = false;
      unless (not r0) then IDLE1

    state ALLOC1
      do g0 = false;
         g1 = true;
      unless (not r1) then IDLE0
