(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Lucid Synchrone *) (* *) (* Author : Gregoire Hamon, Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : SPI team, LIP6 laboratory, University Paris 6 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* $Id: default_value.ml,v 2005-11-03 15:45:23 pouzet Exp $ *) (** Computes a default value from a type *) open Misc open Names open Def_types open Types open Initialization open Caml let default x ty = let rec def ty = match ty with TypeVar{contents = Typindex _} -> Cdummy "" | TypeVar{contents = Typlink ty} -> def ty | Tarrow _ -> x | Tproduct(t_list) -> if t_list = [] then Cdummy "" else Ctuple (List.map def t_list) | Tconstr (info, tlist) -> if info.qualid.qual = pervasives_module then match info.qualid.id with | "int" -> Cim (Cint 0) | "bool" | "clock" -> Cim (Cbool false) | "float" -> Cim (Cfloat 0.0) | "char" -> Cim (Cchar 'a') | "string" -> Cim (Cstring "") | "unit" -> Cim (Cvoid) | _ -> Cdummy "" else match info.info_in_table.type_desc with Abstract_type -> Cdummy "" | Variant_type l -> begin let case = List.hd l in match case.info_in_table.typ_desc with Tarrow (ty1, ty2) -> Cconstruct1 ({ cqual = case.qualid.qual; cid = case.qualid.id }, def ty1) | _ -> Cconstruct0 { cqual = case.qualid.qual; cid = case.qualid.id } end | Record_type l -> let field_of_type x = let ty1,_ = filter_arrow x.info_in_table.typ_desc in ({ cqual = x.qualid.qual; cid = x.qualid.id }, def ty1) in Crecord (List.map field_of_type l) in def ty