(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Lucid Synchrone *) (* *) (* Author : Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* $Id: caml_aux.ml,v 2005-11-03 15:45:23 pouzet Exp $ *) (* file caml-aux.ml *) (* auxiliary functions for caml expressions *) (* free variables *) open Misc;; open Caml;; open Declarative;; (* convertions from declarative structures to caml ones *) (* immediates *) let caml_of_declarative_immediate = function | Dbool b -> if b then Ftrue else Ffalse | Dint i -> Fint i | Dfloat f -> Ffloat f | Dchar c -> Fchar c | Dstring s -> Fstring s (* globals *) let string_of_global g = let pref = g.dqualid.dqual in (if (pref <> "") && (pref <> "Lucy_pervasives") then g.dqualid.dqual^"." else "") ^ g.dqualid.did (* pat_desc *) let rec caml_pattern_of_pat_desc = function | Dvarpat i -> Fvarpat ("x__"^(string_of_int i)) | Dconstantpat i -> Fimpat (caml_of_declarative_immediate i) | Dtuplepat pl -> Ftuplepat (List.map caml_of_declarative_pattern pl) | Dconstruct0pat g -> Fconstruct0pat (string_of_global g) | Dconstruct1pat (g,p) -> Fconstruct1pat (string_of_global g, caml_of_declarative_pattern p) | Drecordpat gpl -> Frecordpat (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (string_of_global x, caml_of_declarative_pattern y)) gpl) (* patterns *) and caml_of_declarative_pattern p = caml_pattern_of_pat_desc p.dp_desc (* ---- end of convertions *) let rec flat_exp_of_pattern = function | Fpunit -> Fim Funit | Fimpat i -> Fim i | Fvarpat v -> Fvar { cvar_name=v; cvar_imported=false } | Fconstruct0pat c -> Fconstruct0 c | Fconstruct1pat (c,p) -> Fconstruct1 (c, flat_exp_of_pattern p) | Ftuplepat pl -> Ftuple (List.map flat_exp_of_pattern pl) | Frecordpat cpl -> Frecord (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (x,flat_exp_of_pattern y)) cpl) (* small functions manipulating lists *) let union x1 x2 = let rec rec_union l = function [] -> l | h::t -> if List.mem h l then (rec_union l t) else (rec_union (h::l) t) in rec_union x1 x2 let subtract x1 x2 = let rec sub l = function [] -> l | h::t -> if List.mem h x2 then (sub l t) else (sub (h::l) t) in sub [] x1 let flat l = let rec f ac = function [] -> ac | t::q -> f (ac@t) q in f [] l let intersect x1 x2 = let rec inter l = function [] -> l | h::t -> if List.mem h x1 then (inter (h::l) t) else (inter l t) in inter [] x2 (* make a variable *) let make_var n = Fvar {cvar_name = n;cvar_imported = false} and make_imported_var n b = Fvar {cvar_name = n;cvar_imported = b} let nil_ident = "Lucy__nil" let state_ident = "Lucy__state" (* makes a conditional *) let ifthenelse(c,e1,e2) = match c with Fim(Ftrue) -> e1 | Fim(Ffalse) -> e2 | _ -> Fifthenelse(c,e1,e2) (* makes a list of conditionnals *) let ifseq l = let rec ifs l = let (c,e)::t = l in if t = [] then e else ifthenelse (c, e, ifs t) in ifs l