(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *) (* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *) (* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *) (* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *) (* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *) (* *) (* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *) (* *) (* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. *) (* *) (* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU General Public License for more details. *) (* *) (* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *) (* along with Heptagon. If not, see *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (** Define qualified names "Module.name" (longname) [shortname] longname -> name [fullname] longname -> Module.name *) type name = string type module_name = name type ack_name = name type modul = | Pervasives | LocalModule | Module of module_name | QualModule of qualname and qualname = { qual: modul; name: name } type type_name = qualname type fun_name = qualname type field_name = qualname type constructor_name = qualname type constant_name = qualname let pervasives_qn name = { qual = Pervasives; name = name } let local_qn name = { qual = LocalModule; name = name } module NamesEnv = struct include (Map.Make(struct type t = name let compare = compare end)) let append env0 env = fold (fun key v env -> add key v env) env0 env end module ModulEnv = struct include (Map.Make(struct type t = modul let compare = compare end)) let append env0 env = fold (fun key v env -> add key v env) env0 env end module QualEnv = struct include (Map.Make(struct type t = qualname let compare = compare end)) (** [append env' env] appends env' to env *) let append env' env = fold (fun key v env -> add key v env) env' env end module NamesSet = Set.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) module QualSet = Set.Make (struct type t = qualname let compare = compare end) module ModulSet = Set.Make (struct type t = modul let compare = compare end) let shortname { name = n; } = n let modul { qual = m; } = m let rec modul_to_string m = match m with | Pervasives -> "Pervasives" | LocalModule -> "#$%@#_LOCAL_MODULE" | Module n -> n | QualModule {qual = q; name = n} -> (modul_to_string q) ^"."^ n let fullname {qual = q; name = n} = modul_to_string q ^ "." ^ n let rec modul_of_string_list = function | [] -> LocalModule | ["Pervasives"] -> Pervasives | [q] -> Module q | q::q_l -> QualModule {qual = modul_of_string_list q_l; name = q} let qualname_of_string s = let q_l_n = Misc.split_string s "." in match List.rev q_l_n with | [] -> (* Misc.internal_error "Names" *)raise Exit | n::q_l -> { qual = modul_of_string_list q_l; name = n } let modul_of_string s = let q_l = Misc.split_string s "." in modul_of_string_list (List.rev q_l) (** Are infix [or], [quo], [mod], [land], [lor], [lxor], [lsl], [lsr], [asr] and every names not beginning with 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '`'*) let is_infix s = let module StrSet = Set.Make(String) in let infix_set = List.fold_right StrSet.add ["or"; "quo"; "mod"; "land"; "lor"; "lxor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "asr"] StrSet.empty in if StrSet.mem s infix_set then true else begin try match String.get s 0 with | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '`' | '~' -> false | _ -> true with Invalid_argument _ -> (* empty string *) false end open Format let print_name ff n = let n = if is_infix n then "(" ^ (n ^ ")") (* printers should have a special case to print '*' infix *) else n in fprintf ff "%s" n (** Use a printer to generate a string compatible with a name *) let print_pp_to_name p x = Misc.sanitize_string (Misc.print_pp_to_string p x)