open C open Obc open Ident open Names let rec subst_stm map stm = match stm with | Csexpr e -> Csexpr (subst_exp map e) | Cskip -> Cskip | Creturn e -> Creturn (subst_exp map e) | Csblock cblock -> Csblock (subst_block map cblock) | Caffect (lhs, e) -> Caffect(subst_lhs map lhs, subst_exp map e) | Cif (e, truel, falsel) -> Cif (subst_exp map e, subst_stm_list map truel, subst_stm_list map falsel) | Cswitch (e, l) -> Cswitch (subst_exp map e, (fun (s, sl) -> s, subst_stm_list map sl) l) | Cwhile (e, l) -> Cwhile (subst_exp map e, subst_stm_list map l) | Cfor (x, i1, i2, l) -> Cfor (x, i1, i2, subst_stm_list map l) and subst_stm_list map = (subst_stm map) and subst_lhs map lhs = match lhs with | Cvar n -> if NamesEnv.mem n map then NamesEnv.find n map else lhs | Cfield (lhs, s) -> Cfield (subst_lhs map lhs, s) | Carray (lhs, n) -> Carray (subst_lhs map lhs, n) | Cderef lhs -> Cderef (subst_lhs map lhs) and subst_exp map = function | Cuop (op, e) -> Cuop (op, subst_exp map e) | Cbop (s, l, r) -> Cbop (s, subst_exp map l, subst_exp map r) | Cfun_call (s, el) -> Cfun_call (s, subst_exp_list map el) | Cconst x -> Cconst x | Clhs lhs -> Clhs (subst_lhs map lhs) | Caddrof lhs -> Caddrof (subst_lhs map lhs) | Cstructlit (s, el) -> Cstructlit (s, subst_exp_list map el) | Carraylit el -> Carraylit (subst_exp_list map el) and subst_exp_list map = (subst_exp map) and subst_block map b = {b with block_body = subst_stm_list map b.block_body} let assoc_map_for_fun sf = match sf.out with | [] -> NamesEnv.empty | [vd] when Obc.is_scalar_type (List.hd sf.out) -> NamesEnv.empty | out -> let fill_field map vd = NamesEnv.add (name vd.v_name) (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), name vd.v_name)) map in List.fold_left fill_field NamesEnv.empty out