(* The core module *) (* To compile : heptc -nopervasives pervasives.epi *) type bool = true | false type int type float type string val fun (&)(bool;bool) returns (bool) val fun ( * )(int;int) returns (int) val fun ( *. )(float;float) returns (float) val fun (%)(int;int) returns (int) val fun (+)(int;int) returns (int) val fun (+.)(float;float) returns (float) val fun (-)(int;int) returns (int) val fun (-.)(float;float) returns (float) val fun (/)(int;int) returns (int) val fun (/.)(float;float) returns (float) val fun ( = )(int;int) returns (bool) val fun ( <= )(int;int) returns (bool) val fun ( <=. )(float;float) returns (bool) val fun ( < )(int;int) returns (bool) val fun ( <. )(float;float) returns (bool) val fun ( >= )(int;int) returns (bool) val fun ( >=. )(float;float) returns (bool) val fun ( > )(int;int) returns (bool) val fun ( >. )(float;float) returns (bool) val fun (not)(bool) returns (bool) val fun (or)(bool;bool) returns (bool) val fun (xor)(bool;bool) returns (bool) val fun (~-)(int) returns (int) val fun (~-.)(float) returns (float) val fun do_stuff(int) returns (int) val fun between(int;int) returns (int) val fun exit(bool) returns () val fun assert(bool) returns ()