#!/bin/bash #Small wrapper to deal with compilation of the compiler and the stdlib. STATUS=0 RUN_DIR="`pwd`" SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname $(python -c "import os, sys; print os.path.realpath(\"$0\")")` COMPILER_DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR/compiler" COMPILER=heptc.byte COMPILER_DEBUG=heptc.d.byte LIB_DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR/lib" JAVA_LIB_DIR="$LIB_DIR/java" JAVAC="javac -Xlint:unchecked -cp $JAVA_LIB_DIR" #the symlink HEPTC="$COMPILER_DIR/$COMPILER" HEPTC_DEBUG="$COMPILER_DIR/$COMPILER_DEBUG" #compile the compiler if [ ! -x "$HEPTC" ] then if [ -x "$HEPTC_DEBUG" ] then #use the debug HEPTC=$HEPTC_DEBUG else pushd "$COMPILER_DIR" > /dev/null ocamlbuild -j 0 "$COMPILER" popd > /dev/null fi fi #compile the stdlib if [ ! -e "$LIB_DIR/pervasives.epci" ] || [ "$HEPTC" -nt "$LIB_DIR/pervasives.epci" ] then pushd "$LIB_DIR" > /dev/null echo "Recompile pervasives.epci" "$HEPTC" -nopervasives pervasives.epi popd > /dev/null fi function compile { #call the compiler with the passed arguments. pushd "$RUN_DIR" > /dev/null "$HEPTC" -stdlib "$LIB_DIR" "$@" STATUS=$? popd > /dev/null } case $1 in java ) shift compile -target java "$@" if [[ $STATUS = 0 ]] then #call javac to compile the file given as last argument last_arg=$# base_f=`basename ${!last_arg} .ept` pushd "java/$(echo ${base_f} | sed 's/^./\u&/')" > /dev/null ${JAVAC}:.. *.java popd > /dev/null fi ;; -- | * ) compile "$@" esac exit $STATUS