(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Author : Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Remove implicit array's deep copy. If ever some p = e with p of type array still exist, they are only used as reference to the array, no copy is implied : array assignation after [scalarize] is pointer wise assignation *) open Misc open Obc open Obc_utils open Obc_mapfold (** Scalarize the code : any equation t = e with e_ty an array is transformed into : t_ref = e; for i do t[i] = t_ref[i]. This pass assumes that the backend when encountering t_ref = (e : int^n) will NOT COPY the array but set a reference to it. *) let fresh_for = fresh_for "scalarize" let act funs () a = match a with | Aassgn (p,e) -> (match e.e_ty with | Types.Tarray (t, size) -> (* a reference (alias) to the array, since we could have a full expression *) let array_ref = Idents.gen_var "scalarize" "a_ref" in let vd_array_ref = mk_var_dec array_ref p.pat_ty in (* reference initialization *) let pat_array_ref = mk_pattern ~loc:e.e_loc p.pat_ty (Lvar array_ref) in let init_array_ref = Aassgn (pat_array_ref, e) in (* the copy loop *) let array_ref_i i = mk_pattern_exp t (Larray (pat_array_ref, i)) in let p_i i = mk_pattern t (Larray (p, i)) in let copy_i i = (* recursive call to deal with multidimensional arrays (go deeper) *) let a = Aassgn (p_i i, array_ref_i i) in let a, _ = act_it funs () a in [a] in let copy_array = fresh_for (mk_exp_const_int 0) (mk_exp_static_int size) copy_i in (* resulting block *) let block = mk_block ~locals:[vd_array_ref] [init_array_ref; copy_array] in Ablock block, () | _ -> raise Errors.Fallback ) | _ -> raise Errors.Fallback let program p = let p, _ = program_it { defaults with act = act } () p in p