Heptagon is a synchronous dataflow language whose syntax and semantics is inspired from Lustre, with a syntax allowing the expression of control structures (e.g., switch or mode automata).

Heptagon is also a research compiler, whose aim is to facilitate experimentation. The current version of the compiler includes the following features:

Heptagon is developed in the Parkas (ENS) and Pop-Art (LIG/INRIA) research teams.

How to get it or try it


Heptagon can be freely downloaded here.

Technical requirements

The use of the Heptagon compiler by itself does not require any additional tools. However, the usual use involves a compiler for the generated code (target languages are currently C or Java). The tools below are optional or are related to some subparts of Heptagon:


Please contact us for further information.

Main participants

Gwenaël Delaval Assistant Prof. at UJF +33 4 76 61 54 31 mail web
Léonard Gérard PhD student at ENS mail
Adrien Guatto PhD student at ENS mail web
Hervé Marchand Researcher at INRIA +33 2 99 84 75 09 mail web
Cédric Pasteur PhD student at ENS mail web
Marc Pouzet Professor at ENS mail web
Eric Rutten Researcher at INRIA +33 4 76 61 55 50 mail web