(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *) (* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *) (* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *) (* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *) (* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *) (* *) (* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *) (* *) (* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. *) (* *) (* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU General Public License for more details. *) (* *) (* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *) (* along with Heptagon. If not, see *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Names open Types open Misc open Location open Signature open Modules open Static open Global_mapfold open Mls_mapfold open Minils open Global_printer module Error = struct type error = | Enode_unbound of qualname | Epartial_evaluation of static_exp list let message loc kind = begin match kind with | Enode_unbound ln -> Format.eprintf "%aUnknown node '%s'@." print_location loc (fullname ln) | Epartial_evaluation se_l -> Format.eprintf "%aUnable to fully instanciate the static exps '%a'@." print_location loc print_static_exp_tuple se_l end; raise Errors.Error end module Param_instances : sig (** Fully instantiated param *) type key = private static_exp type env = key QualEnv.t val instantiate: env -> static_exp list -> key list val get_node_instances : QualEnv.key -> key list list val add_node_instance : QualEnv.key -> key list -> unit val build : env -> param list -> key list -> env module Instantiate : sig val program : program -> program end end = struct type key = static_exp type env = key QualEnv.t (** An instance is a list of instantiated params *) type instance = key list (** two instances are equal if the desc of keys are equal *) let compare_instances = let compare se1 se2 = compare se1.se_desc se2.se_desc in Misc.list_compare compare (** Instances set *) module S = Set.Make( struct type t = instance let compare = compare_instances end) (** Map instance to its instantiated node *) module M = Map.Make( struct type t = qualname * instance let compare (l1,i1) (l2,i2) = let cl = compare l1 l2 in if cl = 0 then compare_instances i1 i2 else cl end) (** Maps a couple (node name, params) to the name of the instantiated node *) let nodes_names = ref M.empty (** Maps a node to its list of instances *) let nodes_instances = ref QualEnv.empty (** create a params instance *) let instantiate m se_l = try List.map (eval m) se_l with Errors.Error -> Error.message no_location (Error.Epartial_evaluation se_l) (** @return the name of the node corresponding to the instance of [ln] with the static parameters [params]. *) let node_for_params_call ln params = match params with | [] -> ln | _ -> let ln = M.find (ln,params) !nodes_names in ln (** Generates a fresh name for the the instance of [ln] with the static parameters [params] and stores it. *) let generate_new_name ln params = match params with | [] -> nodes_names := M.add (ln, params) ln !nodes_names | _ -> let { qual = q; name = n } = ln in let param_string = List.fold_left (fun s se -> s ^ (Names.print_pp_to_name Global_printer.print_static_exp se)) "_params_" params in let new_ln = Modules.fresh_value_in "callgraph" (n^param_string^"_") q in Idents.copy_node ln new_ln; nodes_names := M.add (ln, params) new_ln !nodes_names (** Adds an instance of a node. *) let add_node_instance ln params = (* get the already defined instances *) let instances = try QualEnv.find ln !nodes_instances with Not_found -> S.empty in if S.mem params instances then () (* nothing to do *) else ( (* it's a new instance *) let instances = S.add params instances in nodes_instances := QualEnv.add ln instances !nodes_instances; generate_new_name ln params ) (** @return the list of instances of a node. *) let get_node_instances ln = let instances_set = try QualEnv.find ln !nodes_instances with Not_found -> S.empty in S.elements instances_set (** Build an environment by instantiating the passed params *) let build env params_names params_values = List.fold_left2 (fun m { p_name = n } v -> QualEnv.add (local_qn n) v m) env params_names (instantiate env params_values) (** This module creates an instance of a node with a given list of static parameters. *) module Instantiate = struct (** Replaces static parameters with their value in the instance. *) let static_exp funs m se = let se, _ = Global_mapfold.static_exp funs m se in let se = match se.se_desc with | Svar q -> (match q.qual with | LocalModule -> (* This var is a static parameter, it has to be instanciated *) (try QualEnv.find q m with Not_found -> Misc.internal_error "callgraph") | _ -> se) | _ -> se in se, m (** Replaces nodes call with the call to the correct instance. *) let edesc funs m ed = let ed, _ = Mls_mapfold.edesc funs m ed in let ed = match ed with | Eapp ({ a_op = Efun ln; a_params = params } as app, e_list, r) -> let op = Efun (node_for_params_call ln (instantiate m params)) in Eapp ({ app with a_op = op; a_params = [] }, e_list, r) | Eapp ({ a_op = Enode ln; a_params = params } as app, e_list, r) -> let op = Enode (node_for_params_call ln (instantiate m params)) in Eapp ({ app with a_op = op; a_params = [] }, e_list, r) | Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Efun ln; a_params = params } as app), n, pe_list, e_list, r) -> let op = Efun (node_for_params_call ln (instantiate m params)) in Eiterator(it, {app with a_op = op; a_params = [] }, n, pe_list, e_list, r) | Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Enode ln; a_params = params } as app), n, pe_list, e_list, r) -> let op = Enode (node_for_params_call ln (instantiate m params)) in Eiterator(it,{app with a_op = op; a_params = [] }, n, pe_list, e_list, r) | _ -> ed in ed, m let node_dec_instance n params = Idents.enter_node n.n_name; let global_funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with static_exp = static_exp } in let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc; global_funs = global_funs } in let m = build QualEnv.empty n.n_params params in let n, _ = Mls_mapfold.node_dec_it funs m n in (* Add to the global environment the signature of the new instance *) let node_sig = find_value n.n_name in let node_sig, _ = Global_mapfold.node_it global_funs m node_sig in let node_sig = { node_sig with node_params = []; node_param_constraints = [] } in (* Find the name that was associated to this instance *) let ln = node_for_params_call n.n_name params in if not (check_value ln) then Modules.add_value ln node_sig; { n with n_name = ln; n_params = []; n_param_constraints = []; } let node_dec n = List.map (node_dec_instance n) (get_node_instances n.n_name) let program p = let program_desc pd acc = match pd with | Pnode n -> let nds = node_dec n in List.fold_left (fun pds n -> Pnode n :: pds) acc nds | _ -> pd :: acc in { p with p_desc = List.fold_right program_desc p.p_desc [] } end end open Param_instances type info = { mutable opened : program ModulEnv.t; (** Opened programs *) mutable called_nodes : ((qualname * static_exp list) list) QualEnv.t; (** Maps a node to the list of (node name, params) it calls *) } let info = { opened = ModulEnv.empty; called_nodes = QualEnv.empty } (** Loads the modname.epo file. *) let load_object_file modul = Modules.open_module modul; let modname = match modul with | Names.Pervasives -> "Pervasives" | Names.Module n -> n | Names.LocalModule -> Misc.internal_error "modules" | Names.QualModule _ -> Misc.unsupported "modules" in let name = String.uncapitalize_ascii modname in try let filename = Compiler_utils.findfile (name ^ ".epo") in let ic = open_in_bin filename in try let (p : program) = input_value ic in if p.p_format_version <> minils_format_version then ( Format.eprintf "The file %s was compiled with \ an older version of the compiler.@\n\ Please recompile %s.ept first.@." filename name; raise Errors.Error ); close_in ic; info.opened <- ModulEnv.add p.p_modname p info.opened with | End_of_file | Failure _ -> close_in ic; Format.eprintf "Corrupted object file %s.@\n\ Please recompile %s.ept first.@." filename name; raise Errors.Error with | Compiler_utils.Cannot_find_file(filename) -> Format.eprintf "Cannot find the object file '%s'.@." filename; raise Errors.Error (** @return the node with name [ln], loading the corresponding object file if necessary. *) let node_by_longname node = if not (ModulEnv.mem node.qual info.opened) then load_object_file node.qual; try let p = ModulEnv.find node.qual info.opened in let n = List.find (function Pnode n -> n.n_name = node | _ -> false) p.p_desc in (match n with | Pnode n -> n | _ -> Misc.internal_error "callgraph") with Not_found -> Error.message no_location (Error.Enode_unbound node) (** @return the list of nodes called by the node named [ln], with the corresponding params (static parameters appear as free variables). *) let collect_node_calls ln = (* only add nodes when not external and with params *) let add_called_node ln params acc = match params with | [] -> acc | _ -> if (Modules.find_value ln).node_external then acc else (ln, params)::acc in let edesc _ acc ed = match ed with | Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode ln | Efun ln); a_params = params }, _, _) -> ed, add_called_node ln params acc | Eiterator(_, { a_op = (Enode ln | Efun ln); a_params = params }, _, _, _, _) -> ed, add_called_node ln params acc | _ -> raise Errors.Fallback in let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc } in let n = node_by_longname ln in let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs [] n in acc (** @return the list of nodes called by the node named [ln]. This list is computed lazily the first time it is needed. *) let called_nodes ln = if not (QualEnv.mem ln info.called_nodes) then ( let called = collect_node_calls ln in info.called_nodes <- QualEnv.add ln called info.called_nodes; called ) else QualEnv.find ln info.called_nodes (** Generates the list of instances of nodes needed to call [ln] with static parameters [params]. *) let rec call_node (ln, params) = (* First, add the instance for this node *) let n = node_by_longname ln in let m = build QualEnv.empty n.n_params params in (* List.iter check_no_static_var params; *) add_node_instance ln params; (* Recursively generate instances for called nodes. *) let call_list = called_nodes ln in let call_list = List.map (fun (ln, p) -> ln, instantiate m p) call_list in List.iter call_node call_list let program p = (* Find the nodes without static parameters *) let main_nodes = List.filter (function Pnode n -> is_empty n.n_params | _ -> false) p.p_desc in let main_nodes = List.map (function Pnode n -> n.n_name, [] | _ -> Misc.internal_error "callgraph") main_nodes in info.opened <- ModulEnv.add p.p_modname p ModulEnv.empty; (* Creates the list of instances starting from these nodes *) List.iter call_node main_nodes; let p_list = ModulEnv.fold (fun _ p l -> p::l) info.opened [] in (* Generate all the needed instances *) List.map Param_instances.Instantiate.program p_list