(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Author : Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* global data in the symbol tables *) open Names open Types open Location open Linearity (** Warning: Whenever these types are modified, interface_format_version should be incremented. *) let interface_format_version = "30" type ck = | Cbase | Con of ck * constructor_name * name (** Node argument : inputs and outputs *) type arg = { a_name : name option; a_type : ty; a_clock : ck; (** [a_clock] set to [Cbase] means at the node activation clock *) a_linearity : linearity; } (** Node static parameters *) type param = { p_name : name; p_type : ty } (** Constraints on size expressions *) type constrnt = static_exp (** Node signature *) type node = { node_inputs : arg list; node_outputs : arg list; node_stateful : bool; node_params : param list; node_param_constraints : constrnt list; node_loc : location} type field = { f_name : field_name; f_type : ty } type structure = field list type type_def = | Tabstract | Talias of ty | Tenum of constructor_name list | Tstruct of structure type const_def = { c_type : ty; c_value : static_exp } (** { 3 Signature helper functions } *) type error = | Eckvar_unbound_input of name option * name | Eckvar_unbound_ouput of name option * name exception SignatureError of name option * name let message loc e = begin match e with | Eckvar_unbound_input(var_name,ck_name) -> let a,name = match var_name with None -> "A","" | Some n -> "The"," "^n in Format.eprintf "%a%s sampled input%s should come together with its sampling variable %s.@." print_location loc a name ck_name | Eckvar_unbound_ouput (var_name,ck_name) -> let a,name = match var_name with None -> "A","" | Some n -> "The"," "^n in Format.eprintf "%a%s sampled ouput%s should be returned with its sampling value %s.@." print_location loc a name ck_name end; raise Errors.Error (** @raise Errors.Error after printing the error *) let check_signature s = (* a simple env of defined names will be used, represented by a Set *) let rec append env sa_l = match sa_l with | [] -> env | sa::sa_l -> match sa.a_name with | None -> append env sa_l | Some x -> append (NamesSet.add x env) sa_l in (* the clock of [arg] is correct if all the vars used are in [env] *) let check env arg = let n = arg.a_name in let rec f = function | Cbase -> () | Con(ck,_,x) -> if not (NamesSet.mem x env) then raise (SignatureError (n,x)); f ck in f arg.a_clock in (*initial env with only the inputs*) let env = append NamesSet.empty s.node_inputs in (try List.iter (check env) s.node_inputs with SignatureError (x,c) -> message s.node_loc (Eckvar_unbound_input (x,c))); let env = append env s.node_outputs in try List.iter (check env) s.node_outputs with SignatureError (x,c) -> message s.node_loc (Eckvar_unbound_ouput (x,c)) let rec ck_to_sck ck = let ck = Clocks.ck_repr ck in match ck with | Clocks.Cbase -> Cbase | Clocks.Con (ck,c,x) -> Con(ck_to_sck ck, c, Idents.source_name x) | _ -> Misc.internal_error "Signature couldn't translate ck" let names_of_arg_list l = List.map (fun ad -> ad.a_name) l let types_of_arg_list l = List.map (fun ad -> ad.a_type) l let types_of_param_list l = List.map (fun p -> p.p_type) l let linearities_of_arg_list l = List.map (fun ad -> ad.a_linearity) l let mk_arg ?(linearity = Ltop) name ty ck = { a_type = ty; a_linearity = linearity; a_name = name; a_clock = ck } let mk_param name ty = { p_name = name; p_type = ty } let mk_field n ty = { f_name = n; f_type = ty } let mk_const_def ty value = { c_type = ty; c_value = value } let mk_node ?(constraints = []) loc ins outs stateful params = { node_inputs = ins; node_outputs = outs; node_stateful = stateful; node_params = params; node_param_constraints = constraints; node_loc = loc} let rec field_assoc f = function | [] -> raise Not_found | { f_name = n; f_type = ty }::l -> if f = n then ty else field_assoc f l