(** {1 Micro pre-processor for Heptagon} This module uses camlp4 to replace some fixed strings by string literals at compile-time. At the moment, we only replace DATE by the current date and STDLIB by "../../lib". Each pseudo-variable can be overriden by the environment variable of the same name. *) open Camlp4.PreCast open Unix (** {2 Compile-time strings} *) (** [date] is a string denoting the current date. *) let date = let days = [| "sunday"; "monday"; "tuesday"; "wednesday"; "thursday"; "friday"; "saturday" |] and months = [| "january"; "february"; "march"; "april"; "may"; "june"; "july"; "august"; "september"; "october"; "november"; "december" |] in let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.gettimeofday ()) in let (day, month) = let prefix s = String.sub s 0 3 in (prefix days.(tm.tm_wday), prefix months.(tm.tm_mon)) in Printf.sprintf "%s. %s. %d %d:%d:%d CET %d" day month tm.tm_mday tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec (1900 + tm.tm_year) (** [stdlib] is the location of the standard Heptagon library. *) let stdlib = let wd = Unix.getcwd () in Filename.concat (Filename.dirname (Filename.dirname wd)) "lib" (** Association list defining bindings between constant and our "compile-time constants". *) let env = [("DATE", date); ("STDLIB", stdlib)] (** {2 Camlp4 hook} *) (** Our home-grown super-duper syntax filter. Looks for string constants present in [subst] and replaces them according to the couple found in the environment defined above. *) let filter = object inherit Ast.map as super method expr e = match e with | <:expr< $str:s$ >> when List.mem_assoc s env -> let repl = try Sys.getenv s with Not_found -> List.assoc s env in <:expr@here< $str:repl$ >> | x -> x end;; (** Tell Camlp4 about it. *) AstFilters.register_str_item_filter filter#str_item