(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Author : Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* scheduling of equations *) (* $Id$ *) open Misc open Minils open Graph open Dep (* possible overlapping between clocks *) let join ck1 ck2 = let n1 = Vars.head ck1 and n2 = Vars.head ck2 in (* C1(x1) on ... on Cn(xn) with C'1(x'1) on ... on C'k(x'k) *) match n1, n2 with [], [] -> true | x1 ::_, x2 ::_ when x1 = x2 -> true | _ -> false let join eq1 eq2 = join (Vars.clock eq1) (Vars.clock eq2) (* possible overlapping between nodes *) (*let head e = match e with | Emerge(_, c_e_list) -> List.fold (fun acc e -> Vars.head (clock e) :: acc) | e -> [Vars.head (clock e)] (* e1 define a pieces of control structures with *) (* paths on clock C1(x1) on ... on Cn(xn) ... *) (* e1 can be merged if *) let n1_list = head e1 in let n2_list = head e2 in *) (* clever scheduling *) let schedule eq_list = let rec recook = function | [] -> [] | node :: node_list -> node >> (recook node_list) and (>>) node node_list = try insert node node_list with Not_found -> node :: node_list and insert node = function | [] -> raise Not_found | node1 :: node_list -> if linked node node1 then raise Not_found else try node1 :: (insert node node_list) with | Not_found -> if join (containt node) (containt node1) then node :: node1 :: node_list else raise Not_found in let node_list, _ = DataFlowDep.build eq_list in let node_list = recook (topological node_list) in let node_list = List.rev node_list in let node_list = recook node_list in let node_list = List.rev node_list in List.map containt node_list let schedule_contract ({ c_eq = eqs } as c) = let eqs = schedule eqs in { c with c_eq = eqs } let node ({ n_contract = contract; n_equs = eq_list } as node) = let contract = optional schedule_contract contract in let eq_list = schedule eq_list in { node with n_equs = eq_list; n_contract = contract } let program ({ p_nodes = p_node_list } as p) = { p with p_nodes = List.map node p_node_list }