(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Author : Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Compiler_utils open Compiler_options open Obc open Minils open Misc (** Definition of a target. A target starts either from dataflow code (ie Minils) or sequential code (ie Obc), with or without static parameters *) type program_target = | Obc of (Obc.program -> unit) | Obc_no_params of (Obc.program -> unit) | Minils of (Minils.program -> unit) | Minils_no_params of (Minils.program -> unit) type interface_target = | IObc of (Obc.interface -> unit) | IMinils of (Minils.interface -> unit) type target = { t_name : string; t_program : program_target; t_interface : interface_target; t_load_conf : unit -> unit } let no_conf () = () let mk_target ?(interface=IMinils ignore) ?(load_conf = no_conf) name pt = { t_name = name; t_program = pt; t_interface = interface; t_load_conf = load_conf } (** Writes a .epo file for program [p]. *) let write_object_file p = let filename = (Names.modul_to_string p.Minils.p_modname)^".epo" in let epoc = open_out_bin filename in output_value epoc p; close_out epoc; comment "Generating of object file" (** Writes a .obc file for program [p]. *) let write_obc_file p = let obc_name = (Names.modul_to_string p.Obc.p_modname)^".obc" in let obc = open_out obc_name in do_silent_pass "Obc serialization" (Obc_printer.print obc) p; close_out obc; comment "Generation of Obc code" let java_conf () = Compiler_options.do_scalarize := true; () let targets = [ mk_target ~interface:(IObc Cmain.interface) "c" (Obc_no_params Cmain.program); mk_target ~load_conf:java_conf "java" (Obc Java_main.program); mk_target "z3z" (Minils_no_params ignore); mk_target "obc" (Obc write_obc_file); mk_target "obc_np" (Obc_no_params write_obc_file); mk_target "epo" (Minils write_object_file) ] let find_target s = try List.find (fun t -> t.t_name = s) targets with Not_found -> language_error s; raise Errors.Error let generate_target p s = (* let print_unfolded p_list = comment "Unfolding"; if !Compiler_options.verbose then List.iter (Mls_printer.print stderr) p_list in*) let target = (find_target s).t_program in let callgraph p = do_silent_pass "Callgraph" Callgraph.program p in let mls2obc p = do_silent_pass "Translation into MiniLS" Mls2obc.program p in let mls2obc_list p_l = do_silent_pass "Translation into MiniLS" (List.map Mls2obc.program) p_l in match target with | Minils convert_fun -> do_silent_pass "Code generation from MiniLS" convert_fun p | Obc convert_fun -> let o = mls2obc p in let o = Obc_compiler.compile_program o in do_silent_pass "Code generation from Obc" convert_fun o | Minils_no_params convert_fun -> let p_list = callgraph p in do_silent_pass "Code generation from Obc (w/o params)" (List.iter convert_fun) p_list | Obc_no_params convert_fun -> let p_list = callgraph p in let o_list = mls2obc_list p_list in let o_list = List.map Obc_compiler.compile_program o_list in do_silent_pass "Code generation from Obc (w/o params)" List.iter convert_fun o_list let generate_interface i s = let target = (find_target s).t_interface in match target with | IObc convert_fun -> let o = do_silent_pass "Translation into Obc (interfaces)" Mls2obc.interface i in convert_fun o | IMinils convert_fun -> convert_fun i let load_conf () = List.iter (fun s -> (find_target s).t_load_conf ()) !target_languages; try check_options () with Arg.Bad m -> raise (Arg.Bad ("After loading target configurations: "^m)) (** Translation into dataflow and sequential languages, defaults to obc. *) let program p = let targets = match !target_languages with | [] -> ["obc"] (* by default, generate obc file *) | l -> l in let targets = if !create_object_file then "epo"::targets else targets in List.iter (generate_target p) targets let interface i = let targets = match !target_languages with | [] -> [] (* by default, generate obc file *) | l -> l in List.iter (generate_interface i) targets