%{ open Signature open Names open Idents open Types open Clocks open Location open Minils open Mls_parsetree open Mls_utils %} %token DOT LPAREN RPAREN LBRACE RBRACE COLON SEMICOL %token EQUAL EQUALEQUAL BARBAR COMMA BAR LET TEL CONST %token CONSTRUCTOR %token NAME %token INT %token FLOAT %token BOOL %token TYPE NODE RETURNS VAR OPEN %token FBY PRE WHEN %token OR STAR NOT %token AMPERSAND %token AMPERAMPER %token RESET %token IF THEN ELSE %token DOUBLE_LESS DOUBLE_GREATER %token ARROW %token MERGE %token POWER %token AROBASE %token WITH %token DOTDOT %token BASE UNDERSCORE ON COLONCOLON %token DEFAULT %token LBRACKET RBRACKET %token MAP FOLD MAPFOLD %token PREFIX %token INFIX0 %token INFIX1 %token INFIX2 %token SUBTRACTIVE %token INFIX3 %token INFIX4 %token EOF %right AROBASE %nonassoc DEFAULT %left ELSE %left OR %left AMPERSAND %left INFIX0 EQUAL %right INFIX1 EQUALEQUAL BARBAR AMPERAMPER %left INFIX2 prefixs %left STAR INFIX3 %left INFIX4 %left WHEN %right FBY %right PRE %right POWER %start program %type program %% /** Tools **/ %inline slist(S, x) : l=separated_list(S, x) {l} %inline snlist(S, x) : l=separated_nonempty_list(S, x) {l} %inline tuple(x) : LPAREN h=x COMMA t=snlist(COMMA,x) RPAREN { h::t } %inline option(P,x): |/* empty */ { None } | P v=x { Some(v) } qualified(x) : | n=x { Modules.qualname n } | m=CONSTRUCTOR DOT n=x { { qual = m; name = n } } structure(field): LBRACE s=snlist(SEMICOL,field) RBRACE {s} localize(x): y=x { y, (Loc($startpos(y),$endpos(y))) } program: | o=open_modules c=const_decs t=type_decs n=node_decs EOF { mk_program o n t c } open_modules: l=list(opens) {l} opens: OPEN c=CONSTRUCTOR {c} const_decs: c=list(const_dec) {c} const_dec: | CONST n=qualname COLON t=type_ident EQUAL e=const { mk_const_dec n t e (Loc($startpos,$endpos)) } name: n=NAME | LPAREN n=infix RPAREN | LPAREN n=prefix RPAREN { n } qualname: n=name { Modules.qualname n } field_type : n=qualname COLON t=type_ident { mk_field n t } type_ident: qualname { Tid($1) } type_decs: t=list(type_dec) {t} type_dec: | TYPE n=qualname { mk_type_dec Type_abs n (Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) } | TYPE n=qualname EQUAL e=snlist(BAR,constructor) { mk_type_dec (Type_enum e) n (Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) } | TYPE n=qualname EQUAL s=structure(field_type) { mk_type_dec (Type_struct s) n (Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) } node_decs: ns=list(node_dec) {ns} node_dec: NODE n=qualname p=params(n_param) LPAREN args=args RPAREN RETURNS LPAREN out=args RPAREN vars=loc_vars eqs=equs { mk_node p args out vars eqs ~loc:(Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) n } args_t: SEMICOL p=args {p} args: | /* empty */ { [] } | h=var t=loption(args_t) {h@t} loc_vars_t: | /*empty */ { [] } | SEMICOL { [] } | SEMICOL h=var t=loc_vars_t {h@t} loc_vars_h: VAR h=var t=loc_vars_t {h@t} loc_vars: l=loption(loc_vars_h) {l} ck_base: | UNDERSCORE | BASE {} ck: | ck_base { Cbase } | ck=ck ON c=constructor LPAREN x=NAME RPAREN { Con (ck, c, x) } clock_annot: | /*empty*/ { Cbase } | COLONCOLON c=ck { c } var: | ns=snlist(COMMA, NAME) COLON t=type_ident c=clock_annot { List.map (fun n -> mk_var_dec n t c (Loc ($startpos,$endpos))) ns } equs: LET e=slist(SEMICOL, equ) TEL { e } equ: p=pat EQUAL e=exp { mk_equation p e (Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) } pat: | n=NAME {Evarpat n} | LPAREN p=snlist(COMMA, pat) RPAREN {Etuplepat p} longname: l=qualified(name) {l} constructor: /* of type longname */ | ln=qualified(CONSTRUCTOR) { ln } | b=BOOL { if b then Initial.ptrue else Initial.pfalse } field: | c=constructor { mk_constructor_exp c (Loc($startpos,$endpos))} const: c=_const { mk_static_exp ~loc:(Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) c } _const: | i=INT { Sint i } | f=FLOAT { Sfloat f } | c=constructor { Sconstructor c } exps: LPAREN e=slist(COMMA, exp) RPAREN {e} field_exp: longname EQUAL exp { ($1, $3) } simple_exp: | e=_simple_exp {mk_exp e (Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) } _simple_exp: | n=NAME { Evar n } | s=structure(field_exp) { Estruct s } | t=tuple(exp_woc) { mk_call [] Etuple t None } | t=tuple(const) {Econst (mk_static_exp ~loc:(Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) (Stuple t))} | LBRACKET es=slist(COMMA, exp) RBRACKET { mk_call [] Earray es None } | LPAREN e=_exp RPAREN { e } exp: | e=simple_exp { e } | e=_exp { mk_exp e (Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) } exp_woc: | e=simple_exp { e } | e=_exp_woc { mk_exp e (Loc ($startpos,$endpos)) } _exp: | e=_exp_woc {e} | c=const { Econst c } _exp_woc: | v=exp FBY e=exp { Efby(Some(v), e) } | PRE exp { Efby(None,$2) } | app=funapp a=exps r=reset { Eapp(app, a, r) } | e1=exp i_op=infix e2=exp { mk_op_call i_op [e1; e2] } | p_op=prefix e=exp %prec prefixs { mk_op_call p_op [e] } | IF e1=exp THEN e2=exp ELSE e3=exp { mk_call [] Eifthenelse [e1; e2; e3] None } | e=simple_exp DOT f=field { mk_call [f] Efield [e] None } | e=exp WHEN c=constructor LPAREN n=name RPAREN { Ewhen(e, c, n) } | MERGE n=name h=handlers { Emerge(n, h) } | LPAREN r=exp WITH DOT f=field EQUAL nv=exp { mk_call [f] Efield_update [r; nv] None } | e=exp POWER p=e_param { mk_call [p] Earray_fill [e] None } | e=simple_exp i=indexes(exp) /* not e_params to solve conflicts */ { mk_call i Eselect [e] None } | e=simple_exp i=indexes(exp) DEFAULT d=exp { mk_call [] Eselect_dyn ([e; d]@i) None } | LPAREN e=exp WITH i=indexes(e_param) EQUAL nv=exp { mk_call i Eupdate [e; nv] None } | e=simple_exp LBRACKET i1=e_param DOTDOT i2=e_param RBRACKET { mk_call [i1; i2] Eselect_slice [e] None } | e1=exp AROBASE e2=exp { mk_call [] Econcat [e1;e2] None } | LPAREN f=iterator LPAREN op=funapp RPAREN DOUBLE_LESS p=e_param DOUBLE_GREATER RPAREN a=exps r=reset { Eiterator(f,op,p,a,r) } /* Static indexes [p1][p2]... */ indexes(param): is=nonempty_list(index(param)) { is } index(param): LBRACKET p=param RBRACKET { p } /* Merge handlers ( B -> e ) ( C -> ec )... */ handlers: hs=nonempty_list(handler) { hs } handler: LPAREN c=constructor ARROW e=exp RPAREN { c,e } iterator: | MAP { Imap } | FOLD { Ifold } | MAPFOLD { Imapfold } reset: r=option(RESET,name) { r } funapp: ln=longname p=params(e_param) { mk_app p (Enode ln) } /* inline so that precendance of POWER is respected in exp */ %inline e_param: e=exp { e } n_param: n=NAME COLON ty=type_ident { mk_param n ty } params(param): | /*empty*/ { [] } | DOUBLE_LESS p=slist(COMMA, param) DOUBLE_GREATER { p } /*Inlining is compulsory in order to preserve priorities*/ %inline infix: | op=INFIX0 | op=INFIX1 | op=INFIX2 | op=INFIX3 | op=INFIX4 { op } | STAR { "*" } | EQUAL { "=" } | EQUALEQUAL { "==" } | AMPERSAND { "&" } | AMPERAMPER { "&&" } | OR { "or" } | BARBAR { "||" } %inline prefix: | op = PREFIX { op } | NOT { "not" } | op = SUBTRACTIVE { "~" ^ op } /*TODO test 3 * -2 and co */ %%