open Graph type ilink = | Iinterference | Iaffinity | Isame_value type ivar = | Ivar of Idents.var_ident | Ifield of ivar * Names.field_name module IvarEnv = Map.Make (struct type t = ivar let compare = compare end) module IvarSet = Set.Make (struct type t = ivar let compare = compare end) let rec ivar_to_string = function | Ivar n -> n | Ifield(iv,f) -> (ivar_to_string iv)^"."^(Names.shortname f) module VertexValue = struct type t = ivar list ref (*let compare = compare let hash = Hashtbl.hash let equal = (=) let default = []*) end module EdgeValue = struct type t = ilink let default = Iinterference let compare = compare end module G = struct include Imperative.Graph.AbstractLabeled(VertexValue)(EdgeValue) let add_edge_v g n1 v n2 = add_edge_e g (E.create n1 v n2) let mem_edge_v g n1 n2 v = try (E.label (find_edge g n1 n2)) = v with Not_found -> false let filter_succ g v n = fold_succ_e (fun e acc -> if (E.label e) = v then (E.dst e)::acc else acc) g n [] let coalesce g n1 n2 = if n1 <> n2 then ( iter_succ_e (fun e -> add_edge_e g (E.create n1 (E.label e) (E.dst e))) g n2; let r = V.label n1 in r := !(V.label n2) @ !r; remove_vertex g n2 ) let vertices g = fold_vertex (fun v acc -> v::acc) g [] let filter_vertices f g = fold_vertex (fun v acc -> if f v then v::acc else acc) g [] end type interference_graph = { g_type : Types.ty; g_graph : G.t; g_hash : (ivar, G.V.t) Hashtbl.t } (** Functions to create graphs and nodes *) let mk_node x = G.V.create (ref [x]) let add_node g n = G.add_vertex g.g_graph n; List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add g.g_hash x n) !(G.V.label n) (* Hashtbl.add g.g_tag_hash n.g_tag n; n.g_graph <- Some g*) let node_for_value g x = Hashtbl.find g.g_hash x let mk_graph nodes ty = let g = { g_graph = G.create (); g_type = ty; g_hash = Hashtbl.create 100 } in List.iter (add_node g) nodes; g (** Functions to read the graph *) let interfere g n1 n2 = G.mem_edge_v g.g_graph n1 n2 Iinterference let affinity g n1 n2 = G.mem_edge_v g.g_graph n1 n2 Iaffinity let have_same_value g n1 n2 = G.mem_edge_v g.g_graph n1 n2 Isame_value let interfere_with g n = G.filter_succ g.g_graph Iinterference n let affinity_with g n = G.filter_succ g.g_graph Iaffinity n let has_same_value_as g n = G.filter_succ g.g_graph Isame_value n (** Functions to modify the graph *) let add_interference_link g n1 n2 = if n1 <> n2 then ( G.remove_edge g.g_graph n1 n2; G.add_edge_v g.g_graph n1 Iinterference n2 ) let add_affinity_link g n1 n2 = if n1 <> n2 && not (G.mem_edge g.g_graph n1 n2) then ( G.remove_edge g.g_graph n1 n2; G.add_edge_v g.g_graph n1 Iaffinity n2 ) let add_same_value_link g n1 n2 = if n1 <> n2 && not (interfere g n1 n2) then ( G.remove_edge g.g_graph n1 n2; G.add_edge_v g.g_graph n1 Isame_value n2 ) let coalesce g n1 n2 = let find_wrong_same_value () = let filter_same_value e acc = if (G.E.label e) = Isame_value && not(have_same_value g n2 (G.E.dst e)) then (G.E.dst e)::acc else acc in G.fold_succ_e filter_same_value g.g_graph n1 [] in (* remove same value links no longer true *) List.iter (fun n -> G.remove_edge g.g_graph n n1) (find_wrong_same_value ()); (* update the hash table*) List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.replace g.g_hash x n1) !(G.V.label n2); (* coalesce nodes in the graph*) G.coalesce g.g_graph n1 n2 (** Iterates [f] on all the couple of nodes interfering in the graph g *) let iter_interf f g = let do_f e = if G.E.label e = Iinterference then f g (G.E.src e) (G.E.dst e) in G.iter_edges_e do_f g.g_graph