open Interference_graph open Containers (** Coloring*) let no_color = 0 let min_color = 1 module ColorEnv = ListMap(struct type t = int let compare = compare end) module ColorSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end) module Dsatur = struct let rec remove_colored l = match l with | [] -> [] | v::l -> if G.Mark.get v > 0 then l else v::(remove_colored l) let colors i g v = let color e colors = if G.E.label e = i then let c = G.Mark.get (G.E.dst e) in if c <> 0 then ColorSet.add c colors else colors else colors in G.fold_succ_e color g v ColorSet.empty (** Returns the smallest value not in the list of colors. *) let rec find_min_available_color interf_colors = let rec aux i = if not (ColorSet.mem i interf_colors) then i else aux (i+1) in aux min_color (** Returns a new color from interference and affinity colors lists.*) let pick_color interf_colors aff_colors = let aff_colors = ColorSet.diff aff_colors interf_colors in if not (ColorSet.is_empty aff_colors) then ColorSet.choose aff_colors else find_min_available_color interf_colors let dsat g v = let color_deg = ColorSet.cardinal (colors Iinterference g v) in if color_deg = 0 then G.out_degree g v else color_deg let dsat_max g v1 v2 = match compare (dsat g v1) (dsat g v2) with | 0 -> if G.out_degree g v1 > G.out_degree g v2 then v1 else v2 | x when x > 0 -> v1 | _ -> v2 let uncolored_vertices g = G.fold_vertex (fun v acc -> if G.Mark.get v = 0 then v::acc else acc) g [] let color_vertex g v = let c = (pick_color (colors Iinterference g v) (colors Iaffinity g v)) in G.Mark.set v c let rec color_vertices g vertices = match vertices with | [] -> () | v::vertices -> let vmax = List.fold_left (dsat_max g) v vertices in color_vertex g vmax; let vertices = remove_colored (v::vertices) in color_vertices g vertices let coloring g = color_vertices g (uncolored_vertices g) end let values_by_color g = let env = G.fold_vertex (fun n env -> ColorEnv.add_elements (G.Mark.get n) !(G.V.label n) env) g.g_graph ColorEnv.empty in ColorEnv.fold (fun _ v acc -> v::acc) env [] let color g = Dsatur.coloring g.g_graph