open Signature open Modules open Names open Static open Mls_mapfold open Minils (* Iterator fusion *) (* Functions to temporarily store anonymous nodes*) let mk_fresh_node_name () = current_qual ( (Idents.fresh "_n_")) let anon_nodes = ref QualEnv.empty let add_anon_node inputs outputs locals eqs = let n = mk_fresh_node_name () in let nd = mk_node ~input:inputs ~output:outputs ~local:locals ~eq:eqs n in anon_nodes := QualEnv.add n nd !anon_nodes; n let replace_anon_node n nd = anon_nodes := QualEnv.add n nd !anon_nodes let find_anon_node n = QualEnv.find n !anon_nodes let is_anon_node n = QualEnv.mem n !anon_nodes let are_equal n m = let n = simplify QualEnv.empty n in let m = simplify QualEnv.empty m in n = m let pat_of_vd_list l = match l with | [vd] -> Evarpat (vd.v_ident) | _ -> Etuplepat ( (fun vd -> Evarpat vd.v_ident) l) let tuple_of_vd_list l = let el = (fun vd -> mk_exp ~exp_ty:vd.v_type (Evar vd.v_ident)) l in let ty = ( (fun vd -> vd.v_type) l) in mk_exp ~exp_ty:ty (Eapp (mk_app Etuple, el, None)) let vd_of_arg ad = let n = match ad.a_name with None -> "_v" | Some n -> n in mk_var_dec (Idents.fresh n) ad.a_type (** @return the lists of inputs and outputs (as var_dec) of an app object. *) let get_node_inp_outp app = match app.a_op with | (Enode f | Efun f) when is_anon_node f -> (* first check if it is an anonymous node *) let nd = find_anon_node f in nd.n_input, nd.n_output | Enode f | Efun f -> (* it is a regular node*) let ty_desc = find_value f in let new_inp = vd_of_arg ty_desc.node_outputs in let new_outp = vd_of_arg ty_desc.node_outputs in new_inp, new_outp | _ -> assert false (** Creates the equation to call the node [app]. @return the list of new inputs required by the call, the expression used to retrieve the resul of the call and [acc_eq_list] with the added equations. *) let mk_call app acc_eq_list = let new_inp, new_outp = get_node_inp_outp app in let args = (fun vd -> mk_exp ~exp_ty:vd.v_type (Evar vd.v_ident)) new_inp in let out_ty = ( (fun vd -> vd.v_type) new_outp) in let e = mk_exp ~exp_ty:out_ty (Eapp (app, args, None)) in match List.length new_outp with | 1 -> new_inp, e, acc_eq_list | _ -> (*more than one output, we need to create a new equation *) let eq = mk_equation (pat_of_vd_list new_outp) e in let e = tuple_of_vd_list new_outp in new_inp, e, eq::acc_eq_list let edesc funs acc ed = let ed, acc = Mls_mapfold.edesc funs acc ed in match ed with | Eiterator(Imap, f, n, e_list, r) -> (** @return the list of inputs of the anonymous function, a list of created equations (the body of the function), the args for the call of f in the lambda, the args for the iterator (ie the arrays). [b] is used to know whether some fusion can be done. map f (map g (x, y), z) ---> fun x', y', z' -> o1, o2 with _v1, _v2 = g(x',y') o1, o2 = f (_v1, _v2, z') *) let mk_arg e (inp, acc_eq_list, largs, args, b) = match e.e_desc with | Eiterator(Imap, g, m, local_args, _) when are_equal n m -> let new_inp, e, acc_eq_list = mk_call g acc_eq_list in new_inp @ inp, acc_eq_list, e::largs, local_args @ args, true | _ -> let vd = mk_var_dec (Idents.fresh "_x") e.e_ty in let x = mk_exp (Evar vd.v_ident) in vd::inp, acc_eq_list, x::largs, e::args, b in let inp, acc_eq_list, largs, args, can_be_fused = List.fold_right mk_arg e_list ([], [], [], [], false) in if can_be_fused then ( (* create the call to f in the lambda fun *) let call = mk_exp (Eapp(f, largs, None)) in let _, outp = get_node_inp_outp f in let eq = mk_equation (pat_of_vd_list outp) call in (* create the lambda *) let anon = mk_app (Enode (add_anon_node inp outp [] (eq::acc_eq_list))) in Eiterator(Imap, anon, n, args, r), acc ) else ed, acc | _ -> raise Misc.Fallback let program p = let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc } in let p, _ = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs false p in p