#!/bin/sh # This small helper scripts automates the Heptagon -> C translation. if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo Usage: $0 file.ept exit 1 fi if `which heptc.native` 2>/dev/null; then HEPTC=heptc.native else HEPTC=heptc.byte fi compile=1 if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then nocompile=0 fi F=$1 REP=`basename $F .ept`_c shift # Compile source file to VHDL, flattening node calls if [ $compile -eq 1 ]; then "$HEPTC" $@ -s main -target c $F $@ || exit 1 fi # Compile it with GCC cc -I "`$HEPTC -where`/c" -std=c99 $REP/*.c -o "`basename $F .ept`" || exit 1