(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *) (* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *) (* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *) (* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *) (* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *) (* *) (* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *) (* *) (* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. *) (* *) (* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU General Public License for more details. *) (* *) (* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *) (* along with Heptagon. If not, see *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Compiler_utils open Compiler_options let compile_interface modname source_f = (* output file names *) let output = String.uncapitalize modname in let epci_f = output ^ ".epci" in (* input/output channels *) let source_c, lexbuf = lexbuf_from_file source_f in let epci_c = open_out_bin epci_f in let close_all_files () = close_in source_c; close_out epci_c in try (* Process the [lexbuf] to an Heptagon AST *) let p = Hept_parser_scoper.parse_interface modname lexbuf in if !print_types then Global_printer.print_interface Format.std_formatter; (* Process the interface *) let p = Hept_compiler.compile_interface p in (* Output the .epci *) output_value epci_c (Modules.current_module ()); (* Translate to Obc *) let p = Hept2mls.interface p in (* Generate the sequential code *) Mls2seq.interface p; close_all_files () with | x -> close_all_files (); raise x (* [modname] is the module name, [source_f] is the source file *) let compile_program modname source_f = (* output file names *) let output = String.uncapitalize modname in let epci_f = output ^ ".epci" in let mls_f = output ^ ".mls" in (* input/output channels *) let source_c, lexbuf = lexbuf_from_file source_f in let epci_c = open_out_bin epci_f in let mls_c = open_out mls_f in let close_all_files () = close_in source_c; close_out epci_c; close_out mls_c in try (* Activates passes according to the backend used *) Mls2seq.load_conf (); (* Record timing information *) Compiler_timings.start_compiling modname; (* Process the [lexbuf] to an Heptagon AST *) let p = Hept_parser_scoper.parse_program modname lexbuf in (* Process the Heptagon AST *) let p = Hept_compiler.compile_program p in (* Compile Heptagon to MiniLS *) let p = do_pass "Translation into MiniLS" Hept2mls.program p Mls_compiler.pp in (* Output the .mls *) do_silent_pass "MiniLS serialization" (fun () -> Mls_printer.print mls_c p) (); (* Process the MiniLS AST *) let p = Mls_compiler.compile_program p in (* Output the .epci *) output_value epci_c (Modules.current_module ()); (* Generate the sequential code *) Mls2seq.program p; close_all_files (); Compiler_timings.report_statistics () with x -> close_all_files (); raise x let compile source_f = let modname = source_f |> Filename.basename |> Filename.chop_extension |> String.capitalize in let modul = Names.modul_of_string modname in Initial.initialize modul; source_f |> Filename.dirname |> add_include; check_options (); match Misc.file_extension source_f with | "ept" -> compile_program modname source_f | "epi" -> compile_interface modname source_f | ext -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Unknow file type: " ^ ext ^ " for file: " ^ source_f)) (** [main] function to be launched *) let main () = let read_qualname f = Arg.String (fun s -> f (try Names.qualname_of_string s with | Exit -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Invalid name: "^ s)))) in try Arg.parse [ "-v",Arg.Set verbose, doc_verbose; "-version", Arg.Unit show_version, doc_version; "-i", Arg.Set print_types, doc_print_types; "-I", Arg.String add_include, doc_include; "-where", Arg.Unit locate_stdlib, doc_locate_stdlib; "-stdlib", Arg.String set_stdlib, doc_stdlib; "-c", Arg.Set create_object_file, doc_object_file; "-s", Arg.String set_simulation_node, doc_sim; "-hepts", Arg.Set hepts_simulation, doc_hepts; "-bool", Arg.Set boolean, doc_boolean; "-deadcode", Arg.Set deadcode, doc_deadcode; "-tomato", Arg.Set tomato, doc_tomato; "-tomanode", read_qualname add_tomato_node, doc_tomato; "-tomacheck", read_qualname add_tomato_check, ""; "-inline", read_qualname add_inlined_node, doc_inline; "-flatten", Arg.Set flatten, doc_flatten; "-assert", Arg.String add_assert, doc_assert; "-nopervasives", Arg.Unit set_no_pervasives, doc_no_pervasives; "-target", Arg.String add_target_language, doc_target; "-targetpath", Arg.String set_target_path, doc_target_path; "-nocaus", Arg.Clear causality, doc_nocaus; "-noinit", Arg.Clear init, doc_noinit; "-fti", Arg.Set full_type_info, doc_full_type_info; "-statefuli", Arg.Set stateful_info, doc_stateful_info; "-fname", Arg.Set full_name, doc_full_name; "-nbvars", Arg.Set nbvars, doc_nbvars; "-itfusion", Arg.Set do_iterator_fusion, doc_itfusion; "-strict_ssa", Arg.Unit set_strict_ssa, doc_strict_ssa; "-nosink", Arg.Set nosink, doc_nosink; "-memalloc", Arg.Unit do_mem_alloc_and_typing, doc_memalloc; "-only-memalloc", Arg.Set do_mem_alloc, doc_memalloc_only; "-only-linear", Arg.Set do_linear_typing, doc_linear_only; "-old-scheduler", Arg.Set use_old_scheduler, doc_interf_scheduler; "-unroll", Arg.Set unroll_loops, doc_unroll; "-O", Arg.Unit do_optim, doc_optim; "-mall", Arg.Set interf_all, doc_interf_all; "-time", Arg.Set time_passes, doc_time_passes; ("-Wno-untranslatable", Arg.Clear warn_untranslatable, doc_no_warn_untranslat); ] compile errmsg; with | Errors.Error -> exit 2;; (** Launch the [main] *) main ()