(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Heptagon *) (* *) (* Author : Marc Pouzet *) (* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* The internal MiniLustre representation *) open Location open Names open Idents open Signature open Static open Types open Clocks (** Warning: Whenever Minils ast is modified, minils_format_version should be incremented. *) let minils_format_version = "2" type iterator_type = | Imap | Imapi | Ifold | Ifoldi | Imapfold type type_dec = { t_name: qualname; t_desc: tdesc; t_loc: location } and tdesc = | Type_abs | Type_alias of ty | Type_enum of constructor_name list | Type_struct of structure and extvalue = { w_desc : extvalue_desc; mutable w_ck: ck; w_ty : ty; w_loc : location } and extvalue_desc = | Wconst of static_exp (*no tuple*) | Wvar of var_ident | Wfield of extvalue * field_name | Wwhen of extvalue * constructor_name * var_ident (** extvalue when Constructor(ident) *) and exp = { e_desc : edesc; e_level_ck : ck; (*when no data dep, execute the exp on this clock (set by [switch] *) mutable e_base_ck : ck; mutable e_ct : ct; e_ty : ty; e_loc : location } and edesc = | Eextvalue of extvalue | Efby of static_exp option * extvalue (** static_exp fby extvalue *) | Eapp of app * extvalue list * var_ident option (** app ~args=(extvalue,extvalue...) reset ~r=ident *) | Ewhen of exp * constructor_name * var_ident (** e when C(c) *) | Emerge of var_ident * (constructor_name * extvalue) list (** merge ident (Constructor -> extvalue)+ *) | Estruct of (field_name * extvalue) list (** { field=extvalue; ... } *) | Eiterator of iterator_type * app * static_exp list * extvalue list * extvalue list * var_ident option (** map f <> <(extvalue)> (extvalue) reset ident *) and app = { a_op: op; a_params: static_exp list; a_unsafe: bool } (** Unsafe applications could have side effects and be delicate about optimizations, !be careful! *) and op = | Eequal (** arg1 = arg2 *) | Efun of fun_name (** "Stateless" longname <> (args) reset r *) | Enode of fun_name (** "Stateful" longname <> (args) reset r *) | Eifthenelse (** if arg1 then arg2 else arg3 *) | Efield_update (** { arg1 with a_param1 = arg2 } *) | Earray (** [ args ] *) | Earray_fill (** [arg1^a_param1^..^a_paramn] *) | Eselect (** arg1[a_params] *) | Eselect_slice (** arg1[a_param1..a_param2] *) | Eselect_dyn (** arg1.[arg3...] default arg2 *) | Eselect_trunc (** arg1[>arg_2 ...<]*) | Eupdate (** [ arg1 with arg3..arg_n = arg2 ] *) | Econcat (** arg1@@arg2 *) type pat = | Etuplepat of pat list | Evarpat of var_ident type eq = { eq_lhs : pat; eq_rhs : exp; eq_loc : location } type var_dec = { v_ident : var_ident; v_type : ty; v_clock : ck; v_loc : location } type contract = { c_assume : extvalue; c_enforce : extvalue; c_controllables : var_dec list; c_local : var_dec list; c_eq : eq list } type node_dec = { n_name : qualname; n_stateful : bool; n_input : var_dec list; n_output : var_dec list; n_contract : contract option; n_local : var_dec list; n_equs : eq list; n_loc : location; n_params : param list; n_param_constraints : constrnt list } type const_dec = { c_name : qualname; c_type : ty; c_value : static_exp; c_loc : location } type program = { p_modname : modul; p_format_version : string; p_opened : modul list; p_desc : program_desc list } and program_desc = | Pnode of node_dec | Pconst of const_dec | Ptype of type_dec (*Helper functions to build the AST*) let mk_extvalue ~ty ?(clock = fresh_clock()) ?(loc = no_location) desc = { w_desc = desc; w_ty = ty; w_ck = clock; w_loc = loc } let mk_exp level_ck ty ?(ck = Cbase) ?(ct = fresh_ct ty) ?(loc = no_location) desc = { e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_level_ck = level_ck; e_base_ck = ck; e_ct = ct; e_loc = loc } let mk_var_dec ?(loc = no_location) ident ty ck = { v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_clock = ck; v_loc = loc } let mk_equation ?(loc = no_location) pat exp = { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = exp; eq_loc = loc } let mk_node ?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(local = []) ?(eq = []) ?(stateful = true) ?(loc = no_location) ?(param = []) ?(constraints = []) name = { n_name = name; n_stateful = stateful; n_input = input; n_output = output; n_contract = contract; n_local = local; n_equs = eq; n_loc = loc; n_params = param; n_param_constraints = constraints } let mk_type_dec type_desc name loc = { t_name = name; t_desc = type_desc; t_loc = loc } let mk_const_dec id ty e loc = { c_name = id; c_type = ty; c_value = e; c_loc = loc } let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) op = { a_op = op; a_params = params; a_unsafe = unsafe }