open Mc open Mc_TypeSensors (* Top node of the Mission Computer SCADE model. The Fighter (MC + Radar + Iff), its environment (CreateTracks) and links to the graphical interface (GUI) are constituting this model. *) node fighterdebug(res, rdronoffclicked, iffonoffclicked : bool) returns (missiontracks : TypeArray.tmissiontracksarray) var l4 : TypeArray.trdrtracksarray; l3 : trdrmode; l6 : TypeArray.tifftracksarray; l5 : tsensorstate; l12, l11, l10 : bool; l172 : tsensorstate; l179 : TypeArray.ttracksarray; l200, l201:bool; (*TODO*) let l179 = createalltracks(res); (l10, l11, missiontracks, l12) = mc(l172, l3, l4, rdronoffclicked, false, iffonoffclicked, l5, l6); (l5, l6, l200) = iff(l179, false, [1, 2, 3], false -> pre l12); (l201, l172, l3, l4) = radar(false -> pre l10, false -> pre l11, false, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], l179); tel (* top node of the mission computer scade model. the fighter (mc + radar + iff), its environment (createtracks) and links to the graphical interface (gui) are constituting this model. *) node dv_fighterdebug(res, rdronoffclicked, iffonoffclicked : bool) returns (proof3 : bool) let proof3 = Dv.dv_proof3(fighterdebug(res, rdronoffclicked, iffonoffclicked)); tel fun dv_debug(missiontracks : TypeArray.tmissiontracksarray) returns (proof3 : bool) let proof3 = Dv.dv_proof3(missiontracks); tel