AC_INIT(heptagon,1.0) AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_ARG_ENABLE(simulator, [ --enable-simulator enable the graphical simulator],, enable_simulator=yes) AC_ARG_ENABLE(local_stdlib, [ --enable-local-stdlib use the in-sources standard library],, enable_local_stdlib=no) AC_PROG_OCAML if test "$OCAMLC" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install the OCaml compiler]) fi case "$OCAMLVERSION" in 0.*|1.*|2.*|3.0*) AC_MSG_ERROR(You need Objective Caml 3.10 or higher);; esac AC_PROG_FINDLIB if test "$OCAMLFIND" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install OCaml findlib (the ocamlfind command)]) fi OCAMLC_STDLIB=`$OCAMLFIND ocamlc -where` OCAMLFIND_STDLIB=`$OCAMLFIND printconf stdlib` if test "$OCAMLC_STDLIB" != "$OCAMLFIND_STDLIB"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([OCaml and OCamlfind make different assumptions about the standard library directory]) fi AC_CHECK_PROG(MENHIR,menhir,menhir,no) if test "$MENHIR" = no ; then AC_MSG_ERROR(Please install menhir.) fi AC_CHECK_OCAML_PKG([menhirLib]) if test "$OCAML_PKG_menhirLib" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install menhirLib package.]) fi AC_CHECK_OCAML_PKG([ocamlgraph]) if test "$OCAML_PKG_ocamlgraph" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install ocamlgraph package.]) fi AC_CHECK_OCAML_PKG([lablgtk2]) if test "$OCAML_PKG_lablgtk2" = "no"; then enable_simulator=no AC_MSG_WARN([Could not find 'lablgtk2'. The simulator will not be built]) fi if test "$enable_local_stdlib" = "yes"; then stdlib_dir=$PWD/lib else stdlib_dir=$libdir/heptagon fi AC_SUBST(INSTALL) AC_SUBST(stdlib_dir) AC_SUBST(enable_simulator) AC_OUTPUT(config)