Assertion generation for C back-end.

This commit is contained in:
Adrien Guatto 2010-06-27 23:27:54 +02:00
parent 5db45bd497
commit ff07d77667
7 changed files with 263 additions and 171 deletions

View file

@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ let main () =
"-where", Arg.Unit locate_stdlib, doc_locate_stdlib;
"-stdlib", Arg.String set_stdlib, doc_stdlib;
"-s", Arg.String set_simulation_node, doc_sim;
"-assert", Arg.String add_assert, doc_assert;
"-nopervasives", Arg.Unit set_no_pervasives, doc_no_pervasives;
"-target", Arg.String add_target_language, doc_target;
"-targetpath", Arg.String set_target_path, doc_target_path;

View file

@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ let main () =
"-v", Arg.Set verbose, doc_verbose;
"-assert", Arg.String add_assert, doc_assert;
"-version", Arg.Unit show_version, doc_version;
"-i", Arg.Set print_types, doc_print_types;
"-I", Arg.String add_include, doc_include;

View file

@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ and cstm =
type cdecl =
(** C enum declaration, with associated value tags. *)
| Cdecl_enum of string * string list
(** C structure declaration, with each field's name and type. *)
(** C structure declaration, with each field's name and type. *)
| Cdecl_struct of string * (string * cty) list
(** C function declaration. *)
(** C function declaration. *)
| Cdecl_function of string * cty * (string * cty) list
(** C function definitions *)

View file

@ -501,171 +501,11 @@ let rec cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act =
(* TODO needed only because of renaming phase *)
let global_name = ref "";;
(** [main_def_of_class_def cd] generated a main() function that repeatedly reads
data from standard input and then outputs result of [cd.step]. *)
(* TODO: refactor into something more readable. *)
let main_def_of_class_def cd =
let step_counter = Ident.fresh "step_c"
and max_step = Ident.fresh "step_max" in
let format_for_type ty = match ty with
| Tarray _ -> assert false
| Tint | Tbool -> "%d"
| Tfloat -> "%f"
| Tid ((Name sid) | Modname { id = sid }) -> "%s" in
(** Does reading type [ty] need a buffer? When it is the case,
[need_buf_for_ty] also returns the type's name. *)
let need_buf_for_ty ty = match ty with
| Tarray _ -> assert false
| Tint | Tfloat | Tbool -> None
| Tid (Name sid | Modname { id = sid; }) -> Some sid in
let rec read_lhs_of_ty lhs ty = match ty with
| Tarray (ty, n) ->
let iter_var = (Ident.fresh "i") in
let lhs = Carray (lhs, Clhs (Cvar iter_var)) in
let (reads, bufs) = read_lhs_of_ty lhs ty in
([Cfor (iter_var, 0, n, reads)], bufs)
| _ ->
let rec mk_prompt lhs = match lhs with
| Cvar vn -> (vn, [])
| Carray (lhs, cvn) ->
let (vn, args) = mk_prompt lhs in
(vn ^ "[%d]", cvn :: args)
| _ -> assert false in
let (prompt, args_format_s) = mk_prompt lhs in
let scan_exp =
let printf_s = Printf.sprintf "%s ? " prompt in
let format_s = format_for_type ty in
Csblock { var_decls = [];
block_body = [
Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf",
Cconst (Cstrlit printf_s)
:: args_format_s));
Csexpr (Cfun_call ("scanf",
[Cconst (Cstrlit format_s);
Caddrof lhs])); ]; } in
match need_buf_for_ty ty with
| None -> ([scan_exp], [])
| Some tyn ->
let varn = (Ident.fresh "buf") in
Csexpr (Cfun_call (tyn ^ "_of_string",
[Clhs (Cvar varn)]))],
[(varn, Cty_arr (20, Cty_char))]) in
(** {2 step() and reset() functions generation *)
(** Generates printf statements and buffer declarations needed for printing
resulting values of enum types. *)
let rec write_lhs_of_ty lhs ty = match ty with
| Tarray (ty, n) ->
let iter_var = (Ident.fresh "i") in
let lhs = Carray (lhs, Clhs (Cvar iter_var)) in
let (reads, bufs) = write_lhs_of_ty lhs ty in
(Cfor (iter_var, 0, n, [reads]), bufs)
| _ ->
let varn = (Ident.fresh "buf") in
let format_s = format_for_type ty in
let nbuf_opt = need_buf_for_ty ty in
let ep = match nbuf_opt with
| None -> [Clhs lhs]
| Some sid -> [Cfun_call ("string_of_" ^ sid,
[Clhs lhs;
Clhs (Cvar varn)])] in
(Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf",
Cconst (Cstrlit ("=> " ^format_s ^ "\\t"))
:: ep)),
match nbuf_opt with
| None -> []
| Some id -> [(varn, Cty_arr (20, Cty_char))]) in
let (scanf_calls, scanf_decls) =
let read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd vd =
read_lhs_of_ty (Cvar ( vd.v_name)) vd.v_type in
split (map read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd cd.step.inp) in
let (printf_calls, printf_decls) =
let write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd vd = match cd.step.out with
| [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] ->
write_lhs_of_ty (Cfield (Cvar "mem", name vd.v_name)) vd.v_type
| [_] -> write_lhs_of_ty (Cvar "res") vd.v_type
| _ ->
write_lhs_of_ty (Cfield (Cvar "mem", name vd.v_name)) vd.v_type in
split (map write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd cd.step.out) in
let cinp = cvarlist_of_ovarlist cd.step.inp in
let cout = match cd.step.out with
| [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] -> []
| [vd] -> let vty = ctype_of_otype vd.v_type in [("res", vty)]
| _ -> [] in
let varlist =
("mem", Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_mem"))
:: cinp
@ cout
@ concat scanf_decls
@ concat printf_decls in
(** The main function loops (while (1) { ... }) reading arguments for our node
and prints the results. *)
let body =
let funcall =
let args =
map (fun vd -> Clhs (Cvar (name vd.v_name))) cd.step.inp
@ [Caddrof (Cvar "mem")] in
Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_step", args) in
concat scanf_calls
(* Our function returns something only when the node has exactly one
scalar output. *)
@ ([match cd.step.out with
| [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] -> Csexpr funcall
| [_] -> Caffect (Cvar "res", funcall)
| _ -> Csexpr funcall])
@ printf_calls
@ [Csexpr (Cfun_call ("puts", [Cconst (Cstrlit "")]));
Csexpr (Cfun_call ("fflush", [Clhs (Cvar "stdout")]))] in
(** Do not forget to initialize memory via reset. *)
let init_mem =
Csexpr (Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cvar "mem")])) in
Cfundef {
f_name = "main";
f_retty = Cty_int;
f_args = [("argc", Cty_int); ("argv", Cty_ptr (Cty_ptr Cty_char))];
f_body = {
var_decls =
(name step_counter, Cty_int) :: (name max_step, Cty_int) :: varlist;
block_body = [
step_count = 0;
max_step = 0;
if (argc == 2)
max_step = atoi(argv[1]);
Caffect (Cvar (name step_counter), Cconst (Ccint 0));
Caffect (Cvar (name max_step), Cconst (Ccint 0));
Cif (Cbop ("==", Clhs (Cvar "argc"), Cconst (Ccint 2)),
[Caffect (Cvar (name max_step),
Cfun_call ("atoi",
[Clhs (Carray (Cvar "argv",
Cconst (Ccint 1)))]))], []);
(* while (!max_step || step_c < max_step) *)
Cwhile (Cbop ("||",
Cuop ("!", Clhs (Cvar (name max_step))),
Cbop ("<",
Clhs (Cvar (name step_counter)),
Clhs (Cvar (name max_step)))),
(* step_counter = step_counter + 1; *)
Caffect (Cvar (name step_counter),
Cbop ("+",
Clhs (Cvar (name step_counter)),
Cconst (Ccint 1)))
:: body)];
(** Builds the argument list of step function*)
let step_fun_args n sf =
@ -800,11 +640,6 @@ let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_class_def cd =
variables and the state of other nodes. For a class named ["cname"], the
structure will be called ["cname_mem"]. *)
let memory_struct_decl = mem_decl_of_class_def cd in
(** Our main() function will be generated only if the current class definition
corresponds to the simulation_node. *)
let main_def = match !simulation_node with
| Some nn when nn = cd.cl_id -> [main_def_of_class_def cd]
| _ -> [] in
let obj_env = (fun od -> { od with cls = cname_of_name' od.cls }) cd.objs in
let use_ctrlr,step_fun_def
@ -815,8 +650,252 @@ let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_class_def cd =
let step_fun_decl = cdecl_of_cfundef step_fun_def in
reset_fun_def :: step_fun_def :: main_def)
([res_fun_decl; step_fun_decl], [reset_fun_def; step_fun_def])
(** {2 Main function generation} *)
(* Unique names for C variables handling step counts. *)
let step_counter = Ident.fresh "step_c"
and max_step = Ident.fresh "step_max"
let assert_node_res cd =
if List.length cd.step.inp > 0 then
(Printf.eprintf "Cannot generate run-time check for node %s with inputs.\n"
exit 1);
if (match cd.step.out with
| [{ v_type = Tbool; }] -> false
| _ -> true) then
"Cannot generate run-time check for node %s with non-boolean output.\n"
exit 1);
let mem = (name (Ident.fresh ("mem_for_" ^ cd.cl_id)),
Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_mem")) in
let reset_i =
Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cvar (fst mem))]) in
let step_i =
if (!step()) {
printf("Node $node failed at step %d.\n", step_count);
return 1;
Cif (Cuop ("!", Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_step", [Caddrof (Cvar (fst mem))])),
[Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf",
[Cconst (Cstrlit ("Node \\\"" ^ cd.cl_id
^ "\\\" failed at step %d.\\n"));
Clhs (Cvar (name step_counter))]));
Creturn (Cconst (Ccint 1))],
[]) in
(mem, Csexpr reset_i, step_i);;
(** [main_def_of_class_def cd] returns a [(var_list, rst_i, step_i)] where
[var_list] (resp. [rst_i] and [step_i]) is a list of variables (resp. of
statements) needed for a main() function calling [cd]. *)
(* TODO: refactor into something more readable. *)
let main_def_of_class_def cd =
let format_for_type ty = match ty with
| Tarray _ -> assert false
| Tint | Tbool -> "%d"
| Tfloat -> "%f"
| Tid ((Name sid) | Modname { id = sid }) -> "%s" in
(** Does reading type [ty] need a buffer? When it is the case,
[need_buf_for_ty] also returns the type's name. *)
let need_buf_for_ty ty = match ty with
| Tarray _ -> assert false
| Tint | Tfloat | Tbool -> None
| Tid (Name sid | Modname { id = sid; }) -> Some sid in
(** Generates scanf statements. *)
let rec read_lhs_of_ty lhs ty = match ty with
| Tarray (ty, n) ->
let iter_var = (Ident.fresh "i") in
let lhs = Carray (lhs, Clhs (Cvar iter_var)) in
let (reads, bufs) = read_lhs_of_ty lhs ty in
([Cfor (iter_var, 0, n, reads)], bufs)
| _ ->
let rec mk_prompt lhs = match lhs with
| Cvar vn -> (vn, [])
| Carray (lhs, cvn) ->
let (vn, args) = mk_prompt lhs in
(vn ^ "[%d]", cvn :: args)
| _ -> assert false in
let (prompt, args_format_s) = mk_prompt lhs in
let scan_exp =
let printf_s = Printf.sprintf "%s ? " prompt in
let format_s = format_for_type ty in
Csblock { var_decls = [];
block_body = [
Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf",
Cconst (Cstrlit printf_s)
:: args_format_s));
Csexpr (Cfun_call ("scanf",
[Cconst (Cstrlit format_s);
Caddrof lhs])); ]; } in
match need_buf_for_ty ty with
| None -> ([scan_exp], [])
| Some tyn ->
let varn = (Ident.fresh "buf") in
Csexpr (Cfun_call (tyn ^ "_of_string",
[Clhs (Cvar varn)]))],
[(varn, Cty_arr (20, Cty_char))]) in
(** Generates printf statements and buffer declarations needed for printing
resulting values of enum types. *)
let rec write_lhs_of_ty lhs ty = match ty with
| Tarray (ty, n) ->
let iter_var = (Ident.fresh "i") in
let lhs = Carray (lhs, Clhs (Cvar iter_var)) in
let (reads, bufs) = write_lhs_of_ty lhs ty in
(Cfor (iter_var, 0, n, [reads]), bufs)
| _ ->
let varn = (Ident.fresh "buf") in
let format_s = format_for_type ty in
let nbuf_opt = need_buf_for_ty ty in
let ep = match nbuf_opt with
| None -> [Clhs lhs]
| Some sid -> [Cfun_call ("string_of_" ^ sid,
[Clhs lhs;
Clhs (Cvar varn)])] in
(Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf",
Cconst (Cstrlit ("=> " ^format_s ^ "\\t"))
:: ep)),
match nbuf_opt with
| None -> []
| Some id -> [(varn, Cty_arr (20, Cty_char))]) in
let (scanf_calls, scanf_decls) =
let read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd vd =
read_lhs_of_ty (Cvar ( vd.v_name)) vd.v_type in
split (map read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd cd.step.inp) in
let (printf_calls, printf_decls) =
let write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd vd = match cd.step.out with
| [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] ->
write_lhs_of_ty (Cfield (Cvar "mem", name vd.v_name)) vd.v_type
| [_] -> write_lhs_of_ty (Cvar "res") vd.v_type
| _ ->
write_lhs_of_ty (Cfield (Cvar "mem", name vd.v_name)) vd.v_type in
split (map write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd cd.step.out) in
let cinp = cvarlist_of_ovarlist cd.step.inp in
let cout = match cd.step.out with
| [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] -> []
| [vd] -> let vty = ctype_of_otype vd.v_type in [("res", vty)]
| _ -> [] in
let varlist =
("mem", Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_mem"))
:: cinp
@ cout
@ concat scanf_decls
@ concat printf_decls in
(** The main function loops (while (1) { ... }) reading arguments for our node
and prints the results. *)
let step_l =
let funcall =
let args =
map (fun vd -> Clhs (Cvar (name vd.v_name))) cd.step.inp
@ [Caddrof (Cvar "mem")] in
Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_step", args) in
concat scanf_calls
(* Our function returns something only when the node has exactly one
scalar output. *)
@ ([match cd.step.out with
| [{ v_type = Tarray _; }] -> Csexpr funcall
| [_] -> Caffect (Cvar "res", funcall)
| _ -> Csexpr funcall])
@ printf_calls
@ [Csexpr (Cfun_call ("puts", [Cconst (Cstrlit "")]));
Csexpr (Cfun_call ("fflush", [Clhs (Cvar "stdout")]))] in
(** Do not forget to initialize memory via reset. *)
let rst_i =
Csexpr (Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cvar "mem")])) in
(varlist, rst_i, step_l)
(** [main_skel var_list prologue body] generates a C main() function using the
variable list [var_list], prologue [prologue] and loop body [body]. *)
let main_skel var_list prologue body =
Cfundef {
f_name = "main";
f_retty = Cty_int;
f_args = [("argc", Cty_int); ("argv", Cty_ptr (Cty_ptr Cty_char))];
f_body = {
var_decls =
(name step_counter, Cty_int) :: (name max_step, Cty_int) :: var_list;
block_body =
step_count = 0;
max_step = 0;
if (argc == 2)
max_step = atoi(argv[1]);
Caffect (Cvar (name step_counter), Cconst (Ccint 0));
Caffect (Cvar (name max_step), Cconst (Ccint 0));
Cif (Cbop ("==", Clhs (Cvar "argc"), Cconst (Ccint 2)),
[Caffect (Cvar (name max_step),
Cfun_call ("atoi",
[Clhs (Carray (Cvar "argv",
Cconst (Ccint 1)))]))], []);
@ prologue
(* while (!max_step || step_c < max_step) *)
@ [
Cwhile (Cbop ("||",
Cuop ("!", Clhs (Cvar (name max_step))),
Cbop ("<",
Clhs (Cvar (name step_counter)),
Clhs (Cvar (name max_step)))),
(* step_counter = step_counter + 1; *)
Caffect (Cvar (name step_counter),
Cbop ("+",
Clhs (Cvar (name step_counter)),
Cconst (Ccint 1)))
:: body)
let mk_main p = match (!Misc.simulation_node, !Misc.assert_nodes) with
| (None, []) -> []
| (_, n_names) ->
let find_class n =
try List.find (fun cd -> cd.cl_id = n) p.o_defs
with Not_found ->
Printf.eprintf "Unknown node %s.\n" n;
exit 1 in
let a_classes = find_class n_names in
let (var_l, res_l, step_l) =
let add cd (var_l, res_l, step_l) =
let (var, res, step) = assert_node_res cd in
(var :: var_l, res :: res_l, step :: step_l) in
List.fold_right add a_classes ([], [], []) in
let (deps, var_l, res_l, step_l) =
(match !Misc.simulation_node with
| None -> (n_names, var_l, res_l, step_l)
| Some n ->
let (nvar_l, res, nstep_l) =
main_def_of_class_def (find_class n) in
(n :: n_names, nvar_l @ var_l,
res :: res_l, nstep_l @ step_l)) in
[("_main.c", Csource [main_skel var_l res_l step_l]);
("_main.h", Cheader (deps, []))];
(** {2 Type translation} *)
let decls_of_type_decl otd =
let name = otd.t_name in
@ -949,4 +1028,5 @@ let global_file_header name prog =
let translate name prog =
let modname = (Filename.basename name) in
global_name := String.capitalize modname;
(global_file_header modname prog) :: (cfile_list_of_oprog modname prog)
(global_file_header modname prog) :: (mk_main prog)
@ (cfile_list_of_oprog modname prog)

View file

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ and doc_target_path =
"<path>\tGenerated files will be placed in <path>\n\t\t\t(the directory is"
^ " cleaned)"
and doc_noinit = "\t\tDisable initialization analysis"
and doc_assert = "<node>\t\tInsert run-time assertions for boolean node <node>"
let errmsg = "Options are:"

View file

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ let show_version () =
let verbose = ref false
let print_types = ref false
let assert_nodes = ref []
let add_assert nd = assert_nodes := nd :: !assert_nodes
let simulation = ref false
let simulation_node : string option ref = ref None
let set_simulation_node s =

View file

@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ val verbose : bool ref
(* Print types option *)
val print_types : bool ref
(* Nodes to check at run-time *)
val assert_nodes : string list ref
(* Add node (name) to the list of nodes to be checked. *)
val add_assert : string -> unit
(* Simulation mode *)
val simulation : bool ref
(* Simulated node *)