Strict-SSA option to switch array encoding.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 55 additions and 23 deletions
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ let compile source_f =
let modul = Names.modul_of_string modname in
Initial.initialize modul;
source_f |> Filename.dirname |> add_include;
check_options ();
match Misc.file_extension source_f with
| "ept" -> compile_program modname source_f
| "epi" -> compile_interface modname source_f
@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ let main () =
"-statefuli", Arg.Set stateful_info, doc_stateful_info;
"-fname", Arg.Set full_name, doc_full_name;
"-itfusion", Arg.Set do_iterator_fusion, doc_itfusion;
"-strict_ssa", Arg.Set strict_ssa, doc_strict_ssa;
"-memalloc", Arg.Unit do_mem_alloc_and_typing, doc_memalloc;
"-only-memalloc", Arg.Set do_mem_alloc, doc_memalloc_only;
"-only-linear", Arg.Set do_linear_typing, doc_linear_only;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let fresh_for = fresh_for "mls2obc"
let op_from_string op = { qual = Pervasives; name = op; }
let rec pattern_of_idx_list p l =
let rec aux p l = match p.pat_ty, l with
let rec aux p l = match Modules.unalias_type p.pat_ty, l with
| _, [] -> p
| Tarray (ty',_), idx :: l -> aux (mk_pattern ty' (Larray (p, idx))) l
| _ -> internal_error "mls2obc"
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ let mk_plus_one e = match e.e_desc with
(** Creates the action list that copies [src] to [dest],
updating the value at index [idx_list] with the value [v]. *)
let rec update_array dest src idx_list v = match Modules.unalias_type dest.pat_ty, idx_list with
let rec ssa_update_array dest src idx_list v = match Modules.unalias_type dest.pat_ty, idx_list with
| Tarray (t, n), idx::idx_list ->
(*Body of the copy loops*)
let copy i =
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ let rec update_array dest src idx_list v = match Modules.unalias_type dest.pat_t
(* Update the correct element*)
let src_idx = array_elt_of_exp idx src in
let dest_idx = mk_pattern t (Larray (dest, idx)) in
let a_update = update_array dest_idx src_idx idx_list v in
let a_update = ssa_update_array dest_idx src_idx idx_list v in
(*Copy values > idx*)
let idx_plus_one = mk_plus_one idx in
let a_upper = fresh_for idx_plus_one (mk_exp_static_int n) copy in
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ let rec update_array dest src idx_list v = match Modules.unalias_type dest.pat_t
(** Creates the action list that copies [src] to [dest],
updating the value of field [f] with the value [v]. *)
let update_record dest src f v =
let ssa_update_record dest src f v =
let assgn_act { f_name = l; f_type = ty } =
let dest_l = mk_pattern ty (Lfield(dest, l)) in
let src_l = mk_ext_value_exp ty (Wfield(src, l)) in
@ -384,18 +384,29 @@ and translate_act map pat
let e1 = translate_extvalue_to_exp map e1 in
let e2 = translate_extvalue_to_exp map e2 in
let cond = bound_check_expr idx bounds in
let true_act = update_array x e1 idx e2 in
let false_act = Aassgn (x, e1) in
[ mk_ifthenelse cond true_act [false_act] ]
let copy = Aassgn (x, e1) in
if !Compiler_options.strict_ssa
then (
let ssa_up = ssa_update_array x e1 idx e2 in
[ mk_ifthenelse cond ssa_up [copy] ]
) else (
let assgn = Aassgn (pattern_of_idx_list x idx, e2) in
[copy; mk_if cond [assgn]]
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efield_update;
Minils.a_params = [{ se_desc = Sfield f }] }, [e1; e2], _) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let e1 = translate_extvalue map e1 in
let e1' = translate_extvalue map e1 in
let e2 = translate_extvalue_to_exp map e2 in
update_record x e1 f e2
if !Compiler_options.strict_ssa
then ssa_update_record x e1' f e2
else (
let copy = Aassgn (x, translate_extvalue_to_exp map e1) in
let action = Aassgn (mk_pattern (Types.Tid (Modules.find_field f)) (Lfield (x, f)), e2) in
[copy; action]
| Minils.Evarpat n, _ ->
[Aassgn (var_from_name map n, translate map act)]
| _ ->
@ -533,20 +544,20 @@ and mk_node_call map call_context app loc (name_list : Obc.pattern list) args ty
v @ nd.Minils.n_local, si, j, subst_act_list env s
| Minils.Enode f | Minils.Efun f ->
let id =
begin match app.Minils.a_id with
None -> gen_obj_ident f
| Some id -> id
end in
let id = match app.Minils.a_id with
| None -> gen_obj_ident f
| Some id -> id
let o = mk_obj_call_from_context call_context id in
let obj =
{ o_ident = obj_ref_name o; o_class = f;
o_params = app.Minils.a_params;
o_size = size_from_call_context call_context; o_loc = loc } in
let si = (match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Efun _ -> []
| Minils.Enode _ -> [reinit o]
| _ -> assert false) in
let si = match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Efun _ -> []
| Minils.Enode _ -> [reinit o]
| _ -> assert false
let s = [Acall (name_list, o, Mstep, args)] in
[], si, [obj], s
| _ -> assert false
@ -105,7 +105,10 @@ let generate_interface i s =
| IMinils convert_fun -> convert_fun i
let load_conf () =
List.iter (fun s -> (find_target s).t_load_conf ()) !target_languages
List.iter (fun s -> (find_target s).t_load_conf ()) !target_languages;
check_options ()
with Arg.Bad m -> raise (Arg.Bad ("After loading target configurations: "^m))
(** Translation into dataflow and sequential languages, defaults to obc. *)
let program p =
@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ let mk_block ?(locals=[]) eq_list =
let mk_ifthenelse cond true_act false_act =
Acase (cond, [ Initial.ptrue, mk_block true_act; Initial.pfalse, mk_block false_act ])
let mk_if cond true_act =
Acase (cond, [Initial.ptrue, mk_block true_act])
let rec var_name x =
match x.pat_desc with
| Lvar x -> x
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ let boolean = ref false
let target_languages : string list ref = ref []
let add_target_language s =
if s = "z3z" then boolean := true;
if s = "z3z" then boolean := true; (* TODO use load_conf instead *)
target_languages := s :: !target_languages
(* Optional path for generated files (C or Java) *)
@ -115,14 +115,27 @@ let do_mem_alloc_and_typing () =
let use_old_scheduler = ref false
let strict_ssa = ref false
let optim = ref false
let do_optim () =
(* do_iterator_fusion := true; TODO reset when itfusion is fixed *)
(* do_iterator_fusion := true; *)(*TODO reset when itfusion is fixed *)
do_mem_alloc_and_typing ();
tomato := true;
deadcode := true
let check_options () =
let err m = raise (Arg.Bad m) in
if !strict_ssa
then (
if !do_mem_alloc then err "Unable to activate memory allocation with strict SSA activated.";
if !do_linear_typing then err "Unable to activate linear typing with strict SSA activated."
let doc_verbose = "\t\t\tSet verbose mode"
and doc_version = "\t\tThe version of the compiler"
and doc_print_types = "\t\t\tPrint types"
@ -151,6 +164,7 @@ and doc_assert = "<node>\tInsert run-time assertions for boolean node <node>"
and doc_inline = "<node>\tInline node <node>"
and doc_itfusion = "\t\tEnable iterator fusion."
and doc_tomato = "\t\tEnable automata minimization."
and doc_strict_ssa = "\t\tEnsure that the generated code is SSA, even for array elements."
and doc_memalloc = "\t\tEnable memory allocation and linear annotations"
and doc_memalloc_only = "\tEnable memory allocation"
and doc_linear_only = "\t\tEnable linear annotations"
Reference in a new issue