correct reset and level clock
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 39 additions and 17 deletions
@ -45,37 +45,58 @@ let ifres res e2 e3 =
| None -> mk_op_app Eifthenelse [init e3.e_loc; e2; e3]
| Some re -> mk_op_app Eifthenelse [re; e2; e3]
(** Keep when ever possible the initialization value *)
(** Keep whenever possible the initialization value *)
let default e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econst c -> Some c
| _ -> None
let edesc funs (res,stateful) ed =
let ed, _ = Hept_mapfold.edesc funs (res,stateful) ed in
let ed = match ed with
let edesc funs ((res,stateful) as acc) ed = match ed with
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
let e1,_ = Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs acc e1 in
let e2,_ = Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs acc e2 in
(match res, e1 with
| None, { e_desc = Econst c } ->
(* no reset : [if res] useless, the initialization is sufficient *)
Epre(Some c, e2)
| _ -> ifres res e1 { e2 with e_desc = Epre(default e1, e2) })
| _ -> ifres res e1 { e2 with e_desc = Epre(default e1, e2) }), acc
| Eapp({ a_op = Earrow }, [e1;e2], _) ->
ifres res e1 e2
let e1,_ = Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs acc e1 in
let e2,_ = Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs acc e2 in
ifres res e1 e2, acc
| Eapp({ a_op = Enode _ } as op, e_list, re) ->
Eapp(op, e_list, merge_resets res re)
let args,_ = mapfold (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc e_list in
let re,_ = optional_wacc (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc re in
Eapp(op, e_list, merge_resets res re), acc
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Enode _ } as op), n, pe_list, e_list, re) ->
Eiterator(it, op, n, pe_list, e_list, merge_resets res re)
let pargs,_ = mapfold (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc pe_list in
let args,_ = mapfold (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc e_list in
let re,_ = optional_wacc (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc re in
Eiterator(it, op, n, pargs, args, merge_resets res re), acc
| Eapp({ a_op = Efun _ } as op, e_list, re) ->
Eapp(op, e_list, None) (* funs don't need resets *)
let args,_ = mapfold (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc e_list in
let re,_ = optional_wacc (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc re in
Eapp(op, args, None), acc (* funs don't need resets *)
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Efun _ } as op), n, pe_list, e_list, re) ->
Eiterator(it, op, n, pe_list, e_list, None) (* funs don't need resets *)
| _ -> ed
ed, (res,stateful)
let pargs,_ = mapfold (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc pe_list in
let args,_ = mapfold (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc e_list in
let re,_ = optional_wacc (Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs) acc re in
Eiterator(it, op, n, pargs, args, None), acc (* funs don't need resets *)
| Emerge(x, c_e_l) ->
let aux acc (c,e) =
let res = match res with
| None -> None
| Some r -> Some (mk_exp (Ewhen (r,c,x)) Initial.tbool) in
let e,_ = Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs (res,stateful) e in
(c,e), acc
let c_e_l, acc = mapfold aux acc c_e_l in
Emerge(x, c_e_l), acc
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let eq funs (res,_) eq =
Hept_mapfold.eq funs (res,eq.eq_stateful) eq
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* *)
(* ASSUMES no automaton, no present, no last *)
(* ASSUMES no automaton, no present, no last, no reset *)
(* Removing switch statements *)
@ -19,14 +19,15 @@ open Minils
The other ones are coming from one like this one,
indeed if it was Con (Cvar,c,x) x would have to be defined with an expression of clock Cvar.*)
let exp _ acc e =
let eq _ acc eq =
let e = eq.eq_rhs in
let _ = match ck_repr e.e_base_ck with
| Cvar {contents = Cindex _} -> unify_ck e.e_base_ck e.e_level_ck
| _ -> ()
e,acc (* no recursion since in minils exps are not recursive *)
eq,acc (* no recursion since in minils exps are not recursive *)
let program p =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.exp = exp } in
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.eq = eq } in
let p, _ = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs [] p in
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