tentative 1 de async dans C

This commit is contained in:
Léonard Gérard 2011-01-11 14:46:28 +01:00 committed by Léonard Gérard
parent ed21462706
commit fc08753bd9
3 changed files with 33 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ type cty =
| Cty_ptr of cty (** C points-to-other-type type. *)
| Cty_arr of int * cty (** A static array of the specified size. *)
| Cty_void (** Well, [void] is not really a C type. *)
| Cty_future of cty (** async result as a future<t> *)
(** A C block: declarations and statements. In source code form, it begins with
variable declarations before a list of semicolon-separated statements, the
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ and cexpr =
| Cstructlit of string * cexpr list (** Structure literal
" \{f1, f2, ... \}". *)
| Carraylit of cexpr list (** Array literal [e1, e2, ...]. *)
| Cmethod_call of cexpr * string * cexpr list (** Object member function call with parameters. *)
and cconst =
| Ccint of int (** Integer constant. *)
| Ccfloat of float (** Floating-point number constant. *)

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@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ let rec ctype_of_otype oty =
ctype_of_otype ty)
| Tprod _ -> assert false
| Tunit -> assert false
| Tasync _ -> assert false (* TODO async *)
| Tasync (a,ty) -> Cty_future (ctype_of_otype ty)
let cvarlist_of_ovarlist vl =
let cvar_of_ovar vd =
@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ let rec cexpr_of_exp var_env exp =
Cstructlit (ctyn, cexps)
| Earray e_list ->
Carraylit (cexprs_of_exps var_env e_list)
| Ebang _ ->
(* TODO async *) assert false
| Ebang e ->
Cmethod_call (cexpr_of_exp var_env e, "get", [])
and cexprs_of_exps var_env exps =
List.map (cexpr_of_exp var_env) exps
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ and cop_of_op_aux op_name cexps = match op_name with
Cbop (copname op, el, er)
| _ -> Cfun_call(op, cexps)
| {qual = m; name = op} -> Cfun_call(op,cexps) (*TODO m should be used?*)
| {qual = m; name = op} -> Cfun_call(op,cexps)
and cop_of_op var_env op_name exps =
let cexps = cexprs_of_exps var_env exps in
@ -474,6 +474,19 @@ let rec cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act =
[Cfor(name x, int_of_static_exp i1,
int_of_static_exp i2, cstm_of_act_list var_env obj_env act)]
(** Special case for x = 0^n^n...*)
| Aassgn (vn, { e_desc = Econst c }) ->
let vn = clhs_of_lhs var_env vn in
create_affect_const var_env vn c
(** Purely syntactic translation from an Obc local variable to a C
local one, with recursive translation of the rhs expression. *)
| Aassgn (vn, e) ->
let vn = clhs_of_lhs var_env vn in
let ty = assoc_type_lhs vn var_env in
let ce = cexpr_of_exp var_env e in
create_affect_stm vn ce ty
(** Reinitialization of an object variable, extracting the reset
function's name from our environment [obj_env]. *)
| Acall (name_list, o, Mreset, args) ->
@ -494,20 +507,17 @@ let rec cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act =
[Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset", elt ))] )]
| Aasync_call _ -> assert false (* TODO async *)
(** Special case for x = 0^n^n...*)
| Aassgn (vn, { e_desc = Econst c }) ->
let vn = clhs_of_lhs var_env vn in
create_affect_const var_env vn c
(** Purely syntactic translation from an Obc local variable to a C
local one, with recursive translation of the rhs expression. *)
| Aassgn (vn, e) ->
let vn = clhs_of_lhs var_env vn in
let ty = assoc_type_lhs vn var_env in
let ce = cexpr_of_exp var_env e in
create_affect_stm vn ce ty
| Aasync_call (a, name_list, o, Mreset, args) ->
assert_empty name_list;
assert_empty args;
let on = obj_ref_name o in
let obj = assoc_obj on obj_env in
let classn = cname_of_qn obj.o_class in
(match obj.o_size with
| None ->
[Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn on))] ))]
| _ -> assert false (* TODO array async *)
(** Step functions applications can return multiple values, so we use a
local structure to hold the results, before allocating to our
@ -517,6 +527,8 @@ let rec cstm_of_act var_env obj_env act =
let outvl = clhss_of_lhss var_env outvl in
generate_function_call var_env obj_env outvl objn args
| Aasync_call _ -> assert false (* TODO async *)
and cstm_of_act_list var_env obj_env b =
let l = List.map cvar_of_vd b.b_locals in

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ and subst_exp map = function
| Caddrof lhs -> Caddrof (subst_lhs map lhs)
| Cstructlit (s, el) -> Cstructlit (s, subst_exp_list map el)
| Carraylit el -> Carraylit (subst_exp_list map el)
| Cmethod_call _ -> (*TODO async*) assert false
and subst_exp_list map =
List.map (subst_exp map)