- Also refactored most of the code (why the hell would anyone use arrays to iterate over lists with an index ?!?)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 254 additions and 1 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* removing reset statements *)
open Misc
open Ident
open Heptagon
open Hept_mapfold
open Types
(* We introduce an initialization variable for each block *)
(* Using an asynchronous reset would allow to produce *)
(* better code avoiding to introduce n local variables and *)
(* n state variables *)
(* reset
switch e with
case C1 do ...
| case C2 do ...
| case C3 do ...
every r
switch e with
case C1 do ... (* l_m1 *)
m1 = false; m2 = l_m2; m3 = l_m3
| case C2 do ... (* l_m2 *)
m1 = l_m1; m2 = false; m3 = l_m3
| case C3 do ... (* l_m3 *)
m1 = l_m1; m2 = l_m2; m3 = false
l_m1 = if res then true else true fby m1;...;
l_m3 = if res then true else true fby m3
e1 -> e2 is translated into if (true fby false) then e1 else e2
let mk_bool_var n =
mk_exp (Evar n) (Tid Initial.pbool)
let mk_bool_param n =
mk_var_dec n (Tid Initial.pbool)
let or_op_call = mk_op (Efun Initial.por)
let pre_true e =
{ e with e_desc = Epre (Some (mk_static_exp ~ty:(Tid Initial.pbool)
(Sconstructor Initial.ptrue)), e) }
let init e = pre_true { dfalse with e_loc = e.e_loc }
(* the boolean condition for a structural reset *)
type reset =
| Rfalse
| Rorthen of reset * ident
let rfalse = Rfalse
let rvar n = Rorthen(Rfalse, n)
let true_reset = function
| Rfalse -> false
| _ -> true
let rec or_op res e =
match res with
| Rfalse -> e
| Rorthen(res, n) ->
or_op res { e with e_desc = Eapp(or_op_call, [mk_bool_var n; e], None) }
let default e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econst c -> Some c
| _ -> None
let exp_of_res res =
match res with
| Rfalse -> dfalse
| Rorthen(res, n) -> or_op res (mk_bool_var n)
let ifres res e2 e3 =
match res with
| Rfalse -> mk_op_app Eifthenelse [init e3; e2; e3]
| _ -> (* a reset occurs *)
mk_op_app Eifthenelse [exp_of_res res; e2; e3]
(* add an equation *)
let equation v acc_eq_list e =
let n = Ident.fresh "r" in
(mk_bool_param n) :: v,
(mk_equation (Eeq(Evarpat n, e))) ::acc_eq_list
let orthen v acc_eq_list res e =
match e.e_desc with
| Evar(n) -> v, acc_eq_list, Rorthen(res, n)
| _ ->
let n, v, acc_eq_list = equation v acc_eq_list e in
v, acc_eq_list, Rorthen(res, n)
let mk_local_equation i k m lm =
(* m_i = false; m_j = l_mj *)
if i = k then
mk_simple_equation (Evarpat m) dfalse
mk_simple_equation (Evarpat m) (mk_bool_var lm)
let mk_global_equation res m lm =
(* [ l_m1 = if res then true else true fby m1;...;
l_mn = if res then true else true fby mn ] *)
let e =
(match res with
| Rfalse -> pre_true (mk_bool_var m)
| _ -> mk_exp (ifres res dtrue (pre_true (mk_bool_var m)))
(Tid Initial.pbool)
) in
mk_simple_equation (Evarpat lm) e
let statefull eq_list = List.exists (fun eq -> eq.eq_statefull) eq_list
let edesc funs (res, v, acc_eq_list) ed =
let ed, _ = Hept_mapfold.edesc funs (res, v, acc_eq_list) ed in
let ed = match ed with
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
(match res, e1 with
| Rfalse, { e_desc = Econst c } ->
(* no reset *)
Epre(Some c, e2)
| _ ->
ifres res e1
{ e2 with e_desc = Epre(default e1, e2) }
| Eapp({ a_op = Earrow }, [e1;e2], _) ->
ifres res e1 e2
(* add reset to the current reset exp. *)
| Eapp({ a_op = Enode _ } as op, e_list, Some re) ->
Eapp(op, e_list, Some (or_op res re))
(* create a new reset exp if necessary *)
| Eapp({ a_op = Enode _ } as op, e_list, None) ->
if true_reset res then
Eapp(op, e_list, Some (exp_of_res res))
Eapp(op, e_list, None)
(* add reset to the current reset exp. *)
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Enode _ } as op), n, e_list, Some re) ->
Eiterator(it, op, n, e_list, Some (or_op res re))
(* create a new reset exp if necessary *)
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Enode _ } as op), n, e_list, None) ->
if true_reset res then
Eiterator(it, op, n, e_list, Some (exp_of_res res))
Eiterator(it, op, n, e_list, None)
| _ -> ed
ed, (res, v, acc_eq_list)
let switch_handlers funs (res, v, acc_eq_list) switch_handlers =
(* introduce a reset bit for each branch *)
let m_list = (fun _ -> Ident.fresh "r") switch_handlers in
let lm_list = (fun _ -> Ident.fresh "r") switch_handlers in
let body i ({ w_block = b } as sh) m lm =
let defnames = List.fold_left (fun acc m ->
Env.add m (Tid Initial.pbool) acc) b.b_defnames m_list in
let _, (_, v, acc_eq_list) =
mapfold (eq_it funs) (rvar lm, b.b_local, []) b.b_equs in
let added_eqs = mapi2 (mk_local_equation i) m_list lm_list in
{ sh with w_block = { b with b_local = v; b_defnames = defnames;
b_equs = added_eqs @ acc_eq_list } } in
let v = ( mk_bool_param m_list)@
( mk_bool_param lm_list)@v in
let switch_handlers = mapi3 body switch_handlers m_list lm_list in
let added_eqs = List.map2 (mk_global_equation res) m_list lm_list in
v, switch_handlers, acc_eq_list @ added_eqs
let eq funs (res, v, acc_eq_list) equ =
match equ.eq_desc with
| Eswitch(e, sh) ->
let e, _ = exp_it funs (res, v, acc_eq_list) e in
let v, sh, acc_eq_list =
switch_handlers funs (res, v, acc_eq_list) sh in
equ, (res, v, { equ with eq_desc = Eswitch(e, sh) } :: acc_eq_list)
| Ereset(eq_list, e) ->
let e, _ = exp_it funs (res, v, acc_eq_list) e in
let v, acc_eq_list, res =
if statefull eq_list then
orthen v acc_eq_list res e
let _, v, acc_eq_list = equation v acc_eq_list e in
v, acc_eq_list, res
let _, (res, v, acc_eq_list) =
mapfold (eq_it funs) (res, v, acc_eq_list) eq_list in
equ, (res, v, acc_eq_list)
| _ ->
let equ, (res, v, acc_eq_list) = eq funs (res, v, acc_eq_list) equ in
equ, (res, v, equ::acc_eq_list)
let node funs _ n =
let n, (_, v, eq_list) = Hept_mapfold.node_dec funs (rfalse, [], []) n in
{ n with n_local = v @ n.n_local; n_equs = eq_list; }, (rfalse, [], [])
let program p =
let funs = { Hept_mapfold.hept_funs_default with
eq = eq; node_dec = node; edesc = edesc } in
let p, _ = program_it funs (rfalse, [], []) p in
@ -207,3 +207,31 @@ let mapfold f acc l =
([],acc) l in
List.rev l, acc
let mapi f l =
let rec aux i = function
| [] -> []
| v::l -> (f i v)::(aux (i+1) l)
aux 0 l
let mapi2 f l1 l2 =
let rec aux i l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], [] -> []
| [], _ -> invalid_arg ""
| _, [] -> invalid_arg ""
| v1::l1, v2::l2 -> (f i v1 v2)::(aux (i+1) l1 l2)
aux 0 l1 l2
let mapi3 f l1 l2 l3 =
let rec aux i l1 l2 l3 =
match l1, l2, l3 with
| [], [], [] -> []
| [], _, _ -> invalid_arg ""
| _, [], _ -> invalid_arg ""
| _, _, [] -> invalid_arg ""
| v1::l1, v2::l2, v3::l3 ->
(f i v1 v2 v3)::(aux (i+1) l1 l2 l3)
aux 0 l1 l2 l3
@ -161,4 +161,11 @@ exception Fallback
(** Mapfold *)
val mapfold: ('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'c list * 'a
val mapfold: ('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'c list * 'a
(** Mapi *)
val mapi: (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val mapi2: (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
val mapi3: (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) ->
'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list
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