Make Typing compile

This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2010-09-10 13:59:38 +02:00
parent 1d1f398e8a
commit f6fb5861ce
3 changed files with 23 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ let find_const = _find g_env.consts
(** @return the fields of a record type. *)
let find_struct n =
match find_type n with
| Tstructure fields -> fields
| Tstruct fields -> fields
| _ -> raise Not_found
(** { 3 Load_check functions }

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module QualEnv = struct
let append env' env = fold (fun key v env -> add key v env) env' env
module QualSet = Set.Make (struct type t = qualname let compare = compare end)
module S = Set.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end)

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@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ let message loc kind =
and display the correct location. *)
let add_with_error add_fun f v =
try add_fun f v
with Already_defined -> error (Ealready_defined f)
with Already_defined -> error (Ealready_defined (fullname f))
let find_with_error find_fun f =
try find_fun f
with Not_found -> error (Eundefined(fullname f))
@ -244,12 +244,12 @@ let typ_of_name h x =
Not_found -> error (Eundefined(sourcename x))
let desc_of_ty = function
| Tid n when n = pbool -> Tenum ["true";"false"]
| Tid n when n = pbool -> Tenum [ptrue; pfalse]
| Tid ty_name -> find_type ty_name
| _ -> Tabstract
let set_of_constr = function
| Tabstract | Tstruct _ -> assert false
| Tenum tag_list -> List.fold_right S.add tag_list S.empty
| Tenum tag_list -> List.fold_right QualSet.add tag_list QualSet.empty
let name_mem n env =
let check_one id _ acc =
@ -292,6 +292,12 @@ let add_distinct_env id ty env =
Env.add id ty env
let add_distinct_qualset n acc =
if QualSet.mem n acc then
error (Ealready_defined (fullname n))
QualSet.add n acc
let add_distinct_S n acc =
if S.mem n acc then
error (Ealready_defined n)
@ -305,13 +311,14 @@ let add env1 env2 =
(** Checks that constructors are included in constructor list from type
def and returns the difference *)
let included_const s1 s2 =
(fun elt -> if not (S.mem elt s2) then error (Emissingcase(elt)))
(fun elt -> if not (QualSet.mem elt s2)
then error (Emissingcase (fullname elt)))
let diff_const defined_names local_names =
included_const local_names defined_names;
S.diff defined_names local_names
QualSet.diff defined_names local_names
(** Checks that local_names are included in defined_names and returns
the difference *)
@ -425,7 +432,7 @@ and typing_static_exp const_env se =
with Not_found -> (* or a static parameter *)
Svar ln, QualEnv.find ln const_env)
| Sconstructor c ->
Sconstructor c, find_type (find_constrs c)
Sconstructor c, Tid (find_constrs c)
| Sop (op, se_list) ->
let ty_desc = find_value op in
let typed_se_list = typing_static_args const_env
@ -548,7 +555,7 @@ let rec typing const_env h e =
a_params = params } as app),
n, e_list, reset) ->
let ty_desc = find_value f in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list = kind q ty_desc in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list = kind f ty_desc in
(*TODO verifier....*)
let node_params = (fun { p_name = n } -> local_qn n) ty_desc.node_params in
@ -610,7 +617,7 @@ and typing_app const_env h op e_list =
| { a_op = (Efun f | Enode f); a_params = params } as app, e_list ->
let ty_desc = find_value f in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list = kind op ty_desc in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list = kind f ty_desc in
(*TODO verifier....*)
let node_params = (fun { p_name = n } -> local_qn n) ty_desc.node_params in
@ -901,11 +908,11 @@ and typing_automaton_handlers const_env h acc state_handlers =
and typing_switch_handlers const_env h acc ty switch_handlers =
(* checks unicity of states *)
let addname acc { w_name = n } =
add_distinct_S (shortname n) acc in
let cases = List.fold_left addname S.empty switch_handlers in
let addname acc { w_name = n } = add_distinct_qualset n acc in
let cases = List.fold_left addname QualSet.empty switch_handlers in
let d = diff_const (set_of_constr (desc_of_ty ty)) cases in
if not (S.is_empty d) then error (Epartial_switch(S.choose d));
if not (QualSet.is_empty d) then
error (Epartial_switch (fullname (QualSet.choose d)));
let handler ({ w_block = b } as sh) =
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block const_env h b in
@ -996,7 +1003,7 @@ let typing_contract const_env h contract =
let solve loc cl =
solve NamesEnv.empty cl
solve QualEnv.empty cl
Solve_failed c -> message loc (Econstraint_solve_failed c)