Better error message for array type errors

If an array of the wrong size is given, give an 
error with the full types instead of the bare
This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-07-21 10:26:34 +02:00
parent 0a372672e0
commit e11bf08dae
2 changed files with 17 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ let rec solve const_env =
| [] -> []
| c :: l ->
let l = solve const_env l in
let (res, c) = is_true const_env c in
let (res, solved_c) = is_true const_env c in
(match res with
| None -> c :: l
| None -> solved_c :: l
| Some v -> if not v then raise (Solve_failed c) else l)
(** Substitutes variables in the size exp with their value

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@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let message loc kind =
| Estatic_constraint c ->
eprintf "%aThis application doesn't respect the static constraint :@\n%a.@."
print_location loc
print_location c.se_loc
print_static_exp c
| Esplit_enum ty ->
"%aThe first argument of split has to be an \
@ -385,26 +385,33 @@ let rec _unify cenv t1 t2 =
_ -> raise Unify
| Tarray (ty1, e1), Tarray (ty2, e2) ->
add_constraint_eq cenv e1 e2;
add_constraint_eq ~unsafe:true cenv e1 e2
with Solve_failed _ ->
raise Unify);
_unify cenv ty1 ty2
| _ -> raise Unify
(** { 3 Constraints related functions } *)
and (curr_constrnt : constrnt list ref) = ref []
and solve c_l =
and solve ?(unsafe=false) c_l =
try Static.solve Names.QualEnv.empty c_l
with Solve_failed c -> error (Estatic_constraint c)
with Solve_failed c ->
if unsafe then
raise (Solve_failed c)
error (Estatic_constraint c)
(** [cenv] is the constant env which will be used to simplify the given constraints *)
and add_constraint cenv c =
and add_constraint ?(unsafe=false) cenv c =
let c = expect_static_exp cenv Initial.tbool c in
curr_constrnt := (solve [c])@(!curr_constrnt)
curr_constrnt := (solve ~unsafe:unsafe [c])@(!curr_constrnt)
(** Add the constraint [c1=c2] *)
and add_constraint_eq cenv c1 c2 =
and add_constraint_eq ?(unsafe=false) cenv c1 c2 =
let c = mk_static_exp tbool (Sop (mk_pervasives "=",[c1;c2])) in
add_constraint cenv c
add_constraint ~unsafe:unsafe cenv c
(** Add the constraint [c1<=c2] *)
and add_constraint_leq cenv c1 c2 =