Added anonymous functions in Minils
- Added Elamba(inp, outp, eq_list) constructor. This is necessary for iterator fusion. - Refactored Mls2obc to allow to generate code for anonymous functions (basically we have to remember if we are within an iterator, as there is no nesting of iterators) There is a known problem with the local vars defined in the anonymous function that needs to be declared.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 126 additions and 66 deletions
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open Obc
open Types
open Control
open Static
open Obc_mapfold
let gen_obj_name n =
(shortname n) ^ "_mem" ^ (gen_symbol ())
@ -121,7 +122,16 @@ and translate_c_act_list map context pat c_act_list =
(fun (c, act) -> (c, (translate_act map context pat act)))
let rec translate_eq map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
let mk_obj_call_from_context (o, _) n =
match o with
| Oobj _ -> Oobj n
| Oarray (_, lhs) -> Oarray(n, lhs)
let size_from_call_context (_, n) = n
let empty_call_context = Oobj "n", None
let rec translate_eq map call_context { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
(si, j, s) =
let { Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_ty = ty;
Minils.e_ck = ck; Minils.e_loc = loc } = e in
@ -138,40 +148,19 @@ let rec translate_eq map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| pat, Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun n | Minils.Enode n;
Minils.a_params = params } as app,
e_list, r) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list = (translate map (si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = Oobj (gen_obj_name n) in
let si =
(match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Enode _ -> (reinit o) :: si
| Minils.Efun _ -> si) in
let j = (o, n, None, loc) :: j in
let action = Acall (name_list, o, Mstep, c_list) in
let s = (match r, app.Minils.a_op with
| Some r, Minils.Enode _ ->
let ra =
control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r))
(reinit o) in
ra :: (control map ck action) :: s
| _, _ -> (control map ck action) :: s) in
si, j, s
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list,
Minils.Eapp({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Etuple }, act_list, _) ->
(fun pat e ->
translate_eq map
translate_eq map call_context
(Minils.mk_equation pat e))
p_list act_list (si, j, s)
| pat, Minils.Eapp({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Eifthenelse }, [e1;e2;e3], _) ->
let cond = translate map (si, j, s) e1 in
let si, j, true_act = translate_eq map
let si, j, true_act = translate_eq map call_context
(Minils.mk_equation pat e2) (si, j, s) in
let si, j, false_act = translate_eq map
let si, j, false_act = translate_eq map call_context
(Minils.mk_equation pat e3) (si, j, s) in
let action = Acase (cond, [Name "true", true_act;
Name "false", false_act]) in
@ -271,36 +260,85 @@ let rec translate_eq map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
si, j, (control map ck a1) :: (control map ck a2) :: s
| _ -> assert false )
| pat, Minils.Eiterator (it,
({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun f | Minils.Enode f;
Minils.a_params = params } as app),
n, e_list, reset) ->
| pat, Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun _ | Minils.Enode _ } as app,
e_list, r) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list = (translate map (si, j, s)) e_list in
let si', j', action = mk_node_call map call_context
app loc name_list c_list in
let action = (control map ck) action in
let s = (match r, app.Minils.a_op with
| Some r, Minils.Enode _ ->
let ra = (control map ck) si' in
ra @ action @ s
| _, _ -> action @ s) in
si'@si, j'@j, s
| pat, Minils.Eiterator (it, app, n, e_list, reset) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list =
|||| (translate map (si, j, s)) e_list in
let x = Ident.fresh "i" in
let o = Oarray (gen_obj_name f, mk_lhs (Lvar x)) in
let si =
(match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Efun _ -> si
| Minils.Enode _ -> (reinit o) :: si) in
let j = (o, f, Some n, loc) :: j in
let action = translate_iterator map it x name_list o n c_list in
let call_context = Oarray ("n", mk_lhs (Lvar x)), Some n in
let si', j', action = translate_iterator map call_context it
name_list app loc n x c_list in
let action = (control map ck) action in
let s =
(match reset, app.Minils.a_op with
| Some r, Minils.Enode _ ->
(control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r)) (reinit o)) ::
action @ s
let ra = (control map ck) si' in
ra @ action @ s
| _, _ -> action @ s)
in (si, j, s)
in (si' @ si, j' @ j, s)
| (pat, _) ->
let action = translate_act map (si, j, s) pat e in
let action = (control map ck) action in
si, j, action @ s
and translate_iterator map it x name_list objn n c_list =
and translate_eq_list map call_context act_list =
List.fold_right (translate_eq map call_context) act_list ([], [], [])
and mk_node_call map call_context app loc name_list args =
match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Enode f | Minils.Efun f ->
let o = mk_obj_call_from_context call_context (gen_obj_name f) in
let j = [(o, f, size_from_call_context call_context, loc)] in
let si =
(match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Efun _ -> []
| Minils.Enode _ -> [reinit o]) in
si, j, [Acall (name_list, o, Mstep, args)]
| Minils.Elambda(inp, outp, locals, eq_list) ->
let add_input env vd =
Env.add vd.Minils.v_ident (mk_lhs (Lvar vd.Minils.v_ident)) env in
let build env vd a =
Env.add vd.Minils.v_ident a env in
let subst_block env b =
let exp funs env e = match e.e_desc with
| Elhs { l_desc = Lvar x } ->
let e =
(try Env.find x env
with Not_found -> e) in
e, env
| _ -> Obc_mapfold.exp funs env e
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with exp = exp } in
let b, _ = Obc_mapfold.block_it funs env b in
let map = List.fold_left add_input map inp in
let map = List.fold_left2 build map outp name_list in
let map = List.fold_left add_input map locals in
let si, j, s = translate_eq_list map call_context eq_list in
let env = List.fold_left2 build Env.empty inp args in
si, j, subst_block env s
| _ -> assert false
and translate_iterator map call_context it name_list app loc n x c_list =
let array_of_output name_list =
|||| (fun l -> mk_lhs (Larray (l, mk_evar x))) name_list in
let array_of_input c_list =
@ -310,30 +348,29 @@ and translate_iterator map it x name_list objn n c_list =
| Minils.Imap ->
let c_list = array_of_input c_list in
let name_list = array_of_output name_list in
[ Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n,
[Acall (name_list, objn, Mstep, c_list)]) ]
let si, j, action = mk_node_call map call_context
app loc name_list c_list in
si, j, [ Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n, action) ]
| Minils.Imapfold ->
let (c_list, acc_in) = split_last c_list in
let c_list = array_of_input c_list in
let (name_list, acc_out) = split_last name_list in
let name_list = array_of_output name_list in
[Aassgn (acc_out, acc_in);
Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n,
[Acall (name_list @ [ acc_out ], objn, Mstep,
c_list @ [ mk_exp (Elhs acc_out) ])] )]
let si, j, action = mk_node_call map call_context
app loc (name_list @ [ acc_out ])
(c_list @ [ mk_exp (Elhs acc_out) ]) in
si, j, [Aassgn (acc_out, acc_in);
Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n, action)]
| Minils.Ifold ->
let (c_list, acc_in) = split_last c_list in
let c_list = array_of_input c_list in
let acc_out = last_element name_list in
[ Aassgn (acc_out, acc_in);
Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n,
[Acall (name_list, objn, Mstep,
c_list @ [ mk_exp (Elhs acc_out) ])]) ]
let translate_eq_list map act_list =
List.fold_right (translate_eq map) act_list ([], [], [])
let si, j, action = mk_node_call map call_context
app loc name_list (c_list @ [ mk_exp (Elhs acc_out) ]) in
si, j, [ Aassgn (acc_out, acc_in);
Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n, action) ]
let remove m d_list =
List.filter (fun { Minils.v_ident = n } -> not (List.mem_assoc n m)) d_list
@ -362,7 +399,8 @@ let translate_contract map mem_vars =
Minils.c_assume = e_a;
Minils.c_enforce = e_c
} ->
let (si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list map eq_list in
let (si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list map
empty_call_context eq_list in
let d_list = translate_var_dec map d_list in
let d_list = List.filter
(fun vd -> not (List.mem vd.v_ident mem_vars)) d_list in
@ -392,7 +430,8 @@ let translate_node
} as n) =
let mem_vars = Mls_utils.node_memory_vars n in
let subst_map = subst_map i_list o_list d_list mem_vars in
let (si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list subst_map eq_list in
let (si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list subst_map
empty_call_context eq_list in
let (si', j', s_list', d_list') =
translate_contract subst_map mem_vars contract in
let i_list = translate_var_dec subst_map i_list in
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ and op =
| Eselect_dyn (** arg1.[arg3...] default arg2 *)
| Eupdate (** [ arg1 with a_params = arg2 ] *)
| Econcat (** arg1@@arg2 *)
| Elambda of var_dec list * var_dec list * var_dec list * eq list
(* inputs, outputs, locals, body *)
and ct =
| Ck of ck
@ -93,12 +95,12 @@ and pat =
| Etuplepat of pat list
| Evarpat of var_ident
type eq = {
and eq = {
eq_lhs : pat;
eq_rhs : exp;
eq_loc : location }
type var_dec = {
and var_dec = {
v_ident : var_ident;
v_type : ty;
v_clock : ck;
@ -134,7 +134,10 @@ and print_app ff (app, args) = match app.a_op, app.a_params, args with
print_exp e1 print_index idx print_exp e2
| Econcat, _,[e1; e2] ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ @@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Elambda(inp, outp, _, eq_list), _, e_list ->
fprintf ff "(%a -> %a with %a)@,%a"
print_vd_tuple inp print_vd_tuple outp
print_eqs eq_list print_exp_tuple e_list
and print_handler ff c =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_couple print_longname print_exp "("" -> "")") c
@ -144,14 +147,14 @@ and print_tag_e_list ff tag_e_list =
(print_list print_handler """""") tag_e_list
let print_eq ff { eq_lhs = p; eq_rhs = e } =
and print_eq ff { eq_lhs = p; eq_rhs = e } =
if !Misc.full_type_info
then fprintf ff "@[<2>%a :: %a =@ %a@]"
print_pat p print_ck e.e_ck print_exp e
else fprintf ff "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" print_pat p print_exp e
let print_eqs ff = function
and print_eqs ff = function
| [] -> ()
| l -> fprintf ff "@[<v2>let@ %a@]@\ntel" (print_list_r print_eq """;""") l
@ -188,6 +188,13 @@ let rec translate kind context e =
let context, e_list = translate_app kind context app.a_op e_list in
context, { e with e_desc = Eapp(app, e_list, r) }
| Eiterator (it, app, n, e_list, reset) ->
let app =
(match app.a_op with
| Elambda(inp, outp, [], eq_list) ->
let d_list, eq_list = translate_eq_list [] eq_list in
{ app with a_op = Elambda(inp, outp, d_list, eq_list) }
| _ -> app) in
(* Add an intermediate equation for each array lit argument. *)
let translate_iterator_arg_list context e_list =
let add e context =
@ -282,7 +289,7 @@ and fby kind context e v e1 =
context, { e1 with e_desc = n } in
context, { e with e_desc = Efby(v, e1') }
let rec translate_eq context eq =
and translate_eq context eq =
(* applies distribution rules *)
(* [x = v fby e] should verifies that x is local *)
(* [(p1,...,pn) = (e1,...,en)] into [p1 = e1;...;pn = en] *)
@ -301,7 +308,7 @@ let rec translate_eq context eq =
let context, e = translate Any context eq.eq_rhs in
distribute context { eq with eq_rhs = e }
let translate_eq_list d_list eq_list =
and translate_eq_list d_list eq_list =
(fun context eq -> translate_eq context eq)
(d_list, []) eq_list
@ -73,10 +73,19 @@ let schedule eq_list =
let node_list = List.rev node_list in
|||| containt node_list
(* We suppose here that we don't have nested eqs.
Otherwise schedule should be 'recursive' *)
let eqs funs () eq_list = schedule eq_list, ()
let eqs funs () eq_list =
let eqs, () = Mls_mapfold.eqs funs () eq_list in
schedule eqs, ()
let edesc funs () = function
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Elambda(inp, outp, locals, eq_list) } as app),
n, e_list, r) ->
let app = { app with a_op = Elambda(inp, outp,
locals, schedule eq_list) } in
Eiterator(it, app, n, e_list, r), ()
| _ -> raise Fallback
let program p =
let p, () = Mls_mapfold.program_it
{ Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.eqs = eqs } () p in p
{ Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.eqs = eqs;
Mls_mapfold.edesc = edesc } () p in p
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