Shorter version of is_statefull
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 9 additions and 41 deletions
@ -231,47 +231,15 @@ let unify t1 t2 =
let less_than statefull = if not statefull then error Estate_clash
let rec is_statefull_exp e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ | Evar _ | Estruct _ -> false
| Elast _ | Efby _ | Epre _ -> true
| Eapp({ a_op = (Enode _ | Earrow) }, _, _) -> true
| Eapp(_, e_list, _) -> List.exists is_statefull_exp e_list
| Eiterator(_, { a_op = Enode _ }, _, _, _) -> true
| Eiterator(_, _, _, e_list, _) ->
List.exists is_statefull_exp e_list
let rec is_statefull_eq_desc = function
| Eautomaton(handlers) ->
(List.exists is_statefull_state_handler handlers)
| Eswitch(e, handlers) ->
(is_statefull_exp e) or
(List.exists is_statefull_switch_handler handlers)
| Epresent(handlers, b) ->
(is_statefull_block b) or
(List.exists is_statefull_present_handler handlers)
| Ereset(eq_list, e) ->
(is_statefull_exp e) or
(List.exists (fun eq -> eq.eq_statefull) eq_list)
| Eeq(_, e) -> is_statefull_exp e
and is_statefull_block b =
and is_statefull_present_handler ph =
(is_statefull_exp ph.p_cond) or
(is_statefull_block ph.p_block)
and is_statefull_switch_handler sh =
is_statefull_block sh.w_block
and is_statefull_state_handler sh =
(is_statefull_block sh.s_block) or
(List.exists is_statefull_escape sh.s_until) or
(List.exists is_statefull_escape sh.s_unless)
and is_statefull_escape esc =
is_statefull_exp esc.e_cond
let is_statefull_eq_desc eqd =
let edesc funs _ ed = match ed with
| Elast _ | Efby _ | Epre _ -> ed, true
| Eapp({ a_op = (Enode _ | Earrow) }, _, _) -> ed, true
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let funs = { Hept_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc } in
let _, is_statefull = eq_desc_it funs false eqd in
let kind f statefull
{ node_inputs = ty_list1;
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