Removed one nasty bug in

This commit is contained in:
Léonard Gérard 2010-09-13 01:14:03 +02:00
parent 937d1f580b
commit d20a77e181

View file

@ -90,30 +90,29 @@ let _load_module modname =
if is_loaded modname then ()
let name = String.uncapitalize modname in
let filename = Misc.findfile (name ^ ".epci") in
let ic =
open_in_bin filename
| Misc.Cannot_find_file(f) ->
Format.eprintf "Cannot find the compiled interface file %s.@." f;
raise Error in
let mo:module_object =
input_value ic
| End_of_file | Failure _ ->
close_in ic;
Format.eprintf "Corrupted compiled interface file %s.@\n\
Please recompile %s.ept first.@." filename name;
raise Error in
if mo.m_format_version <> interface_format_version
then (
Format.eprintf "The file %s was compiled with an older version \
of the compiler.@\nPlease recompile %s.ept first.@."
filename name;
raise Error );
_append_module mo
let filename = Misc.findfile (name ^ ".epci") in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let mo:module_object =
input_value ic
| End_of_file | Failure _ ->
close_in ic;
Format.eprintf "Corrupted compiled interface file %s.@\n\
Please recompile %s.ept first.@." filename name;
raise Error in
if mo.m_format_version <> interface_format_version
then (
Format.eprintf "The file %s was compiled with an older version \
of the compiler.@\nPlease recompile %s.ept first.@."
filename name;
raise Error );
_append_module mo
| Misc.Cannot_find_file(f) ->
Format.eprintf "Cannot find the compiled interface file %s.@." f;
raise Error
@ -186,20 +185,26 @@ let find_struct n =
| Tstruct fields -> fields
| _ -> raise Not_found
(** { 3 Load_check functions }
(** { 3 Check functions }
Try to load the needed module and then to find it,
return true if in the table, return false if it can't find it. *)
let _check env q =
(* NB : we can't factorize this functions since g_env is changed by _load... *)
let check_value q =
_load_module q.qual;
try let _ = QualEnv.find q env in true
with Not_found -> false
let check_value q = _check g_env.values q
let check_type q = _check g_env.types q
let check_constrs q = _check g_env.constrs q
let check_field q = _check g_env.fields q
let check_const q = _check g_env.consts q
try let _ = QualEnv.find q g_env.values in true with Not_found -> false
let check_type q =
_load_module q.qual;
try let _ = QualEnv.find q g_env.types in true with Not_found -> false
let check_constrs q =
_load_module q.qual;
try let _ = QualEnv.find q g_env.constrs in true with Not_found -> false
let check_field q =
_load_module q.qual;
try let _ = QualEnv.find q g_env.fields in true with Not_found -> false
let check_const q =
_load_module q.qual;
try let _ = QualEnv.find q g_env.consts in true with Not_found -> false
(** { 3 Qualify functions [qualify_* name] return the qualified name
@ -271,13 +276,13 @@ let rec unalias_type t = match t with
(** Return the current module as a [module_object] *)
let current_module () =
(* Filter and transform a qualified env into the current module object env *)
let unqualify env = (* unqualify env keys *)
let unqualify env = (* unqualify and filter env keys *)
(fun x v current ->
if x.qual = g_env.current_mod
then NamesEnv.add v current
else current) env NamesEnv.empty in
let unqualify_all env = (* unqualify env keys and values *)
let unqualify_all env = (* unqualify and filter env keys and values *)
(fun x v current ->
if x.qual = g_env.current_mod