Make heptc compile
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 42 additions and 39 deletions
@ -561,8 +561,8 @@ let rec typing const_env h e =
||| (fun { p_name = n } -> local_qn n) ty_desc.node_params in
let m = build_subst node_params params in
let expected_ty_list =
|||| (subst_type_vars m) expected_ty_list in
let result_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) result_ty_list in
|||| (simplify m) expected_ty_list in
let result_ty_list = (simplify m) result_ty_list in
let typed_n = expect_static_exp const_env (Tid Initial.pint) n in
let ty, typed_e_list = typing_iterator const_env h it n
expected_ty_list result_ty_list e_list in
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
open Misc
open Compiler_utils
open Location
open Global_printer
let pp p = if !verbose then Hept_printer.print stdout p
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ let compile_impl pp p =
(*let p = pass "Typing" true Typing.program p pp in*)
let p = silent_pass "Statefullness check" true Statefull.program p in
if !print_types then print_interface Format.std_formatter l;
if !print_types then print_interface Format.std_formatter p;
(* Causality check *)
let p = silent_pass "Causality check" true Causality.program p in
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ let compile_interface modname filename =
if !print_types then print_interface Format.std_formatter l;
Modules.write itc;
output_value itc (Modules.current_module ());
close_all_files ()
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ let params_of_var_decs local_const =
let args_of_var_decs local_const =
|||| (fun vd -> Signature.mk_arg
(Some (name vd.v_name))
(Some vd.v_name)
(translate_type vd.v_loc local_const vd.v_type))
let translate_node node =
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ struct
type env =
| Eempty
| Ecomp of env * IdentSet.t
| Eon of env * longname * ident
| Eon of env * constructor_name * ident
let empty = Eempty
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ let compile_impl modname filename =
(* Process the Heptagon AST *)
let p = compile_impl pp p in
Modules.write_current_module itc;
output_value itc (Modules.current_module ());
(* Set pretty printer to the Minils one *)
let pp = Mls_compiler.pp in
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ open Static
open Global_mapfold
open Mls_mapfold
open Minils
open Global_printer
module Error =
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ end
module Param_instances :
type key = private static_exp (** Fully instantiated param *)
type env = key NamesEnv.t
type env = key QualEnv.t
val instantiate: env -> static_exp list -> key list
val get_node_instances : QualEnv.key -> key list list
val add_node_instance : QualEnv.key -> key list -> unit
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ sig
end =
type key = static_exp
type env = key NamesEnv.t
type env = key QualEnv.t
(** An instance is a list of instantiated params *)
type instance = key list
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ struct
(** Build an environment by instantiating the passed params *)
let build env params_names params_values =
List.fold_left2 (fun m { p_name = n } v -> NamesEnv.add n v m)
List.fold_left2 (fun m { p_name = n } v -> QualEnv.add (local_qn n) v m)
env params_names (instantiate env params_values)
@ -133,10 +134,10 @@ struct
let static_exp funs m se =
let se, _ = Global_mapfold.static_exp funs m se in
let se = match se.se_desc with
| Svar { qual = q; name = n } ->
if q = local_qualname
| Svar q ->
if q.qual = local_qualname
then (* This var is a static parameter, it has to be instanciated *)
(try NamesEnv.find n m
(try QualEnv.find q m
with Not_found ->
Format.eprintf "local param not local";
assert false;)
@ -171,17 +172,17 @@ struct
let funs =
{ Mls_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc;
global_funs = global_funs } in
let m = build NamesEnv.empty n.n_params params in
let m = build QualEnv.empty n.n_params params in
let n, _ = Mls_mapfold.node_dec_it funs m n in
(* Add to the global environment the signature of the new instance *)
let { info = node_sig } = find_value n.n_name in
let node_sig = find_value n.n_name in
let node_sig, _ = Global_mapfold.node_it global_funs m node_sig in
let node_sig = { node_sig with node_params = [];
node_params_constraints = [] } in
(* Find the name that was associated to this instance *)
let ln = node_for_params_call n.n_name params in
Modules.add_value_by_longname ln node_sig;
Modules.add_value ln node_sig;
{ n with n_name = ln; n_params = []; n_params_constraints = []; }
let node_dec modname n =
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ let load_object_file modname =
Modules.open_module modname;
let name = String.uncapitalize modname in
let filename = Modules.findfile (name ^ ".epo") in
let filename = Misc.findfile (name ^ ".epo") in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let p:program = input_value ic in
@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ let load_object_file modname =
Please recompile %s.ept first.@." filename name;
raise Error
| Modules.Cannot_find_file(filename) ->
| Misc.Cannot_find_file(filename) ->
Format.eprintf "Cannot find the object file '%s'.@."
raise Error
@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ let called_nodes ln =
let rec call_node (ln, params) =
(* First, add the instance for this node *)
let n = node_by_longname ln in
let m = build NamesEnv.empty n.n_params params in
let m = build QualEnv.empty n.n_params params in
(* List.iter check_no_static_var params; *)
add_node_instance ln params;
@ -8,29 +8,29 @@ open Minils
(* Functions to temporarily store anonymous nodes*)
let mk_fresh_node_name () =
longname ( (Idents.fresh "_n_"))
current_qual ( (Idents.fresh "_n_"))
let anon_nodes = ref LongNameEnv.empty
let anon_nodes = ref QualEnv.empty
let add_anon_node inputs outputs locals eqs =
let n = mk_fresh_node_name () in
let nd = mk_node ~input:inputs ~output:outputs ~local:locals
~eq:eqs (shortname n) in
anon_nodes := LongNameEnv.add n nd !anon_nodes;
~eq:eqs n in
anon_nodes := QualEnv.add n nd !anon_nodes;
let replace_anon_node n nd =
anon_nodes := LongNameEnv.add n nd !anon_nodes
anon_nodes := QualEnv.add n nd !anon_nodes
let find_anon_node n =
LongNameEnv.find n !anon_nodes
QualEnv.find n !anon_nodes
let is_anon_node n =
LongNameEnv.mem n !anon_nodes
QualEnv.mem n !anon_nodes
let are_equal n m =
let n = simplify NamesEnv.empty n in
let m = simplify NamesEnv.empty m in
let n = simplify QualEnv.empty n in
let m = simplify QualEnv.empty m in
n = m
let pat_of_vd_list l =
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ let get_node_inp_outp app = match app.a_op with
nd.n_input, nd.n_output
| Enode f | Efun f ->
(* it is a regular node*)
let { info = ty_desc } = find_value f in
let ty_desc = find_value f in
let new_inp = vd_of_arg ty_desc.node_outputs in
let new_outp = vd_of_arg ty_desc.node_outputs in
new_inp, new_outp
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ let eqs funs () eq_list =
let eqs, () = Mls_mapfold.eqs funs () eq_list in
schedule eqs, ()
let edesc funs () = function
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Enode f } as app),
n, e_list, r) when Itfusion.is_anon_node f ->
let nd = Itfusion.find_anon_node f in
@ -154,10 +154,9 @@ let rec assoc_type n var_env =
let rec unalias_ctype = function
| Cty_id ty_name ->
let { qualname = q; info = ty_desc } = find_type (qualname ty_name) in
match ty_desc with
| Talias ty -> unalias_ctype (ctype_of_otype ty)
| _ -> Cty_id ty_name
match find_type (current_qual ty_name) with
| Talias ty -> unalias_ctype (ctype_of_otype ty)
| _ -> Cty_id ty_name
with Not_found -> Cty_id ty_name)
| Cty_arr (n, cty) -> Cty_arr (n, unalias_ctype cty)
| Cty_ptr cty -> Cty_ptr (unalias_ctype cty)
@ -180,8 +179,8 @@ let rec assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env =
| Cfield(x, f) ->
let ty = assoc_type_lhs x var_env in
let n = struct_name ty in
let { info = fields } = find_struct (qualname n) in
ctype_of_otype (field_assoc (qualname f) fields)
let fields = find_struct (current_qual n) in
ctype_of_otype (field_assoc (current_qual f) fields)
(** Creates the statement a = [e_1, e_2, ..], which gives a list
a[i] = e_i.*)
@ -232,11 +231,11 @@ let rec cexpr_of_static_exp se =
Carraylit (repeat_list cc (int_of_static_exp n))
| Svar ln ->
let { info = cd } = find_const ln in
cexpr_of_static_exp (Static.simplify NamesEnv.empty cd.c_value)
let cd = find_const ln in
cexpr_of_static_exp (Static.simplify QualEnv.empty cd.c_value)
with Not_found -> assert false)
| Sop _ ->
let se' = Static.simplify NamesEnv.empty se in
let se' = Static.simplify QualEnv.empty se in
if se = se' then
Error.message se.se_loc Error.Estatic_exp_compute_failed
@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ let generate_function_call var_env obj_env outvl objn args =
(** The step function takes scalar arguments and its own internal memory
holding structure. *)
let args = step_fun_call var_env objn out args in
let args = step_fun_call var_env sig_info objn out args in
(** Our C expression for the function call. *)
Cfun_call (classn ^ "_step", args)
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ open Pp_tools
open Types
open Idents
open Names
open Global_printer
let print_vd ff vd =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
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