Renamed exp_ty label to ty for consistency
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 20 additions and 20 deletions
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ let switch x ci_eqs_list =
| [] | (_, []) :: _ -> []
| (_, (y, { e_ty = ty; e_loc = loc }) :: _) :: _ ->
let ci_e_list, ci_eqs_list = split ci_eqs_list in
(y, mk_exp ~exp_ty:ty ~loc:loc (Emerge(x, ci_e_list))) ::
(y, mk_exp ~ty:ty ~loc:loc (Emerge(x, ci_e_list))) ::
distribute ci_eqs_list in
check ci_eqs_list;
@ -221,25 +221,25 @@ let rec translate env
Heptagon.e_loc = loc } =
match desc with
| Heptagon.Econst c ->
Env.const env (mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Econst c))
Env.const env (mk_exp ~loc:loc ~ty:ty (Econst c))
| Heptagon.Evar x ->
Env.con env x (mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Evar x))
Env.con env x (mk_exp ~loc:loc ~ty:ty (Evar x))
| Heptagon.Epre(None, e) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(None, translate env e))
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~ty:ty (Efby(None, translate env e))
| Heptagon.Epre(Some c, e) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(Some c, translate env e))
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~ty:ty (Efby(Some c, translate env e))
| Heptagon.Efby ({ Heptagon.e_desc = Heptagon.Econst c }, e) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(Some c, translate env e))
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~ty:ty (Efby(Some c, translate env e))
| Heptagon.Estruct f_e_list ->
let f_e_list =
(fun (f, e) -> (f, translate env e)) f_e_list in
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Estruct f_e_list)
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~ty:ty (Estruct f_e_list)
| Heptagon.Eapp(app, e_list, reset) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Eapp (translate_app app,
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~ty:ty (Eapp (translate_app app,
|||| (translate env) e_list,
translate_reset reset))
| Heptagon.Eiterator(it, app, n, e_list, reset) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~ty:ty
(Eiterator (translate_iterator_type it,
translate_app app, n,
|||| (translate env) e_list,
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ let rec rename_pat ni locals s_eqs = function
let n_copy = Idents.fresh (sourcename n) in
Evarpat n_copy,
(mk_var_dec n_copy ty) :: locals,
add n (mk_exp ~exp_ty:ty (Evar n_copy)) s_eqs
add n (mk_exp ~ty:ty (Evar n_copy)) s_eqs
) else
Evarpat n, locals, s_eqs
| Heptagon.Etuplepat(l), Tprod l_ty ->
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ type program = {
(*Helper functions to build the AST*)
let mk_exp ?(exp_ty = invalid_type) ?(clock = Cbase) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = exp_ty; e_ck = clock; e_loc = loc }
let mk_exp ?(ty = invalid_type) ?(clock = Cbase) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_ck = clock; e_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(loc = no_location) ?(clock = Cbase) ident ty =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_clock = clock; v_loc = loc }
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ let is_op = function
let exp_list_of_static_exp_list se_list =
let mk_one_const se =
Minils.mk_exp ~exp_ty:se.se_ty (Minils.Econst se)
Minils.mk_exp ~ty:se.se_ty (Minils.Econst se)
|||| mk_one_const se_list
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ match l with
| _ -> Etuplepat ( (fun vd -> Evarpat vd.v_ident) l)
let tuple_of_vd_list l =
let el = (fun vd -> mk_exp ~exp_ty:vd.v_type (Evar vd.v_ident)) l in
let el = (fun vd -> mk_exp ~ty:vd.v_type (Evar vd.v_ident)) l in
let ty = ( (fun vd -> vd.v_type) l) in
mk_exp ~exp_ty:ty (Eapp (mk_app Etuple, el, None))
mk_exp ~ty:ty (Eapp (mk_app Etuple, el, None))
let vd_of_arg ad =
let n = match ad.a_name with None -> "_v" | Some n -> n in
@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ let get_node_inp_outp app = match app.a_op with
added equations. *)
let mk_call app acc_eq_list =
let new_inp, new_outp = get_node_inp_outp app in
let args = (fun vd -> mk_exp ~exp_ty:vd.v_type
let args = (fun vd -> mk_exp ~ty:vd.v_type
(Evar vd.v_ident)) new_inp in
let out_ty = ( (fun vd -> vd.v_type) new_outp) in
let e = mk_exp ~exp_ty:out_ty (Eapp (app, args, None)) in
let e = mk_exp ~ty:out_ty (Eapp (app, args, None)) in
match List.length new_outp with
| 1 -> new_inp, e, acc_eq_list
| _ ->
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ let equation (d_list, eq_list) e =
let pat_list = (fun n -> Evarpat n) var_list in
let eq_list = (mk_equation (Etuplepat pat_list) e) :: eq_list in
let e_list = List.map2
(fun n ty -> mk_exp ~exp_ty:ty (Evar n)) var_list ty_list in
(fun n ty -> mk_exp ~ty:ty (Evar n)) var_list ty_list in
let e = Eapp(mk_app Etuple, e_list, None) in
(d_list, eq_list), e
| _ ->
@ -287,9 +287,9 @@ and translate_list kind context e_list =
and fby kind context e v e1 =
let mk_fby c e =
mk_exp ~exp_ty:e.e_ty ~loc:e.e_loc (Efby(Some c, e)) in
mk_exp ~ty:e.e_ty ~loc:e.e_loc (Efby(Some c, e)) in
let mk_pre e =
mk_exp ~exp_ty:e.e_ty ~loc:e.e_loc (Efby(None, e)) in
mk_exp ~ty:e.e_ty ~loc:e.e_loc (Efby(None, e)) in
match e1.e_desc, v with
| Eapp({ a_op = Etuple } as app, e_list, r),
Some { se_desc = Stuple se_list } ->
Reference in a new issue