Automata with mapfold
It does not change much the code but at least we can now see what is important.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 172 additions and 0 deletions
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* removing automata statements *)
open Misc
open Types
open Names
open Ident
open Heptagon
open Hept_mapfold
let mk_var_exp n ty =
mk_exp (Evar n) ty
let mk_pair e1 e2 =
mk_exp (mk_op_app Etuple [e1;e2]) (Tprod [e1.e_ty; e2.e_ty])
let mk_reset_equation eq_list e =
mk_equation (Ereset (eq_list, e))
let mk_switch_equation e l =
mk_equation (Eswitch (e, l))
let mk_exp_fby_false e =
mk_exp (Epre (Some (mk_static_exp (Sconstructor Initial.pfalse)), e))
(Tid Initial.pbool)
let mk_exp_fby_state initial e =
{ e with e_desc = Epre (Some (mk_static_exp (Sconstructor initial)), e) }
(* the list of enumerated types introduced to represent states *)
let state_type_dec_list = ref []
let intro_type states =
let list env = NamesEnv.fold (fun _ state l -> state :: l) env [] in
let n = gen_symbol () in
let state_type = "st" ^ n in
state_type_dec_list :=
(mk_type_dec state_type (Type_enum (list states))) :: !state_type_dec_list;
(* an automaton may be a Moore automaton, i.e., with only weak transitions; *)
(* a Mealy one, i.e., with only strong transition or mixed *)
let moore_mealy state_handlers =
let handler (moore, mealy) { s_until = l1; s_unless = l2 } =
(moore or (l1 <> []), mealy or (l2 <> [])) in
List.fold_left handler (false, false) state_handlers
let translate_automaton v eq_list handlers =
let has_until, has_unless = moore_mealy handlers in
let states =
let suffix = gen_symbol () in
(fun env { s_state = n } -> NamesEnv.add n (n ^ suffix) env)
NamesEnv.empty handlers in
let statetype = intro_type states in
let tstatetype = Tid statetype in
let initial = Name(NamesEnv.find (List.hd handlers).s_state states) in
let statename = Ident.fresh "s" in
let next_statename = Ident.fresh "ns" in
let resetname = Ident.fresh "r" in
let next_resetname = Ident.fresh "nr" in
let pre_next_resetname = Ident.fresh "pnr" in
let name n = Name(NamesEnv.find n states) in
let state n = mk_exp (Econst (mk_static_exp
(Sconstructor (name n)))) tstatetype in
let statevar n = mk_var_exp n tstatetype in
let boolvar n = mk_var_exp n (Tid Initial.pbool) in
let escapes n s rcont =
let escape { e_cond = e; e_reset = r; e_next_state = n } cont =
mk_ifthenelse e (mk_pair (state n) (if r then dtrue else dfalse)) cont
List.fold_right escape s (mk_pair (state n) rcont)
let strong { s_state = n; s_unless = su } =
let defnames = Env.add resetname (Tid Initial.pbool) Env.empty in
let defnames = Env.add statename tstatetype defnames in
let st_eq = mk_simple_equation
(Etuplepat[Evarpat(statename); Evarpat(resetname)])
(escapes n su (boolvar pre_next_resetname)) in
mk_block defnames [mk_reset_equation [st_eq]
(boolvar pre_next_resetname)]
let weak { s_state = n; s_block = b; s_until = su } =
let defnames = Env.add next_resetname (Tid Initial.pbool) b.b_defnames in
let defnames = Env.add next_statename tstatetype defnames in
let ns_eq = mk_simple_equation
(Etuplepat[Evarpat(next_statename); Evarpat(next_resetname)])
(escapes n su dfalse) in
{ b with b_equs =
[mk_reset_equation (ns_eq::b.b_equs) (boolvar resetname)];
(* (or_op (boolvar pre_next_resetname) (boolvar resetname))]; *)
b_defnames = defnames;
let v =
(mk_var_dec next_statename (Tid(statetype))) ::
(mk_var_dec resetname (Tid Initial.pbool)) ::
(mk_var_dec next_resetname (Tid Initial.pbool)) ::
(mk_var_dec pre_next_resetname (Tid Initial.pbool)) :: v in
(* we optimise the case of an only strong automaton *)
(* or only weak automaton *)
match has_until, has_unless with
| true, false ->
let switch_e = mk_exp_fby_state initial (statevar next_statename) in
let switch_handlers = (
(fun ({ s_state = n } as case) ->
{ w_name = name n; w_block = weak case })
handlers) in
let switch_eq = mk_switch_equation switch_e switch_handlers in
let nr_eq = mk_simple_equation (Evarpat pre_next_resetname)
(mk_exp_fby_false (boolvar (next_resetname))) in
let pnr_eq = mk_simple_equation (Evarpat resetname)
(boolvar pre_next_resetname) in
(* a Moore automaton with only weak transitions *)
v, switch_eq :: nr_eq :: pnr_eq :: eq_list
| _ ->
(* the general case; two switch to generate,
statename variable used and defined *)
let v = (mk_var_dec statename (Tid statetype)) :: v in
let ns_switch_e = mk_exp_fby_state initial (statevar next_statename) in
let ns_switch_handlers =
(fun ({ s_state = n } as case) ->
{ w_name = name n; w_block = strong case })
handlers in
let ns_switch_eq = mk_switch_equation ns_switch_e ns_switch_handlers in
let switch_e = statevar statename in
let switch_handlers =
(fun ({ s_state = n } as case) ->
{ w_name = name n; w_block = weak case })
handlers in
let switch_eq = mk_switch_equation switch_e switch_handlers in
let pnr_eq = mk_simple_equation (Evarpat pre_next_resetname)
(mk_exp_fby_false (boolvar (next_resetname))) in
v, ns_switch_eq :: switch_eq :: pnr_eq :: eq_list
let rec eq funs (v, eq_list) eq =
let eq, (v, eq_list) = Hept_mapfold.eq funs (v, eq_list) eq in
match eq.eq_desc with
| Eautomaton state_handlers ->
eq, translate_automaton v eq_list state_handlers
| _ -> eq, (v, eq::eq_list)
let node_dec funs acc n =
let n, (v, eq_list) = Hept_mapfold.node_dec funs ([],[]) n in
{ n with n_local = v @ n.n_local; n_equs = eq_list @ n.n_equs; }, acc
let block funs acc b =
let b, (v, acc_eq_list) = Hept_mapfold.block funs ([], []) b in
{ b with b_local = v @ b.b_local; b_equs = acc_eq_list@b.b_equs }, acc
let program p =
let funs = { Hept_mapfold.defaults
with eq = eq; block = block; node_dec = node_dec } in
let p, _ = Hept_mapfold.program_it funs ([],[]) p in
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