Fix for interference

Works on a simple program
This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-04-20 16:52:34 +02:00
parent 9a7f9254d2
commit a7015a9bf4
2 changed files with 28 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ open Clocks
open Signature
open Minils
open Interference_graph
open Printf
let memalloc_debug = true
module TyEnv =
@ -179,20 +182,23 @@ let number_uses iv uses =
| Not_found -> 0
let add_uses uses iv env =
if World.is_optimized iv then
if World.is_optimized iv then (
Format.printf "Adding uses of %s@." (ivar_to_string iv);
IvarEnv.add iv (number_uses iv uses) env
) else (
Format.printf "Ignoring uses of %s@." (ivar_to_string iv);
let compute_live_vars eqs =
let uses = compute_uses eqs in
let aux eq (env,res) =
let aux (env,res) eq =
let decr_uses iv env =
if World.is_optimized iv then
IvarEnv.add iv ((IvarEnv.find iv env) - 1) env
| Not_found -> assert false
| Not_found -> Format.printf "var not found : %s@." (ivar_to_string iv); assert false
@ -203,7 +209,7 @@ let compute_live_vars eqs =
env, res
let env = IvarSet.fold (add_uses uses) !World.memories IvarEnv.empty in
let _, res = List.fold_right aux eqs (env, []) in
let _, res = List.fold_left aux (env, []) eqs in
@ -430,6 +436,15 @@ let color_interf_graphs igs =
(* and finish the coloring *)
List.iter color igs
let print_graphs f igs =
let cpt = ref 0 in
let print_graph ig =
let s = (Names.shortname f.n_name)^ (string_of_int !cpt) in
print_graph (Names.fullname f.n_name) s ig;
cpt := !cpt + 1
List.iter print_graph igs
(** Create the list of lists of variables stored together,
from the interference graph.*)
let create_subst_lists igs =
@ -438,11 +453,13 @@ let create_subst_lists igs =
List.flatten ( create_one_ig igs)
let node funs acc f =
let node _ acc f =
(** Build the interference graphs *)
let igs = build_interf_graph f in
(** Color the graph *)
color_interf_graphs igs;
if memalloc_debug then
print_graphs f igs;
(** Remember the choice we made for code generation *)
{ f with n_mem_alloc = create_subst_lists igs }, acc

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@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ module DotG = struct
let name = ref ""
let color_to_graphviz_color i =
(i * 8364263947 + 855784368)
(*Functions for printing the graph *)
let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
let default_edge_attributes _ = []
@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ module DotG = struct
let vertex_attributes v =
let s = String.concat ", " ( (fun iv -> ivar_to_string iv) !(V.label v)) in
[`Label s]
[`Label s; `Color (color_to_graphviz_color (Mark.get v))]
let edge_attributes e =
let style =
@ -235,5 +238,6 @@ let print_graph label filename g =
let ty_str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in := label^" : "^ty_str;
let oc = open_out (filename ^ ".dot") in
Format.printf "Wrriting to" filename;
DotPrint.output_graph oc g.g_graph;
close_out oc