Fix interaction between tomato and memalloc

Take linearity into account when comparing exps
This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-09-07 14:15:33 +02:00
parent caa43f163f
commit 9d1702587a
2 changed files with 21 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -95,3 +95,18 @@ let rec lin_to_string = function
let print_linearity ff l =
fprintf ff " %s" (lin_to_string l)
let rec linearity_compare l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
| Ltop, Ltop -> 0
| Lvar v1, Lvar v2 -> compare v1 v2
| Lat v1, Lat v2 -> compare v1 v2
| Ltuple l1, Ltuple l2 -> list_compare linearity_compare l1 l2
| Ltop, _ -> 1
| Lvar _, Ltop -> -1
| Lvar _, _ -> 1
| Lat _ , (Ltop | Lvar _) -> -1
| Lat _ , _ -> 1
| Ltuple _, _ -> -1

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@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ struct
let cr = Global_compare.type_compare w1.w_ty w2.w_ty in
if cr <> 0 then cr
let cr = Linearity.linearity_compare w1.w_linearity w2.w_linearity in
if cr <> 0 then cr
match w1.w_desc, w2.w_desc with
| Wconst se1, Wconst se2 -> Global_compare.static_exp_compare se1 se2
| Wvar vi1, Wvar vi2 -> ident_compare vi1 vi2
@ -50,6 +53,9 @@ struct
let cr = Global_compare.type_compare e1.e_ty e2.e_ty in
if cr <> 0 then cr
let cr = Linearity.linearity_compare e1.e_linearity e2.e_linearity in
if cr <> 0 then cr
let cr = C.clock_compare e1.e_base_ck e2.e_base_ck in
if cr <> 0 then cr