Upgrading to new ReaTK API (>= 0.9.4).
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 72 additions and 65 deletions
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ let targets =
mk_target ~load_conf:java_conf "java" (Obc Java_main.program);
mk_target ~load_conf:java_conf "java14" (Obc Java14_main.program);
mk_target "z3z" (Minils_no_params ignore);
mk_target "ctrl-n" (Minils_no_params ignore); (* NB: `ignore'? *)
mk_target "ctrln" (Minils_no_params ignore); (* NB: `ignore'? *)
mk_target "obc" (Obc write_obc_file);
mk_target "obc_np" (Obc_no_params write_obc_file);
mk_target "epo" (Minils write_object_file) ]
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<analysis> or <transformations> or <main> or <parsing>:include
@ -39,10 +39,8 @@ open Types
open Names
open Idents
open Minils
open BatMap
open CtrlNbac.AST
open CtrlNbac
module SSet = Set.Make (Symb)
open AST
let (&) f g = f g
@ -51,25 +49,24 @@ exception Untranslatable of string (* XXX not catched yet! *)
(* --- *)
(** Private record gathering temporary generation data *)
type gen_data =
type 'f gen_data =
typdefs: Symb.t typdefs;
decls: Symb.t decls;
typdefs: 'f typdefs;
decls: 'f node_decls;
outputs: SSet.t;
init: Symb.t bexp;
init_cond: Symb.t bexp;
assertion: Symb.t bexp;
invariant: Symb.t bexp;
init_cond: 'f bexp;
init_state: 'f bexp;
assertion: 'f bexp;
invariant: 'f bexp;
(* reachable: bexp; *)
(* --- *)
let sm = Symb.string_man
let tt = mk_bcst' true
let ff = mk_bcst' false
let init_state_var = "__init__" (* XXX uniqueness? *)
let init_cond = `Ref init_state_var
let init_cond_str = "__init__" (* XXX uniqueness? *)
and sink_state_str = "__sink__"
let ref_of_typ = function
| `Bool -> mk_bref
@ -78,8 +75,8 @@ let ref_of_typ = function
(* --- *)
let translate_constr { name } = mk_label sm name (* XXX use module name (?) *)
let translate_constrs cl = mk_etyp sm (List.map translate_constr cl)
let translate_constr { name } = mk_label & mk_symb name (* XXX use module name (?) *)
let translate_constrs cl = mk_etyp (List.map translate_constr cl)
(* --- *)
@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ let translate_typ typ = match Modules.unalias_type typ with
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "int" }) -> `Int
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "real" }) -> `Real (* XXX? *)
| Tid ({ name = tn } as t) -> (match Modules.find_type t with
| Tenum _ -> `Enum (mk_typname sm tn)
| Tenum _ -> `Enum (mk_typname (mk_symb tn))
| _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("type "^ fullname t))
| Tprod _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("product type")
| Tarray _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("array type")
@ -119,22 +116,22 @@ let translate_static_nexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
(* --- *)
let rec translate_ext_bexp ~pref : _ -> string bexp = function
let rec translate_ext_bexp ~pref : _ -> 'f bexp = function
| Wconst se -> translate_static_bexp se
| Wvar id -> mk_bref' (pref & name id)
| Wvar id -> mk_bref' (pref & mk_symb & name id)
| Wfield _ -> failwith "TODO Unsupported Boolean `field' expression!"
| Wwhen (ev, _, _) -> translate_ext_bexp ~pref ev.w_desc
| Wreinit _ -> failwith "TODO Unsupported Boolean `reinit' expression!"
and translate_ext_eexp ~pref : _ -> string eexp = function
and translate_ext_eexp ~pref : _ -> 'f eexp = function
| Wconst se -> translate_static_eexp se
| Wvar id -> mk_eref' (pref & name id)
| Wvar id -> mk_eref' (pref & mk_symb & name id)
| Wwhen (ev, _, _) -> translate_ext_eexp ~pref ev.w_desc
| _ -> failwith "TODO Unsupported Enum expression!"
and translate_ext_nexp ~pref : _ -> string nexp = function
and translate_ext_nexp ~pref : _ -> 'f nexp = function
| Wconst se -> translate_static_nexp se
| Wvar id -> mk_nref' (pref & name id)
| Wvar id -> mk_nref' (pref & mk_symb & name id)
| Wwhen (ev, _, _) -> translate_ext_nexp ~pref ev.w_desc
| _ -> failwith "TODO Unsupported Numerical expression!"
@ -157,7 +154,7 @@ let translate_app ~pref op el =
|("<=" | "<=."), [e;f] -> mk_le e f
|(">" | ">."), [e;f] -> mk_gt e f
|(">=" | ">=."), [e;f] -> mk_ge e f
|("+" | "+."), e::f::l -> mk_add e f l
|("+" | "+."), e::f::l -> mk_sum e f l
|("-" | "-."), e::f::l -> mk_sub e f l
|("*" | "*."), e::f::l -> mk_mul e f l
|("/" | "/."), e::f::l -> mk_div e f l
@ -166,6 +163,7 @@ let translate_app ~pref op el =
match op, List.map (translate_ext ~pref) el with
| Eequal, [e;f] -> mk_eq e f
| Efun { qual=Pervasives; name }, el -> pervasives (name, el)
(* *)
| Eifthenelse, [c;t;e] -> mk_cond c t e
| _ -> failwith "Unsupported application!"
@ -176,7 +174,7 @@ let rec translate_exp ~pref t ({ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty }) = (* XXX clock? *)
| Eextvalue ext -> translate_ext ~pref ext
| Eapp ({ a_op }, el, _) -> translate_app ~pref a_op el
| Emerge (v, (_c, e) :: l) ->
let v = pref & name v in
let v = pref & mk_symb & name v in
(fun x (c, e) -> mk_cond
(mk_eq (mk_eref v) (mk_ecst (translate_constr c)))
@ -194,27 +192,27 @@ let rec translate_clk ~pref on off = function
| Clocks.Cbase | Clocks.Cvar { contents = Clocks.Cindex _ } -> on
| Clocks.Cvar { contents = Clocks.Clink ck } -> translate_clk ~pref on off ck
| Clocks.Con (ck, {name = cstr}, v) ->
let v = pref & name v in
let c = mk_eq (mk_eref v) (mk_ecst (mk_label sm cstr)) in
let v = pref & mk_symb & name v in
let c = mk_eq (mk_eref v) (mk_ecst (mk_label (mk_symb cstr))) in
translate_clk ~pref (mk_cond c on off) off ck
(* --- *)
let add_state_var gd v typ exp i =
let mk_init = match typ, i with
| _, None -> mk_and' tt
let add_state_var gd v typ exp init =
let mk_init = match typ, init with
| _, None -> (fun b -> b)
| `Bool, Some i -> mk_and' (mk_beq' (mk_bref' v) (translate_static_bexp i))
| `Enum _, Some i -> mk_and' (mk_eeq' (mk_eref' v) (translate_static_eexp i))
| #ntyp, Some i -> mk_and' (mk_neq' (mk_nref' v) (translate_static_nexp i))
{ gd with
decls = PMap.add v (typ, NBstate exp) gd.decls;
init = mk_init gd.init; }
decls = SMap.add v (typ, `State (exp, None), None) gd.decls;
init_state = mk_init gd.init_state; }
let add_output_var gd v typ exp = add_state_var gd v typ exp None
let add_local_var gd v typ exp =
{ gd with decls = PMap.add v (typ, NBlocal exp) gd.decls; }
{ gd with decls = SMap.add v (typ, `Local (exp, None), None) gd.decls; }
(* --- *)
@ -225,7 +223,7 @@ let translate_eq ~pref gd ({ eq_lhs = pat;
match pat with
| Evarpat id ->
let v = pref & name id in
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
match exp with
| Efby (init, ev) ->
let ev = translate_ext ~pref ev in
@ -242,13 +240,14 @@ let translate_eqs ~pref = List.fold_left (translate_eq ~pref)
(* --- *)
let prefix_vars ~pref vars =
let prefix_vars ~pref vars : symb -> symb =
let vars = List.fold_left
(fun acc { v_ident = id } -> (* XXX "_" only? *)
let v = name id in PMap.add v (sm.sm_prepend "_" v) acc)
(PMap.create Symb.compare) vars
let v = mk_symb & name id in
SMap.add v (mk_symb ("_" ^ Symb.to_string v)) acc)
(SMap.empty) vars
fun p -> pref (try PMap.find p vars with Not_found -> p)
fun p -> pref (try SMap.find p vars with Not_found -> p)
(** Contract translation *)
let translate_contract ~pref gd
@ -256,11 +255,14 @@ let translate_contract ~pref gd
c_assume = a; c_enforce = g;
c_assume_loc = a'; c_enforce_loc = g';
c_controllables = cl }) =
let declare_contr decls { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } i =
let v = name id in
PMap.add v (translate_typ typ, NBcontr (0, i)) decls in
let declare_contrs decls cl = fst & List.fold_left
(fun (decls, i) c -> (declare_contr decls c i, succ i)) (decls, 0) cl in
let declare_contr decls { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } rank =
let v = mk_symb & name id in
SMap.add v (translate_typ typ, `Contr (AST.one, rank, None), None) decls in
let declare_contrs decls cl =
fst & List.fold_left
(fun (decls, rank) c -> (declare_contr decls c rank, AST.succ rank))
(decls, one) cl
let pref = prefix_vars ~pref c_local in
let gd = { gd with decls = declare_contrs gd.decls cl } in
@ -271,7 +273,7 @@ let translate_contract ~pref gd
let gd, ok =
if !Compiler_options.nosink
then (gd, ok)
else let sink = pref "_ok_state_flag" in (* XXX uniqueness? *)
else let sink = pref & mk_symb sink_state_str in
let ok = `Bexp (mk_bcond' gd.init_cond tt ok) in
(add_state_var gd sink `Bool ok None, mk_bref' sink)
@ -283,34 +285,41 @@ let translate_contract ~pref gd
(** Node translation. Note the given node is not expored if it does not comprize a
contract. *)
let translate_node typdefs = function
let translate_node typdefs : 'n -> 'n * (name * 'f AST.node) option = function
| ({ n_contract = None } as node) -> node, None
| ({ n_name; n_input; n_output; n_equs; n_contract = Some contr } as node) ->
let declare_output om { v_ident = id } = SSet.add (name id) om in
let declare_output s { v_ident = id } = SSet.add (mk_symb & name id) s in
let declare_input decls { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } =
PMap.add (name id) (translate_typ typ, NBinput 0) decls in
SMap.add (mk_symb & name id) (translate_typ typ, `Input one, None)
decls in
let pref p = p in
let empty = PMap.create Symb.compare in
let outputs = List.fold_left declare_output SSet.empty n_output in
let decls = List.fold_left declare_input empty n_input in
let decls = PMap.add init_state_var (`Bool, NBstate (`Bexp ff)) decls in
let decls = List.fold_left declare_input SMap.empty n_input in
let gd = { typdefs; decls; outputs; init_cond; init = init_cond;
let init_cond_var = mk_symb init_cond_str in
let init_cond = mk_bref' init_cond_var in
let decls = SMap.add init_cond_var
(`Bool, `State (`Bexp ff, None), None) decls in
(* let init_cond = tt in *)
let gd = { typdefs; decls; outputs;
init_cond; init_state = tt;
assertion = tt; invariant = tt; } in
let gd = translate_contract ~pref gd contr in
let gd = translate_eqs ~pref gd n_equs in
let ctrln_node = {
let ctrln_node_desc = {
cn_typs = typdefs;
cn_decls = gd.decls;
cn_init = gd.init;
cn_assertion = mk_or' init_cond gd.assertion;
cn_init = mk_and' gd.init_state init_cond;
cn_assertion = (* mk_or' init_cond *)gd.assertion;
cn_invariant = Some (mk_or' init_cond gd.invariant);
cn_reachable = None;
cn_attractive = None;
} in
node, Some (n_name.name, ctrln_node)
node, Some (n_name.name, (`Desc ctrln_node_desc : 'f AST.node))
(* --- *)
@ -334,11 +343,11 @@ let gen ({ p_desc = desc } as p) =
| node, None -> (typdefs, nodes, Pnode node :: descs)
| Ptype { t_name = { name }; t_desc = Type_enum cl } ->
let tn = mk_typname sm name and typ = translate_constrs cl in
let typdefs = declare_typ sm tn typ typdefs in
let tn = mk_typname & mk_symb name and typ = translate_constrs cl in
let typdefs = declare_typ tn typ typdefs in
(typdefs, nodes, descs)
| p -> (typdefs, nodes, p :: descs)
end (empty_typdefs sm, [], []) desc
end (empty_typdefs, [], []) desc
(* let cnp_name = Names.modul_to_string p.p_modname *)
let cnp_nodes = List.rev nodes and p_desc = List.rev descs in
@ -31,5 +31,4 @@
(* Interface documentation is in `ctrlNbacGen.ml' only. *)
(** *)
val gen: Minils.program ->
(string * CtrlNbac.Symb.t CtrlNbac.AST.node) list * Minils.program
val gen: Minils.program -> (string * 'f CtrlNbac.AST.node) list * Minils.program
@ -41,11 +41,10 @@ let gen_n_output_ctrln p =
let nodes, p = CtrlNbacGen.gen p in
let filename = filename_of_name (Names.modul_to_string p.Minils.p_modname) in
let dir = clean_dir (build_path (filename ^"_ctrln")) in
let sm = CtrlNbac.Symb.string_man in
List.iter begin fun (node_name, node) ->
let oc = open_out (dir ^"/"^ node_name ^".nbac") in
let oc = open_out (dir ^"/"^ node_name ^".ctrln") in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
CtrlNbac.AST.print sm ~print_header:print_header_info fmt node;
CtrlNbac.AST.print_node ~print_header:print_header_info fmt node;
close_out oc
end nodes;
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ let compile_program p =
pass "Scheduling" true Schedule.program p pp
let ctrln = List.mem "ctrl-n" !target_languages in
let ctrln = List.mem "ctrln" !target_languages in
let _p = pass "Controllable Nbac generation" ctrln gen_n_output_ctrln p pp in
(* NB: XXX _p is ignored for now... *)
Reference in a new issue