Handle Easync in heptagon/*
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6 changed files with 27 additions and 7 deletions
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ and apply op e_list =
let i2 = typing e2 in
let i3 = typing e3 in
ctuplelist [t1; i2; i3]
| ( Efun _| Enode _ | Econcat | Eselect_slice
| ( Efun _ | Easync _ | Enode _ | Econcat | Eselect_slice
| Eselect_dyn | Eselect_trunc | Eselect | Earray_fill | Ereinit) ->
ctuplelist (List.map typing e_list)
| (Earray | Etuple) ->
@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ and typing_app h base pat op e_list = match op with
| Efun { qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "fprintf" } ->
List.iter (expect h pat (Ck base)) e_list;
Cprod []
| (Efun f | Enode f) ->
(* FIXME(Arduino): voir si c'est correct *)
| (Efun f | Enode f | Easync (f, _)) ->
let node = Modules.find_value f in
let pat_id_list = ident_list_of_pat pat in
let rec build_env a_l v_l env = match a_l, v_l with
@ -525,7 +525,8 @@ and collect_app env op e_list = match op with
| Efun { qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "fprintf" | "printf" } ->
VarsCollection.prod []
| Efun f | Enode f ->
(* FIXME(Arduino): voir si c'est correct *)
| Efun f | Enode f | Easync (f, _) ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
@ -590,7 +591,7 @@ and typing_app env op e_list = match op with
let e = assert_1 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e in
Ltop, env
| Eifthenelse | Efun _ | Enode _ | Etuple
| Eifthenelse | Efun _ | Enode _ | Easync _ | Etuple
| Eupdate | Efield_update | Ereinit -> assert false (*already done in expect_app*)
(** Check that the application of op to e_list can have the linearity
@ -600,7 +601,8 @@ and expect_app env expected_lin op e_list = match op with
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env e_list in
Ltuple [], env
| Efun f | Enode f ->
(* FIXME(Arduino): voir si c'est correct *)
| Efun f | Enode f | Easync (f, _) ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
@ -769,7 +769,8 @@ and typing_app cenv h app e_list =
let typed_format_args = typing_format_args cenv h typed_e1 format_args in
Tprod [], app, typed_e1::typed_e2::typed_format_args
| (Efun f | Enode f) ->
(* FIXME(Arduino): voir si c'est correct *)
| (Efun f | Enode f | Easync (f, _)) ->
let ty_desc = find_value f in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list = kind f ty_desc in
let node_params = List.map (fun { p_name = n } -> local_qn n) ty_desc.node_params in
@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ and print_node_params ff l =
and print_exp_tuple ff l =
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_exp """,""") l
and print_static_exp_tuple ff l =
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_static_exp """,""") l
and print_vd_tuple ff l =
match l with
| [] -> fprintf ff "()"
@ -203,6 +206,13 @@ and print_app ff (app, args) =
print_stateful ff true;
fprintf ff "@[%a@,%a@,%a@]"
print_qualname f print_params app.a_params print_exp_tuple args
| Easync (f, ack) ->
fprintf ff "@[async@,%a@,%a@,%a@,on@,%s@,%a@]"
print_qualname f
print_params app.a_params
print_exp_tuple args
print_static_exp_tuple ack.ack_params
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 args in
fprintf ff "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@ else %a@]"
@ -350,6 +350,11 @@ and translate_desc loc env = function
let e1 = translate_exp env e1 in
Heptagon.Esplit(x, e1)
and translate_ack { ack_name = name; ack_params = params } =
let tr_params = List.map translate_static_exp params in
{ Heptagon.ack_name = name;
Heptagon.ack_params = tr_params }
and translate_op = function
| Earrow -> Heptagon.Earrow
| Eifthenelse -> Heptagon.Eifthenelse
@ -366,7 +371,8 @@ and translate_op = function
| Eselect_trunc -> Heptagon.Eselect_trunc
| Efun ln -> Heptagon.Efun (qualify_value ln)
| Enode ln -> Heptagon.Enode (qualify_value ln)
| Easync (ln, ack) -> Heptagon.Easync (qualify_value ln, ack)
| Easync (ln, ack) ->
Heptagon.Easync (qualify_value ln, translate_ack ack)
| Ereinit -> Heptagon.Ereinit
and translate_pat loc env = function
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