Mls parsing to ammend.

This commit is contained in:
Léonard Gérard 2010-06-30 03:26:48 +02:00
parent 7ab2efea40
commit 92afdbfb98
2 changed files with 61 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ List.iter (fun (str,tok) -> Hashtbl.add keyword_table str tok) [
"tel", TEL;
"fby", FBY;
"when", WHEN;
"merge", MERGE;
"type", TYPE;
"true", BOOL(true);
"false", BOOL(false);
@ -36,6 +37,10 @@ List.iter (fun (str,tok) -> Hashtbl.add keyword_table str tok) [
"if", IF;
"then", THEN;
"else", ELSE;
"with", WITH;
"map", MAP;
"fold", FOLD;
"mapfold", MAPFOLD;
"quo", INFIX3("quo");
"mod", INFIX3("mod");
"land", INFIX3("land");
@ -102,11 +107,14 @@ let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
rule token = parse
| [' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012'] + { token lexbuf }
| "." {DOT}
| ".." {DOTDOT}
| "(" {LPAREN}
| ")" {RPAREN}
| "*" { STAR }
| "{" {LBRACE}
| "}" {RBRACE}
| "[" {LBRACKET}
| "]" {RBRACKET}
| ":" {COLON}
| ";" {SEMICOL}
| "=" {EQUAL}
@ -115,10 +123,12 @@ rule token = parse
| "||" {BARBAR}
| "," {COMMA}
(* | "->" {ARROW} *)
| "->" {ARROW}
| "|" {BAR}
| "-" {SUBTRACTIVE "-"}
| "-." {SUBTRACTIVE "-."}
| "^" {POWER}
| "@" {AROBASE}
| "<<" {DOUBLE_LESS}
| (['A'-'Z']('_' ? ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' ''' '0'-'9']) * as id)

View file

@ -32,10 +32,16 @@ let mk_var name ty = mk_var_dec name ty
%token RESET
%token IF
%token THEN
%token ELSE
%token ARROW
%token MERGE
%token POWER
%token AROBASE
%token WITH
%token DOTDOT
%token <string> PREFIX
%token <string> INFIX0
%token <string> INFIX1
@ -45,9 +51,8 @@ let mk_var name ty = mk_var_dec name ty
%token <string> INFIX4
%token EOF
%right AROBASE
%left ELSE
%left OR
@ -55,32 +60,25 @@ let mk_var name ty = mk_var_dec name ty
%left INFIX2 prefixs
%left INFIX4
%left WHEN
%right FBY
%right PRE
%left POWER
%start program
%type <Minils.program> program
/*TODO deal with when merge and co*/
/*TODO add arrow ?*/
/*TODO be happy with the tools*/
/*TODO add arrow (init) ?*/
/** Tools **/
/* Redefinitions */
%inline slist(S, x) : l=separated_list(S, x) {l}
%inline snlist(S, x) : l=separated_nonempty_list(S, x) {l}
%inline tuple(x) : LPAREN h=x COMMA t=snlist(COMMA,x) RPAREN { h::t }
%inline option(P,x):
|/* empty */ { None }
| P v=x { Some(v) }
%inline option2(L,x,R):
|/* empty */ { None }
| L v=x R { Some(v) }
qualified(x) :
| n=x { Name(n) }
@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ structure(field): LBRACE s=snlist(SEMICOL,field) RBRACE {s}
| pragma_headers open_modules type_decs node_decs EOF
| pragma_headers open_modules type_decs node_decs EOF /*TODO const decs */
{{ p_pragmas = List.rev $1;
p_opened = List.rev $2;
p_types = $3;
@ -142,9 +140,9 @@ pat:
| n=NAME {Evarpat (ident_of_name n)}
| LPAREN p=snlist(COMMA, pat) RPAREN {Etuplepat p}
longname: l=qualified(name) {l}
longname: l=qualified(name) {l} /* qualified var (not a constructor) */
constructor: /* of type longname */
| ln=qualified(CONSTRUCTOR) {ln}
| b=BOOL { Name(if b then "true" else "false") }
@ -168,19 +166,51 @@ exp:
| c=const { mk_exp (Econst c) }
| const FBY exp { mk_exp (Efby(Some($1),$3)) }
| PRE exp { mk_exp (Efby(None,$2)) }
| op=node_app a=exps r=reset { mk_exp (Ecall(op, a, r)) }
| op=funop a=exps r=reset { mk_exp (Ecall(op, a, r)) }
| e1=exp i_op=infix e2=exp
{ mk_exp (Ecall(mk_op ~op_kind:Efun i_op, [e1; e2], None)) }
| p_op=prefix e=exp %prec prefixs
{ mk_exp (Ecall(mk_op ~op_kind:Efun p_op, [e], None)) }
| IF e1=exp THEN e2=exp ELSE e3=exp { mk_exp (Eifthenelse(e1, e2, e3)) }
| e=simple_exp DOT m=longname { mk_exp (Efield(e, m)) }
| e=exp WHEN c=constructor LPAREN n=ident RPAREN
{ mk_exp (Ewhen(e, c, n)) }
| MERGE n=ident h=handlers { mk_exp (Emerge(n, h)) }
| LPAREN r=exp WITH DOT ln=longname EQUAL nv=exp /*ordre louche...*/
{ mk_exp (Efield_update(ln, r, nv)) }
| op=array_op { mk_exp (Earray_op op) }
/* ??? TODO | Earray of exp list [e1,e2,e3...] ???? */
array_op: /* TODO quel vrai gain de séparer les array op ? gain pour cédric ?*/
| e=exp POWER p=e_param { Erepeat(p, e) } /*ordre louche...*/
| e=simple_exp i=indexes { Eselect(i, e) } /*ordre louche...*/
/*TODO | e=exp i=indexes_dyn DEFAULT d=exp { Eselect_dyn(i,???? ,e ,d) } */
| LPAREN e=exp WITH i=indexes EQUAL nv=exp { Eupdate(i, e, nv) } /*ordre louche...*/
| e=simple_exp LBRACKET i1=e_param DOTDOT i2=e_param RBRACKET
{ Eselect_slice(i1, i2, e) }
| e1=exp AROBASE e2=exp { Econcat(e1,e2) }
| LPAREN f=iterator LPAREN op=funop RPAREN
DOUBLE_LESS p=e_param DOUBLE_GREATER /* une seule dimension ? */
RPAREN a=exps r=reset { Eiterator(f,op,p,a,r) }
/* Static indexes [p1][p2]... */
indexes: is=nonempty_list(index) { is }
index: LBRACKET p=e_param RBRACKET { p }
/* Merge handlers ( B -> e)( C -> ec)... */
handlers: hs=nonempty_list(handler) { hs }
handler: LPAREN c=constructor ARROW e=exp RPAREN { c,e }
| MAP { Imap }
| FOLD { Ifold }
| MAPFOLD { Imapfold }
reset: r=option(RESET,ident) { r }
node_app: ln=longname p=params(e_param) { mk_op ~op_kind:Enode ~op_params:p ln }
funop: ln=longname p=params(e_param) { mk_op ~op_kind:Enode ~op_params:p ln }
e_param: e=exp { size_exp_of_exp e }